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Everything posted by Mord

  1. In light of what @Sgt.Squarehead posted in the SF2 Screenshot thread I figured I open a topic for any work arounds and tricks we can use to manipulate SF2. Maybe Steve cut that conversation and post it here? Mord.
  2. HELLOOOOOO? Can I please get this thread moved into the SF2 modding section? I've been asking since August. Mord.
  3. GREAT MFin' FIND! If it works, it works! Better than where we were a month ago. I was gonna leave SF1 on my comp anyway just for research and comparison purposes, now I have a third validation. Mord.
  4. Awesome. That was a trick from the older days of modding the 1.0+ engine. There are a few anomalies like that with certain files, it's just hard to remember which WAVs and BMPs it relates too. But in the future you can use it as a rule of thumb checksum if something doesn't work outright. As far as the Normal Maps go, if you can't figure out the numbering and if your uniforms aren't too drastically different looking, you can not bother any the game will apply its original to the ones you add. Good luck, man. Mord.
  5. Skip the 1 and start with a 2. See if that works. EX. "smod_syrian_uniform_spec-ops-soldier" then "smod_syrian_uniform_spec-ops-soldier 2". Your Normal map would be numbered thusly "smod_syrian_uniform_spec-ops-soldier 2_normal map" or "smod_syrian_uniform_spec-ops-soldier_2_normal map" Not sure as this seems to be new territory. Mord.
  6. If it hadn't of been so late when I encountered it I would've went that route myself. I was dead tired at that point and it was "Oh, let me just check one more thing then I'll go to bed". LOL. Luckily it ended up being a test too far at that hour. Mord.
  7. I figured it out. Back when I got this comp I set up Windows so that My Documents, Videos, Music and Pictures were relegated to two separate drives instead of on the SSD. I have one 2TB drive dedicated just for games, which is where the My Documents folder is stored. When I installed SF2 I directly installed it into a main Combat Mission folder in My Documents which has all the CM titles in it, instead of the default "C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force 2" which would've been on my SSD. Normally, everything would be located in C:/Program Files under Combat Mission Shock Force 2 and the mod folder would've been in My Documents in a Shock Force 2 folder, hence the double folders and confusion. My SSD is only 232GB. I wanted to keep it mainly for the OS and not constantly be adding and deleting thousands of files on it which happens when I mod and test. I figured by keeping it isolated and free from all that I would extend its life span over time. LOL. GIANT answer to tiny problem. Mord.
  8. Nice. I was actually gonna PM you about that! I was tooling around Saturday in the uniform folder when I came across those. I was like wtf? I spent a good hour testing some files trying to figure out what was going on. Mystery solved. Thanks for clearing that up. Mord.
  9. Actually I think it's "portrait syr specialist". Mord.
  10. I uninstalled the demo. The "Combat Mission Shock Force 2" folder was holding the brzs and scenario folders if I remember correctly. Can't check now 'cause I am on my laptop. I thought it was strange though. Mord.
  11. You don't need a Z folder for SF2. Go to where you installed SF2, you'll see two folders for some reason, "Combat Mission Shock Force 2" and "Shock Force 2", open "Shock Force 2" then user data/mods. Just drop them in mods and you are good. Mord.
  12. Don't forget the "syrian specialist portrait" is not being used with Combatant and Fighter spies. Mord.
  13. Damn, Mark, you have carpal tunnel yet? Did Meach and Mishga lend a hand? Haven't seen them around in AGES. Mord.
  14. I took a vote and me and Other Mord agree with your sense of humor. @MJ: I am free range, brother, no drugs needed. Mord. And Other Mord.
  15. Which one of us were you talking to? Mord.
  16. Thanks! You're no slouch yourself. Mord.
  17. Damn, you are one good looking bearded man-god! Other Mord.
  18. I know, Other Mord! I totally agree with you. Mord.
  19. Yeah, Mord, that's sucks someone should do something about that! Other Mord.
  20. The Fallschirmjäger were introduced in the MG module. Man, I gotta get to sleep! Mord.
  21. The Syrian Spies (both Combatants and Fighters) are not using the Spy portrait (portrait syr specialist). They are using their respective Combatant and Fighter portraits instead. Minor, yes but man I have a really good Spy Portrait for my SF2 portrait mod! Mord.
  22. Steve rips random pages out of the phone book and plops them into Charles' jar, after that it's a mixture of squishy brain magic and a series of 0s and 1s. Mord.
  23. You're welcome. Nahh, I did the same thing. I entered all the old keys and the game wouldn't start, then I remembered there was a new key. Do yourself a favor and create a text file with ALL the keys on it and email it to yourself. And keep another on your HD. I have all my CM keys saved on Yahoo and on my comp. Have fun! Mord.
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