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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Chelentano in New Compaign: ,,March of Retribution,,   
    Hello everybody!
    Today I created a new topic on the forum dedicated to my compaign.  Campaign is under development. For today, the first mission is fully ready, the second is being finalized and a script is being written (I will hope to share it in a couple of days), the third is in the stage of distributing units and writing AI, the fourth is just an outline. 
    Now I am posting a company briefing (it is also available for download), the first mission and mods that should be used in the first mission. I am waiting for you to share your emotions that you experienced during the game and tips for correcting errors (if there are any of course).  At this stage there are problems with UH 1 textures and I will be glad if someone helps me with this.
    Campaign: ,,March of Retribution,,
    The campaign is dedicated to the fighting between two fictional countries- Northern *** and Southern ***.
    At the end of the 18th century *** was colonized by England, which divided the country into North and South. The population in the North consisted of the Hokku people, while the population in the South consisted of the Nani people.
    After *** gained independence in the 60s, it began to develop rapidly thanks to the sale of oil in return for receiving extensive injections from both the USSR and the United States (including the military). At the same time, the development was not uniform, since in the north of the country there were seaports from where all foreign products came, while the south was the center of agriculture. The same trend was in the domestic policy of the country. The seats in the government were mostly given to the northerners (hokku), which made it possible to adopt any law regardless of the southerners. Soon, dissatisfied with the usurpation of power, the Nani created their New government. Official leaders *** (hokku by nationality) the Southern provinces were immediately declared separatist. The parties have been trying for several months to come to an agreement peacefully with the assistance of the USSR. At this time, both Hokku and Nani created self-defense detachments and carried out pogroms against each other. Despite all efforts, the negotiations have reached an impasse. Then the New Government declared the independence of the Southern Provinces from the Northern Ones. The North quickly launched an operation to restore the constitutional order. The units manned by the hokku were better equipped, but they were scattered all over the country.
    2 brigades of northerners located in the south tried to break through to the separatist capital, but were stopped and pushed back by the militia and hastily created National Guard. The Hangi military airfield was also rapidly lost, and the planes on it went to the separatists. There was nothing to help those cut off, as the shock units of the North gnawed through the defense of Nani on the border. The fighting continued for another month until the 7th brigade of Southerners located in the North was unable to break through the encirclement and capture the port of Kangi, thereby cutting off the supply of weapons from the USSR. This maneuver decided the outcome of the company and both bloodless parties began resuming peace talks. As a result, the North recognized the independence of the South *** and all its battered parts were withdrawn from the Southern Provinces. The Northerners also lost the province of Hangi and the airfield of the same name located there. In response, the South withdrew its units (including the 7th Brigade), returning control of the port of Kangi to the North. Despite the signed ceasefire agreement, provocations with the use of artillery and aviation were constantly carried out on the border.Both sides understood that peace was only temporary....
    Having made up for their losses thanks to the help of the USSR (which, after the 7th brigade attacked Soviet Marines in Kangi, finally took the side of the north) and having mobilized, the North began a new campaign to restore a unified state. The Hokku were able to quickly break through to the rebel capital where a long siege began. The Southerners in this conflict were supported by the neighboring &&& by supplying weapons and volunteers. The United States was also interested in the victory of the South, as it allowed to unite the country and expel the Soviets from this region. US military aid also went through &&& . As a result, having spent all their offensive potential, the besiegers almost got surrounded and began to retreat to the border. By this time, the supply of weapons from the USSR had decreased due to the internal crisis of the red country, and the urban population of the north joined the army less willingly than their rural opponents from the South. Having knocked out the enemies from their land, the Southerners could no longer continue the offensive. 
    Another peace was signed, the war ended in nothing 
    Five years have passed.....
    We are ready for revenge....
    The command has set a goal for us to capture the city of Namad. 
    Namad is the capital of the Hangi province lost in the first company. During the second campaign, the city was a transshipment point for supplies of weapons and volunteers from &&& and the USA. After the collapse of the USSR, the United States lost interest in the Southerners and supplies were stopped. But &&& will support the separatists to the last. We understand that it will not be possible to capture the capital of the rebels, so we are faced with the task of returning the province of Hangi and capturing its main city of Namad.
    It's June 19th.
    Since tomorrow is the Southerners *** Independence Day, some of their units will be pulled into the capital to ensure security and organize a parade. 
    The Southerners know that we have concentrated our units on the border, but they think that these troops will not be enough to attack their capital (which is true) and expect only provocations.
    Under the guise of provocation, we will begin our attack on Hangi.
    Units involved in the operation-
    First Heavy Guards Division:
    1st and 2nd brigade + art.regiment. 
    10th Infantry division:
    37th and 38th regiments + art.regiment.
