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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Precisely, but it's a golden opportunity for all those 'enlightened' armchair generals at this forum to show their 'moral superiority'. Personally I'm getting nautious reading all their endless posts. In fact I've started to skip them.
    Kraze just hates Russians. And so do I. And they FULLY deserved that. 
    But of course we have to be decent, although strict when all this is over in a couple of years. We're no Russians, you know.
  2. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Wow, this thread certainly went to hell quickly (sorry to single you out)!

  3. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to keas66 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I mean  , really  ,  do you think you would have been arguing in this same fashion during WW2   with regards American policy towards Japan  ? Why are you getting so queasy about not giving the Russians the same treatment ? Because Nukes ?
    As far as I can see the Russians are behaving no better than the worst of the SS  Divisions or units of the Imperial Japanese Army  .  They slaughter civilians  with pleasure , mine schools , target civilian populations without hesitation when they are able  .  They deserve  the hangman's noose if caught and that  includes all of the current Russian leadership .
  4. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It's sad, that many of westrerners have rose glasses, considering only "system" responsible for this war. Russian Constitution (like and Ukrainian) says: "The nation is single source of state power". If so, they responsible for all, what this power did. Responsible with direct involvimg, responsible for any form of support, responsible for own indiferense "we are out of politic". The latter is the same sin. Because indifference of millions breeds the tyrany of one. And because this all Russian nation should carry collective guilt. And I can assure you - many of those Russians, which were against Putin's regime from the beginning and tried to struggle with it - they share this opinion and they feel a shame for their nation allowed it.
    Putin and other are not came from Mars. As I told recently, Russian political system and Russian society is symbiotic systems. One can't live without other. Russian power is a spawn of Russian nation aspirations. "Strong hand, all world must fear us, we are great, we must rule the world, restore USSR/Russian Empire". Russians supported this power in 2014, when they occupied Crimea - all streets in every Russian city and last asshole village were filled by jubilant people. About 90 % supported. Not a abstract system, but Russian Vanya, murdered people  and looted goods now in 2022. And about 80 % of Russians supported SMO even in May, after blitzkrieg failing. 
    I have (or had already?) some friends in Russia. Typical Russian middle class, which enjoys the life and almost completely apolitical. They weren't chavinists or snobs, who consider that only Russian culture, language and face of life  and have many sympaties to Ukraine, they even suppotred our Maidan, but they anyway were adhered to the opinion "why do you so much want to join the West if we are culture&religious close nations and one people at all, though with some minor differences?" So if such moods had "liberals", what sh..t in the heads of more "deep nation" representatives?
    Typical picture in airports - this man is going to leave Russia, scaring mobilization, but he weared in Z-marked closes. Now on the border with Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russians are hastly deleting all war-support symbolic from own cars. I belive, 2/3 of theese "refugees" supported the war.
    But, of course, we shouldn't kill all Russians, I didn't see this in Kraze posts. They should by derashizied, like Germans were denazified after the WWII 

     About "Kraze doesn't consider Russians as a nation". You just didn't understand his words. In English names of nation representatives "American, Ukrainain, Italian" (nouns) and mean "having feature", like "Ukrianian, American, Italian culture" (adjectives) sound the same. In Russian language the word "Russkiy" means "representative of Russian nation" is adjective, not the noun. It reflects not "who are you?" but "whose are you?". So, this ethnonim really more hystorical construct, including Slavs, Caucasians, ugro-finns, buriats, and many other nations, composing Russian state. 
  5. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    For God's sake. His country is under attack. His people are dying. Use the ignore function or shut up. All of you.
  6. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/owmmjickscz63ol/A Bridge too Far-ski.btt?dl=0
    CMRT "A Bridge Too Far-ski" (FR module is required)

