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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. Thanks for the quick reply, I'll hang on for the .pdf
  2. Thanks again to Scott and the rest of the guys. Just one problem: opening the .rtf with WordPad 5.1, I can obly see the contents page, the rest of the document seems to be blank. Is there a problem with this or should I be using a different package to read it?
  3. 1. Yes 2. I downloaded the CDV version and it didn't ask.
  4. Yes, it's a bugger, one of the reason I switched to broadband was because of the increasing size of demos and patches. Your best bet on 56k is to use a download manager such as Gozilla or Getright, these will allow you to resume downloads, so you can download in seperate sessions.
  5. You guys are quick, I haven't played them all yet.
  6. Thanks a lot guys, I'm looking forward to trying these.
  7. No need to tell me Steve, I once spent a happy 4 years maintaining a 10 year old payroll system. When we finally turned it off there were still about 25 user requested 'enhancements' on the 'To Do' list . Take your time, I waited two and half years for the game, a few more days for the patch won't hurt.
  8. In the second attack on Villiers Bocage, Michael Wittman, whom CM normally classes as Elite, baled after his Tiger had suffered a suspension hit from a 6lber anti-tank gun. Of course there are cases where crews didn't bale, such as Lt. Tyulayev at Jaroslaw, but the fact that such people won medals for doing so, suggests it wasn't common.
  9. Yeah, what Bruno said . Also as I said last time this cropped up, Sebastian Faulks called his WW1 novel 'Birdsong' because WW1 veterans remembered that the birds never stopped singing. No doubt we'll have some ornithologists cropping up to tell us that birds in 1941 were more cowardly than birds in 1916.
  10. There's probably a mod for MS Train Sim. Of course you'll only be able to drive the train .
  11. Most tankers preferred to be unbuttoned when they could, it makes spotting s lot easier. Ken Tout in Tank wrote that they would only button during artillery stonks. I guess that the the TAC AI is trying to emulate this. As the good Captain says, in CMBO they would only unbutton if you ordered them to.
  12. Well I play on both RD and Blitzkrieg, without checking I couldn't tell you what my ranking or record is. I use them to meet other players, as Cyberfox says, not to prove myself superior to other players, I know I'm not. As for balancing, I normally play scenarios, if the scenario is unbalanced, who cares? Life isn't balanced.
  13. No joy for me either (using the latest version of Windows Media Player).
  14. I like the new infantry model as well, more difficult does not equal less fun in my book . The biggest improvement for me though is armour C&C.
  15. It's easy. The CMBB disc lives in the DVD drive, the CMBO disc lives in the CD drive.
  16. There are at least 4: Rugged Defense Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club There are also ladders at Tournament House and Band of Brothers, but I don't have the URLs to hand. Perhaps someone else could post them.
  17. You shuld be proud, Joe, your very first stalker! You haven't arrived until you have your own stalker, as I like to tell my security guards.
  18. uhh...I distinctly recall playing several scenarios in CMBO that involved SS attacks in the Ardennes. Maybe I dreamt that?</font>
  19. You missed out the opportunity to play with possibly the worst tank in history, the Italian L3. A tank with gun that couldn't pierce the 8mm armour of a Rolls Royce armoured car and armour that could happily be pierced the RR's machine gun. I can't see too many people buying them in QBs though. [ November 13, 2002, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  20. Well there's alway Forty's book, but as I picked it up in a remaindered book sale about 5 years ago, it may be hard to find, so I'll summarise. She was a 38 year old housewife, whose husband, a regimental commissar, and two young children were killed in the initial German attack. She started a fund drive in her locality to pay for the construction of a tank and wrote to Stalin asking to be allowed to serve in the tank. Stalin, no doubt seeing the propaganda value of this, consented and she underwent the same training as male tankers and was initially a driver of the tank which was named 'Maria's Tank'. She became something of a mother figure to her crew, who were all substantially younger. She was wounded when attempting to repair a broken track under enemy fire and was awarded the 'Order of the Great Patriotic War'. She was later promoted to Tank Commander and fought on until she was badly wounded after knocking out two guns in an action near Krynka on 18th January 1944, she died from her wounds two months later. She is buried in the 'Wall of Glory' in Smolensk. Her first name seems to be transliterated as both Mariya and Maria.
  21. I remember that someone saw a copy of the European version of CMBO in the New York branch of Virgin Megastore, a mainly British chain, in New York. I'd guess that once the retailers have bought the games from CDV, they have no power to stop the retailer from selling it were they want, unless 'Not for sale outside the EU' is part of the contract. I doubt CDV are big enough to insist on such terms. This is all pure speculation of course .
  22. The Steel Panther Series delt with both Africa and Italy and Panzer Elite had both an African and Italian Campaign.
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