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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. I haven't noticed it myself, the most recent I've received (about 5 minutes ago) is a movie turn from one of the CD scenarios - 481kb. I'm using the CDV version, but I can't see why it should be an issue of localisation. So far though I've only played scenarios PBEM, I wonder if it's just QBs that are casuing the problem. Edited for Kaizer: I always use EFOW too. [ November 30, 2002, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  2. Perhaps they'll set it the real North Africa rather than the Hollywood versiom .
  3. It's not CDV's to give, they only have the EU distribution rights, everything else remains in the hands of BFC. I suspect BFC would be loath to licence their engine to direct competitors.
  4. Perhaps Dan's right. Perhaps we've learned that infantry is still poweful if you use it properly.
  5. I noticed today that Game have copies of the CDV version of CMBO for £12-99, so buy your mum a copy and never want for a PBEM opponent again. Sorry if this is old news to everyone. [ November 28, 2002, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  6. I doubt they'll allow it with the new engine, the reason they give is to prevent cheating. As for the next game - probably Mediterranean (including North Africa). It's highly doubtful that it will be outside the WW2 European Theatre, as that's where their interests lie.
  7. I played a couple of Russian sssaults from the Stalingrad pack (the designers recommended Russian vs AI) using 1.01 and won both surprisingly easily, roughly 90-10 IIRC. It should be said that both provided ample cover (rubble) and in one the Russians had two 'crack' HQ units with all bonuses doubled, so how much the patch affected this and how much the scenario design I can't tell without going back to 1.00 and playing again with the same moves. Perhaps some of the avid testers could set up some test. On a slightly related point, how many of those of you who still play CMBO have noticed that you are now using infantry more carefully in CMBO? It works very well too . [ November 28, 2002, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  8. You could always join one of the ladders, but you'll have to put up with the snobs sneering at you as a ladder player . Here are a couple of links Rugged Defense Blitzkrieg
  9. Good luck and best wishes to you, your son and the rest of your family,
  10. With the difference that the Stalingrad Pack actually exists. Bump.
  11. Topical British caption: 'Are you sure the fire was down here corporal?' International caption: 'Well, painting all the ampoulmets white certainly pissed off the Commissar.'
  12. Mace is Charles' screen name? No wonder they tolerate the MBT.
  13. LOL I hadn't even noticed that. Probably shows how much I cared about the issue in the first place.
  14. Been there done that . We had VDUs though. The first computer game I played (unless you count 'Pong') was Lunar Lander on an ICL 4/72 mainframe in 1974, it only ran on the operator's console, so programmers, users and other assorted scum were excluded .
  15. I'm afraid I know nothing about the range, but Joe Ekins was the gunner who is normally credited with the kill, not the TC, and his normal job was driver . Ekins was part of the same regiment as Ken Tout (County of Northamptonshire Yeomanry), so there may be more details in Tout's books, but I don't have them to hand at the moment. Edited to add a quick 'Doh!', Kingfish already suggested looking at Tout. [ November 25, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  16. Yes, the installation doesn't update the Registry, so just delete it.
  17. Commissars and NKVD troops are not the same thing.
  18. I liked the bit about how it was virtually impossible to go hull-down in CMBO. It makes me feel like a l33t übergamer. Now if I could only convince my opponents...
  19. Hans, The SP3 scenario depicts the NK OB as armoured only - basically the North Koreans get 11 platoons of T34/85s vs Task force Smith's two infantry companies, supported by 2 75mm Recoiless Rifles, 1 107mm mortar and 2 105 mm howitzers. It sounds as if your OB is already more detailed. If anyone knows how to take an SP3 screen shot I can send you the map though. [ November 23, 2002, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  20. Bottom pf page 2? Get with the program people. Edited because I still can't type. [ November 23, 2002, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  21. There was a Steel Panthers 3 scenario on Task Force Smith. I don't know how accurate the map and the OB were though.
  22. Totally agree, so I'll do it by thanking Scott for the quick conversion of the .pdf file.
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