    Near Warsaw, September 1944. 
    You are Major Grabnakov, a veteran Red Army cavalry officer. You were severely wounded in combat during the Bagration Offensive. Now you command a scratch detachment of vehicles and reconnaissance troops...
    A small force of German Fallschirmjagers have landed by glider to take and hold a key bridge over the Vistula while awaiting a panzer kampfgruppe coming from the west.
    Attack with your available forces to bust through the enemy and take positions to block the panzer force.
    You have 20-25 minutes to complete your mission. Points are given for destroying the enemy but mostly for exiting your force off the west map edge. This symbolizes you have been able to block the enemy reinforcements somehow.
    Good luck Comrade!
  7. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to laurent 22 in Churchill pack snow   
    Snowy Churchill (based on Aris's mods and BF.c .bmp):
    (XLT from BN inside, but doesn't exist in FI)
  8. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LukaFromFallujah in Brazil in Flames MOD   
    Brazil in Flames
    After weeks working, it's finished, gentleman is with much pleasure that i present the Brazil in Flames MOD, A Mod that brings an alternative scenario of brazilian government moving to the extreme left wing party, i tried to bring as much accuracy as i could in portraying the Brazilian units at the current state, i pretend to bring Campaigns and Scenarios, but it will take time, so be patient, i want to give my sincere thx to the Combat Mission Discord users that helped me and for the Heaven & earth Team for they amazing mod that have most of the great content that is present in this mod, so cheers for these brothers and go check their mod ! Is amazing ! Now Let's go for the contents:
    - Brazilian Airborne

    - Brazilian Commandos 

    - Brazilian T.G ( Basically an Rural Militia)

    - Brazilian B.I.B and B.I.M.T.Z (B.I.B for mechanized infantry and B.I.M.T.Z for motorized infantry)

    -Brazilian Conscripts (Your basic riflemans)

    -Brazilian Militia (Consists of ex-reservists, ex-policeman, ex-fireman and other ex-members from the security area that turn to the bad side)

    -Brazilian Druglords

    - Units Speak Brazilian Portuguese and have Brazilian names 
    - I don't pretend to bring new ones, since i believe that changing models would affect gameplay quality, so that's why brazil is left wing in the mod hehe.
    Campaign, Scenarios and Maps:
    - i pretend to bring all of these 3, but i want to work slowly on them in order to have make them fun and challenging, my intents are to explore Favela, jungle and other warfare environments in the Brazilain Biomes and diferent types of urban areas, all i can say is that it will take time, but it will be worth.
    All the credits go to these people :
    - The Heaven & EarthMod team and those ho helped them with content
    - CptMiller, Rice, Frenchy, Kob and the wHole Combat Mission Discord team
    - Aquila Smart Wargames 
    - 37mm
    - John Hansen
    - If i forgot to credit somebody, please send me a PM, if your mod is on the heaven & earth content pack and want your part to be removed, send me a PM too, i will delete, it's not my interest stealing content 
    LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pZuJdiujk0yudSpmVn4W2yxLGl1w2B0J/view?usp=sharing
  9. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    Coming soon......
    CMRT "A Bridge Too Far-ski"

