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About Onehitsky

  • Birthday 02/27/1969


  • Location
    New York City
  • Interests
    blowing shit up!!!
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  1. Well in american vernacular to shoot some one was sometimes refered to "pluggin em full of lead!" Or maybe they were referiing to butt plugs as a means of dealing with dysentry?
  2. thanks Fellahs! Now to rid the streets of invading mi screants! Russian style!
  3. [ Also, wife is on the West Coast visiting relatives, been alone for nearly a week, have all this time but no CMBB yet, the cruelty of it all....[/QB]
  4. It's been said by some that life on Cape Cod is better! There seems to be something in it! Mail came and went in Manhattan. No damn luck!! :mad:
  5. Sorry folks! The mail came and no dice! However do not fret. the big brown truck comes in about two hours! Am waiting with baited breath.
  6. No brainer here pal! how many times in your life do you get to see Warren Sapp plough through the best show on turf as they slip hoplessly on wet grass and try to pass in gale force wind!!
  7. 1. They started all that trouble in the first place! 2. They banned episode 12 of Fawlty Towers (the Germans) for over ten years! (sensitive bunch!) 3 Falco! 4. The zimmerman telegram! 5. They knocked the USA out of the world cup despite being the lesser team (Remember what England did to em!) 6. They are Seven feet tall (and the men are even bigger!) 7. Fighting back to back, Two front wars against virtually everyone! 8. As tourists they make even americans look good! (Not as bad as the English in Spain though!) 9. they don't know how to dress in the heat (socks and sandles...I ask you?) 10.The ring cycle (hours and hours of fat blondes with horned helmets singing!) However in the interests of fairnes they do get extra credit for making great beer, not being Austrian and slapping the French around on a semi regular basis!
  8. So I have told my doorman to call me the moment I get a package! The call comes and he hands me a brown paper package about the same size as the cmbo manual. Well this is too much I my heart starts to race and i find myself hopping from one foot to the other gibbering over my luck. I had in my exitement not noticed the writing. It was the *&%@!! TV guide (which i don't even get) sending me a 'free trial copy' :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :confused: :mad: :mad: I urge all reading this post to boycott TV Guide. if you care about your karma you will!!
  9. Belgian beer in a Thick frozen glass to start with. Then a little more beer in a tepid warm glass. Followed by a phone call to the deli on the corner ordering cold mexican beer and a bottle of gatorade (in the bottle cuz i could't bear to leave my keyboard long enough to get a fresh glass from the freezer!) Then just for a change some coffie and Icewater. (not for me, for my bong!) A little more beer with perhaps a grainey chaser (depending if I am losing yet or not) followed lastly an importantly by a healthy gargle of listerine to kill all the nasties hiding in my mouth after three days of continuous combat operations fuled by increasingly cheap beer, stale coffie ciggies and reefs! Disturbed sleep filled with dreams of being chased by ex-girlfreinds wielding PPSH SMG'S While som french guy called Wittman wearing only a Tutu and snowshoes tells me that I am 'not fonee! you will be padlocked, no!! :eek: Wake in a sweat after perhaps an hour. Get my bearings, give thanks that i don't live in Canada or Europe :cool: and start the whole damn thing again!
  10. Dude all I said was "the French" I never said "smelly" and I certainly don't think that six English football fans could conquer france that would be ridiculous. It would take AT LEAST twice that many!
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