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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. I was going by the text that reads 'These Russians, in battalion column... '.
  2. I'm pretty certain that what Steve means here, is that currently each unit has a flag set to spotted/unspotted which needs to be constantly checked as the turn progresses. In relative spotting the unit would require a flag for each unit that it can possibly spot. So that if the enemy force had a maximum of, say, 64 units, each unit would require 64 flags to be constantly checked in the course of a turn, which would be 64 times the work that the checking routine currently performs. Of course I could be totally wrong, I often am . [ September 15, 2002, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  3. Attacking in column, as I recall, was an innovation of Napoleon, but was rapidly made very expensive in terms of human life by the introduction of repeating rifles, never mind machine guns, as the American civil war proved. Even in Napoleon's time it could be less than effective against well trained musketry, hence Wellington's famous quote after Waterloo, 'They came on in the same old way and we beat them in the same old way.'
  4. Very nice work, I've been using the MDMP trees almost since I got the game, but yours are very tempting.
  5. Well remember folks, the Germans can buy it on Friday in the shops and spend all weekend annoying people .
  6. Shouldn't that be horse and motorcycle?
  7. The British version of PC Gamer have, for a long time, been listing CMBO has the best wargame on their recommended games page. I don't buy the magazine regularly (too much emphasis on RTS for me), but I picked up the latest copy yesterday and found that they have dropped the 'wargame' category and CMBO is now listed third in the 'turn based strategy' section (behind Civ 3 and Alpha Centauri). The blurb, which BFC might like to use is: What does Combat Mission say? It says you don't need massive development budgets. You don't need massive marketing campaigns. You don't need to leave your IQ at the door. You don't need to patronise the public. You don't need to compromise. All you need to be is the best, in terms of wargames, that's what this is.
  8. Dear Mr. Seanachai, We at Firefly Productions PLC would like to thank you for your recent request for a 'card' in which we express our undying hatred for you. We have recently entered into a commercial arrangement with Messrs Barnes and Noble which means that our North American customers can buy 'cards' directly from retail outlets in North America. However, as is normal with such arrangements, the prohibition on cross boundary competiton means that we are unable to supply you with a 'card' directly. In addition we regret that due to stipulations in Mexican law (over which Firefly Productions PLC has no control), the 'cards' available in North America do not contain the words 'Dear Seanachai, I hate you, love Firefly', however the 'cards' can be easily modded by you or another member of the community if this wording is important to you. We thank you for your continued interest in our products. yours etc. [ September 15, 2002, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  9. I often marvel at Shrulli's replies to arcane 3D card problems on the Tech. Support Forum. I don't understand them very often, but I marvel at them.
  10. So that's what it is. My second guess would have been a steam railway engine.
  11. When you are using a commander unit to spot for a mortar, it can only use area fire, it can't target specific units. So aim slightly to one side of whatever it is you want to hit.
  12. You have factories smaller than people? That's German engineering for you
  13. If you click on the profile box above a post (the one that looks like a little house with a bloke standing next to it), in the top right hand corner of the screen that comes up you'll see 'view recent posts'. All you need to do is find one of Steve's posts and do this. [ September 14, 2002, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  14. Someone was saying that it would be on the next issue of Mac Format.
  15. Well you know the saying Michael, 'a generation growing old disgracefully'.
  16. Nice to see that Guardsman Agnew remembered his manners. As Agnew dropped to the ground, he saw four men running for a ditch and promptly joined them. They were the German crew. After an exchange of cold stares, being a punctilious sort of man, he saluted smartly and disappeared into a cornfield to rejoin his comrades.
  17. As usual, no doubt for nefarious political reasons, Andreas totally ignores Stalin's 1943 directive that all T-34s be equipped with the Mk. 3 fluffy dice.
  18. From what I've read of Stalingrad the NKVD troops on the western side of the Volga fought as normal infantry. According to Beevor, NKVD deserters were shot just as readily as regular army deserters. However you shouldn't confuse detachments of NKVD troops with political commissars who were single individuals occasionally attached to units FWIW von Mellenthin (in Panzer Battles) has this to say about commissars: The commissars are almost exclusively city men and derive from the working class; they are courageous to the point of recklessness; they are also very intelligent, and know no scruples. Although they have no bond of sympathy with the troops, they have given the Russian army what it lacked in World War 1 - an iron and absolutely unshakeable discipline.. Usual provisos about using von M. as a source of course. [ September 13, 2002, 09:51 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  19. Obviously I can't answer for BFC, but it is my understanding that North Americans are more at home wiht ordering by mail and nowadays via the internet, than Europeans. I think this is a question of distance. I've often seen posts in various fora with Americans and Canadians saying that it's a 2 or 3 hour drive to their nearest EB. Mine (in south-west London) is a five minute walk.
  20. You're probably right, but I think using the letters ASL (probably copyright) in the title of the page could be what alerted the lawyers.
  21. Just a friendly reminder guys, be careful in labelling your ASL conversions. Remember what happened to the ASL for CM site.
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