    1st SF Regiment:
    2 battalions + transport aviation.
    Parts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs(MIA) and the Ministry of State Security(MSS).
    1st fighter and 2nd assault squadrons. 
    4th rocket battery. 
    Units of the Air Defense and rear forces.
    13th Mechanized Division.
    1.Capture of Hangi airfield by special forces and MGB units.
    2.The application of diversionary strikes throughout the territory of the Southern *** with the help of artillery, aviation, tactical missiles.
    3.The breakthrough by the units of the first heavy Guards division of the enemy's defense line on the border of Hangi.
    4.Rapid march of units of the first Heavy Guards division and special forces to Namad.
    5.Occupation and mopping up by units of the 10th infantry division and units of  the MIA of the liberated territory.
    6.Assault and capture of Namad.
    7.Readiness to repel enemy counterattacks.
    Enemy forces:
    17th infantry brigade:
    4 infantry battalion + art. regiment.
    9th separate tank regiment.
    2 separate border guard battalions.
    7 separate militia battalions.
    1st fighter squadron.
    Expected approach:
    7th (elite) Tank Brigade
    National Guard troops, air defense forces, artillery and aviation. 
  2. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You know I love you, Dan, but if you call Patton a lunatic again and forget again to mention the Dutch for CM-NATO I will block you. 😀
  3. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LukeFF in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Brilliant idea! This thread the last couple of pages has been a bunch of boring back and forth about Afghanistan, etc., and then of course you had to get one more dig into Trump (sounding like a child at that), because hey, we're already off-topic, right?
    And now I know why I spend less and less time in this topic.
  5. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Oh that's right, how silly of me. Biden is King Solomon and Thufir Hawat all rolled into one, and his Cabinet sits at his feet, dutifully scribing his analysis and making his sacred Word flesh.
    What's your take on it, since you clearly know him intimately, or have access to the Oval Office? In more than one word, since Nonsense is not in fact self evident.
  6. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    None of the above assessments of US decisionmaking are contradictory IMHO.
    It is pretty obvious to me that Mr. Biden (like Reagan as of 1984 or so) suffers senile dementia, and it is progressing, with good days and bad days, as we see pretty much every second time Joe speaks off the cuff. Nor was he an especially brilliant man when he was in his prime; let's not fool ourselves about this. Although there are many different kinds of 'smart' in this world....
    But like most folks in such cases, Biden falls back on the effective habits of a lifetime (40 years in public service), plus the advice of trusted persons like his wife and longtime staff.  I won't claim he's a rubber stamp, but he knows how to 'listen' for the consensus and declare the decision, without necessarily grasping details, or contributing much in the way of synthesis or critique. Hence the comfortable armchairs around the fireplace for him and Kamala, not a conference table or the War Room..... 
    Anywah, JRB makes a perfectly adequate figurehead for the permanent policy establishment (the MIC, the Swamp, whatever you are inclined to call it). This is the (very much bipartisan) group whose performance is being praised here. And in time of war, that's how it ought to be.
    ....Would I personally wish to be governed permanently by such an unelected permanent establishment? No! A mandarinate has its own flaws, not least that it governs for its own convenience, not that of the people, even when not overtly venal.  However, in time of war, such a  structure makes eminent sense, and we're all seeing it at work.
    One expat Canuck's opinion....
  7. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It's time for Army-2022 and videos of Russian armor crews missing targets during a range demonstration (it's a thread):
  8. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Billy Ringo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    From the article:  “Russian ears only open up when there is a giant military bat hitting the Russian head,” he said.
    One perpetual question I have is: Who is really calling the shots for the US response and strategy for Ukraine?
    I am not a Biden fan, can't stand him or what he stands for.  But I have been very impressed with the overall strategy and support for Ukraine.  So he gets the credit as the man at the top regardless of who/whom is delivering the goods.
    But who and or what group is driving the US strategy?  What to send, when to send it, how to send it, how to manage the press and public opinion, work directly with the Ukrainian government and their military, work directly with other countries, etc.   Is it Biden? Is it his cabinet?  One particular group or team in his administration? State Department?  Is it the US military? Some combination of Senators and Congress?  Who is coordinating the strategic efforts across the US players?
    Would love to hear other's opinions and insight as to who is running the show for the US?
    Thanks in advance.
  9. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Maquisard manqué in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Gotta love inflatable AAD.
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to DesertFox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    S-400 for the win...
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Fizou in 2022, the Year In Preview!   
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Modernrocco in Aggravation   
    Sounds like Captain Sobel is running that Circus
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Phantom Captain in 2022, the Year In Preview!   
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Commanderski in 2022, the Year In Preview!   
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think the russkies are going to have a hard time finding that new Ukraine base at Shangri-La.