    Near Warsaw, September 1944. 
    You are Major Grabnakov, a veteran Red Army cavalry officer. You were severely wounded in combat during the Bagration Offensive. Now you command a scratch detachment of vehicles and reconnaissance troops...
    A small force of German Fallschirmjagers have landed by glider to take and hold a key bridge over the Vistula while awaiting a panzer kampfgruppe coming from the west.
    Attack with your available forces to bust through the enemy and take positions to block the panzer force.
    You have 20-25 minutes to complete your mission. Points are given for destroying the enemy but mostly for exiting your force off the west map edge. This symbolizes you have been able to block the enemy reinforcements somehow.
    Good luck Comrade!
  10. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Artkin in Newcomer Question(s)   
    CMRT has so much content your mind will explode.
    No, but you will pretty much never play through everything in CMRT + the expansions, + all the user created content. CMFB wasn't too far behind, but now it will be years behind CMRT after preorders are finally over with and the new battle pack releases! 14(? I forget) new master maps! Campaigns that you can break down into regular scenarios and edit them.. etc.. compile them back into a campaign... and they're GeorgeMC maps... they are the best of the best! Dude!
    By the way you can download custom made maps from other games (CMFI, CMRT) and convert them by using Hex Editor (
    ) giving you a near endless supply of scenarios if that wasn't enough. For CMBN, only maps from CMBS, CMRT, CMFB, CMCW, and maybe CMFI should work. And even then, there are some exceptions. You can learn them if you get into mapmaking.
    Games like CMFI are quirky, and only certain maps will convert to certain games. I'm not sure why. The newer games are all mostly compatible. Cold War will take map conversions like a champion, seemingly no errors with CMBS and friends, but still unable to accept CMFI maps (Last I remember).
    There is a Monte Cassino map on the forums here if you want to download that, by Sburke, good map! It's a huge *** mountain with a town under it. You can convert that to your games for free.
    CMRT's files with all the current updates and doodads before the new preorder is sitting at 16.3GB. I think only CMBN, and CMSF2 are similar in size, but CMSF2 is old. Once CMBS gets the marines from CMSF2, and airborne Ukraine/Russian forces, then that will be the next "Game".
  11. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Redwolf in Newcomer Question(s)   
    CMFB haz Stuuuurmtigah. Instant buy.
  12. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Combatintman in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    Sorry I should have replied to this earlier ... I've got a few in various stages of readiness on my hard drive that I'll work on.  I'll guarantee at least one of those before Xmas and hopefully more.
  13. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    CMFB "Busting Out of Bras"...
    Play as Axis vs Allied AI only.
    1115, 19 December 1944. 8 km east of Bastogne, Belgium. A dense fog reduces visibility.
    General Bayerlein has created a special group to lead the Panzer-Lehr Division on its way to cross the Meuse River. You are Leutnant Hartmann in charge of the motorized "spitze" composed of pioneer troops, scouts, some half-tracks and 2 tanks. 
    You have only 20 to maybe 30 minutes so use your assigned forces to rapidly press onward and exit off any of the zones marked "Routes forward"...
    Your forces: On map, you in your 250/1, a kubelwagen and 2 scout teams checking the road on foot. At T=5, the rest of your force arrives. No off-map support is assigned.
    This is the 3rd day of the secret offensive and the US Army is alerted to our intentions. We do not know what awaits us beyond the fog. These roads are not normally mined as they are the MSR for the allied forces. However, you must keep a close eye for mines just placed on top of the road. Also, watch where any US vehicles travel and it should assure you those areas are safe.
    Press onward carefully but as fast as possible.
    EXIT your force: Denies the enemy 100 pts.
    DESTROY American Forces: up to 100pts.
    Other hidden touch objectives: up to 40 pts.
    Map: 1000m x 320m
    Note: I am working with Vacillator and bootie to get all my stuff to the websites run by bootie and will someday close down the goody box. The above scenario is also being sent this week of 25SEP2022 to bootie so when later the above link becomes "dead", go find the scenario at "The Scenario Depot"...
  14. Like
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    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Soon  all done from my end. 
  16. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Bubba883XL in CMRT Vehicle Pack?   
    I will hold Steve to his promise of some very late war goodies.
    I may never get my E series, but he did have some real fun things in mind.
  17. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Maciej Zwolinski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The man is from a country fighting a war against genocidal enemy. His is a different perspective. I think that this would be the case for many other forum members, if we were in his place.  War is by definition collective violence and by definition makes people guilty by association and enemies for no other reason, than their nationality. This extends to emotions about the enemy, which of course tends to be hate. 
