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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Congratulations. That's quite an accomplishment. Scenario and Campaign designers deserve all the gratitude we can muster.
  2. BFC wanted to avoid finding a way to code squads loading like this:
  3. Really enjoyed the first one of yours I played. Looking forward to giving these a spin.
  4. Absolutely true, but at least a couple of the main whiners have been banned since the last time we went through this.
  5. Indirect, on map fire, using an observer that had LOS to the target, was, in fact, a feature. People have short memories. Used a ton of it in the CMMC 3 campaign battles in Tunisia.
  6. Just say no to CAS in CM games, of any era. There's just no way to simulate it well without putting a ton of time and effort into coding that would long delay all the other goodness we enjoy now and are looking forward to.
  7. That sounds great. Using "typical" is good and less work for you, the scenario maker, which is always a good thing. Looking forward to the FI pack and more RT!
  8. Played this against one of my regular opponents and we really enjoyed it. Not having any idea what we were facing was great. Both of us are really slow, recon types anyway, but we both advanced really cautiously, figuring the other guy had armor when we had none. I won a minor, but it was a draw for all intents and purposes. Afterwards, we compared and it was a good balance. The russian side having more MG's and mortars evened it out nicely. You had a few high motivation units, which we normally don't do because it's our opinion they tend to act more realistically at normal and below (especially armor), but it was only a handful, so it didn't cause any problems. Overall, a great experience. Hope you stay motivated to make more of these. Looking forward to playing some of the FI pack battles. We're into RT these days, but that shifts every so often. We played the expert one, fyi.
  9. Also, the lethality of modern weapons can put someone who isn't experienced at playing H2H in a bad position much more quickly in BS than the WWII titles.
  10. Heavy forest means the tree density is quite high and despite what you might see in the movies, tankers really don't want to try to push over/through trees. Easy to get bellied up on a stump or do all sorts of mayhem to the vehicle.
  11. You won't regret getting FI. The terrain and units are very different than everything else in the series and it has a really unique flavor as a result.
  12. The same type of smaller battles you've been doing. Platoon up to company sized is wonderful. The type doesn't matter since you set it up in such a unique way that practically everything is a surprise. It's great for pbem or single player that way.
  13. Thank you very much for the FI and BN scenarios. I see that you have RT also, so if the motivation is there, I'd love to see some of these for that one too!
  14. They're Finns. If you're close enough to see the skulls, you're dead.
  15. I'll never forget being at an airshow many years ago and seeing a demo of the M1 right when it was entering service. They swanned around and it looked really maneuverable, but they ended with a high speed dash, and it looked every bit of 50mph to me, but a track broke and it was all bad.
  16. Correct. Panther is 75LL, King Tiger is 88LL, etc.
  17. A what if campaign with British forces holding the areas historically held by the US during the BoB would be fun.
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