  16. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in 2022, the Year In Preview!   
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    When Hrim was initially showed on parade in 2018 (test model of launcher without the missile) it was introduced like "operative-tactical missile complex Hrim-2". 
    Sapsan was other project of multirole launcher for ballistic and surface-air missiles with mortar type of start. Project was closed in 2012 by the decision of minister of defense Lebedev (citizen of Russia and Russian influence agent)
    Hrim-2 is successor of Sapsan, which uses most of Sapsan's developments, but already with vertical start and for ballistic missile only. Maybe Hrim-2 is a name for Saudi Arabia (300 km) and improved complex for Ukraine with 500+ km range is Sapsan, let's see when it was introdiced officially like finished and adopted project
    Small phonetical lesson
    Unlike in Russian, where the letter "Г" transmits only the voiced velar plosive [g] sound like in English "gain",  Ukrainian language has two sounds: " ґ " for voiced velar plosive [g] and "Г" for voiced glottal fricative [ɦ] (like in the English "home", but slightly closer to [g], then in English ).
    Sound [ɦ] is common, in that time, when [g] is very rare and apperaed only in less than two dozens words. 
    Until new rules of translitaration were introduced about 5 or more years ago, usually words with "г" letters transliterated through "g" letter on Russian language manner. And this practice was usual and for western media. So, because of this you can see "Grim-2" spelling, though according to new transliteration rules  "Hrim-2" is more correct.
    But there is some confusions with pronunciation - theese new rules have struck on established speech habits. For example the word "hobbit" in Ukrainian spelled like "хоббіт", which corresponded to Russian pronunciation [khobbit], but now new spelling rules demand all foreign words on "h" letter to write through "г" letter -  "гоббіт" with pronunciation [ɦobbit]. But historically all foreign words with initial "h" letter always spelled and prononciated in Ukrianian with "kh" sound, because it more close to English "home", than to UKR variant of [ɦ], which I just can't transmit here
    So, when I see the spelling like Hrim, my mind, habits and logic cry to me to read it like "khrim" 🙄
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Artkin in 2022, the Year In Preview!   
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to NPye in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Hey just finished the Potsdamer Platz map for the Battle of Berlin Mod, i'm planning to upload to Bootie phaze 2 of the mod, including at least 5 new scenarios and updated buildings and flavours. The whole mod is a work in progress so expect updates regularly.
    This map includes some famous landmarks including:
    Saarland Straße, Leipziger Platz and Straße, Potsdamer Platz, Bahnhof and Straße, The Columbushaus (one of Berlin's tallest buildings at the time), also the New Reichs Chancellery, Herrenhaus, Hotel Palast, and Vaterland Haus.
    Also how awful must it to have been a civilian during these last days in Berlin. Having to que for food and water everyday, living in cellars and shelters. Coming to ground level was very dangerous but had to be done. And then if you were a female, (no matter what age) the Soviets would steal your watches and jewellery and rape you, one German Women said, 'better to have a Russian on your belly than the USAAF on your head', what a choice!!!
    Revenge seems to have been the order of the day, for what the Germans did in their countries during the advance and retreat. I read somewhere a Soviet soldier couldn't believe why the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, he saw the industrial farming, that every house had electricity, running water and gas. Every street was paved and the huge, once beautiful classical buildings, impressed but made him even more angry. He couldn't understand what the Nazis wanted from their backward country.
    Download phaze 1 Battle of Berlin:

  20. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Erwin in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Really beautiful work.   I spend more time looking at the buildings than playing.
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    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Operational Level Game Announcement   
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    There is German article
  23. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Umm, I seem to recall them having a slightly worse day on 22 June 1941.... 
    Meanwhile, you may find youself in a different part of the world.... 
     I do loves me some good CT snark lol.
  24. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Thewood1 in China vs Taiwan please?   
    PLAAF and RoC have had some pretty substantial air battles over the last 70 years.  All types of Migs mixing it up with F-86s, F-104s, etc.  There have been naval clashes, artillery duels, etc.  While not Gulf War scale, RoC has held its own and managed to use that experience to build a better military.  I think any invasion would play out similar to Russia-Ukraine.  China would take big losses just crossing the sea.  China would eventually win if the west doesn't intervene, but it would wreck both economies beyond short-term recovery.
    I'll also go back to my standby statement...China needs the West more than we need them.  They can't feed themselves.  And will likely not be self-sufficient in energy in the short-term.  Add to that that Taiwan investment in China is fairly substantial by itself.  Taiwan is connected to a very large portion of the world's semicon production, but not its design.  That is still the US and the EU. 
    You can play a lot of this out in Command: Modern Operations.  There are a bunch of scenarios built around it.  
  25. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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