    The imperative not to say anything racist or "hate-speachy" is something for people not concerned with life or death or, yes, feelings of revenge for the destruction of their country and barbaric murder of their compatriots.   Let us respect that this is a different situation and move along. Nobody is required to support what Kraze is saying but it should be acknowledged this is something else than trolling about WW2 war crimes or Middle East ethnic issues, which the forum rules are intended to prevent.
  18. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kraze in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Never once in this thread I ever posted any call to kill anyone like that ever. I have no idea why "all russians should be held responsible for actions of their army they themselves support" is treated as "hate speech" but when somebody posts "I wish putin and all russian army died for what they do" - it's somehow not hate speech.
    Just like I have no idea why I'm repeatedly being called racist whenever I'm not happy with what russians do - when russians themselves are not a race. It's not even an ethnicity. Buryats are an ethnicity. Mongols are a race.
    Maybe when your compatriots (or, sometimes unfortunately) friends turn out to be dead and lacking body parts - it's just problematic to do only Love Speech and pretending it's putin personally running around frontlines and raping women - which is a very comfortable world view, I agree - but how exactly hating invaders (of all kinds) makes me "racist" - I have zero idea.
  19. Upvote
  20. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    I’ve been involved with BFC since the early heady days of CMX2 as a beta tester. The battle pack is a professional remunerated  arrangement
  21. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Aragorn2002 in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    ” Five Days One Summer" campaign
    This is a six mission campaign (with up to four possible branches involving a total of thirteen missions), involving II./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5 and III “Germania” which were part of Kampfgruppe Mühlenkamp, covering a period of intense combat in eastern Poland to prevent the Soviet spearheads of the 2nd White Russian Front from advancing westwards during the week 16-22 July 1944.p> Really looking forward to this campaign. One of my favorite periods of fighting on the Eastern front, with the Wiking (and Totenkopf) division desperately trying to stop the Russian steam roller. Buy Douglas E. Nash books on the IV. SS Panzerkorps and you will be in for a wonderful autumn full of exploding tanks and fascinating tactics.
    ”Tigers at Ogledow" campaign
    This campaign covers a very well-known engagement where King Tigers from "Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 501 commanded by Major von Legat underwent their combat debut on the Soviet/German front when they encountered elements from the 1st Guards Tank Army during operations to reduce the Soviet Baranov Bridgehead in August 1944. This campaign was a lovely surprise for me. A very interesting part of the Eastern front in August 1944 and a great opportunity to smash the Baranov bridgehead or at least experience why the Germans couldn't pull that off. 
    13 standalone scenarios
    These scenarios range in size from small platoon sized engagements to battalion sized engagements on 12km squared maps. As the use of German SPW is a theme in this battle pack there is a series of three ‘training’ scenarios to help the player become familiar with getting the best out of this type of unit. All the standalone scenarios are geared towards both head to head play and against the AI. Another nice surprise in this Battlepack! As good looking as  they are, SPWs are hard to handle and even harder to keep alive. From small platoon sized engagements to battalion sized engagements on 12km squared maps!
    14 Master Maps
    New maps based on maps from the Battle Pack missions. Maps made by George are the best around. It doesn't get any better than fighting on one of his maps for the ultimate Eastern front feeling.
    For anyone even slightly interested in the Eastern front, this battlepack is a must have. George is one of the few people who keeps on producing high quality and detailed scenarios and campaigns, so pre-order this battlepack, folks, and show him it's highly appreciated!
  22. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kraze in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Because some idiots still believe that once putin is gone - it will be possible to trade, deal and be friends with Russia in general again. As long as you don't piss off the next imperialistic government that, of course, will be more reasonable because, ugh, Yeltsin was (he wasn't).
    And trust me, sadly, this "putin bad russia good" isn't exclusive Germany's issue by far.
  23. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to G.I. Joe in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Here in Vancouver, DHC-2 Beavers are still a common sight, with Harbour Air and other seaplane operators flying them out of the inner harbour on a regular basis. There's no mistaking the sound of that R-985 Wasp Junior (same engine as the Stearman PT-17, BT-13 Valiant and OS2U Kingfisher).
  24. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yup, there's a DC3 that still flies a regular route from Fort Lauderdale to Bimini and there's no mistaking the drumbeat of those radials.
  25. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from George MC in Combat Mission Red Thunder Battle Pack 1 pre-orders are now open   
    Beautiful, baby.
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