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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. Crack/Elite platoon commanders with a command bonus .
  2. Finally made it to South West London. Now I need to go and edit my entry in the What Are You Currently Reading thread on the GF.
  3. Hush, didn't you see the bit where they asked us not to tell the North Americans about this? Besides, I think that one of the bikini clad ladies that came to my place was Danish.
  4. It isn't it's 65mb, if you've got the smaller one you've downloaded the BFC patch by mistake.
  5. Wasn't this the idiot who wrote that there was no multi-player? This appears to suggest that he didn't even play the game before reviewing it. I've only read PC Zone a couple of times, it makes the UK version of PC Gamer look like the height of professionalism - they at least play the beta before reviewing a game. BTW Nippy 'Stylee' is an annoying affectation rather than a misprint. The writer is trying to pretend he understands 'youth culture'; I doubt he understands tieing his own shoelaces. [ December 15, 2002, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  6. Wasn't this the idiot who wrote that there was no multi-player? This appears to suggest that he didn't even play the game before reviewing it. I've only read PC Zone a couple of times, it makes the UK version of PC Gamer look like the height of professionalism - they at least play the beta before reviewing a game. BTW Nippy 'Stylee' is an annoying affectation rather than a misprint. The writer is trying to pretend he understands 'youth culture'; I doubt he understands tieing his own shoelaces. [ December 15, 2002, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  7. Just had a funny there - managed to get a message about flood protection - not surprising with all this rain. [ December 15, 2002, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  8. Apache, Orders from the UK (and the rest of Europe) are serviced by the BFC warehouse in the Republic of Ireland, which should cut down considerably on the delivery time. CMBO took two weeks to arrive from the States a couple of years ago. When I ordered Airborne Assault it only took a two or three days under the new arrangement. Of course AA wasn't competing with the Xmas mail.
  9. Postman Pat hasn't fought his way out to the wilds of South West London yet (I hope the black and white cat's OK), so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  10. Well only us lucky CDV buyers got a .pdf file because CDV couldn't fit the full BFC manual into their DVD style box. It's not additional information, it's stuff that the rest of the world got in printed format.
  11. I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the MBT yet. They have a hierarchy, official rules and a sense of history.
  12. Well there's the old military axiom 'If it moves, salute it, if it doesn't, whitewash it.
  13. A week? Moon only announced the availabilty at midday and a bit EST on 9th December. As my copy has to cross the sea from dear old Ireland and Christmas is only a week and half away I'm not surprised I haven't seen it yet. Patience is the first lesson, young Jedi .
  14. Finally! A true red blooded Republican.</font>
  15. As the correct spelling of Sturmovik is in cyrillic, surely how one transliterates is matter of taste. Is Czar or Tsar the correct spelling? "Linguistic arguments in the morning smell like fun" . [ December 13, 2002, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  16. I just took a look at the other reviews linked by Gameranking - it's worth it for the laugh. It was nice to see thst the reviewer at Game Planet liked it, for example, singling out the background music for particular praise. Another reviewer, voiced doubts that hardcore wargamers would like the 3D graphics and seemed to be oblivious to the fact that the game was a sequel to an already successful wargame.
  17. Perhaps someone should head over there and repost Seanachai's final paragraph.
  18. The problem is that most wargames do not simulate the actual practice of recon that armoured cars/scout cars performed. Normally the car was used to get close enough to the enemy, often under the cover of darkeness, that the occupants could get out and crawl under cover to a point from which enemy positions could be observed.
  19. Quite, its job was big cat hunting, ask Herr Wittmann's ghost.
  20. I must confess that I voted for Neverwinter Nights in the RPG category, for some strange reason CMBB wasn't listed. My 18/1/1 Commissar/Waffengrenadier/Hamster was not impressed.
  21. Quite. Spending 30 turn giving your opponent nasty looks doesn't really appeal to me .
  22. Don't forget that it's listed in the Strategy game of the year and game of the year category.
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