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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Yeah, pining away all those years for 1:1 and the agonizing wait to achieve it, I just don't think I could enjoy CMX1 anymore. Maybe if I wrapped my head around it being more a table top game? I still have CMBB and BO on disc with the manuals but last time I loaded them up they ran like crap on my 2015 comp. Mord.
  2. Thank ya, my Aussie brother! If you run into that dude that punched the Kangaroo in the chops, buy him a beer for me. He's my kinda guy. My cousin tried that crap with a black bear last summer. He had to give up knitting and now writes with his feet. I gotta say his penmanship has greatly improved though. Go figure. It was actually Charles after the sixteenth time Steve said I want to add just one more thing to SF2. The Bigfoot part was probably for legal reasons. Mord.
  3. At the rate it will probably take to see them back up, he might as well hit Ebay or Amazon. He could have them in a few days. Then again he may not have a CD tray. And there's the have to have the disc in to play PIA. EDITED: Sounds like I just talked him back into waiting LOL. Mord.
  4. Thanks, Bootie. I personally didn't need to upload anything right now, was checking for Oleksandr. But I appreciate your promptness. Looks like it will be pretty quick to get used too. Mord.
  5. You may be in luck. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/127178-is-tacops-gone-now/?tab=comments#comment-1768609 How long it will take is another question. Mord.
  6. That's great, man! I am glad my fumbly "how to" helped. Mord.
  7. Ahh, looks like they completely changed everything! I just uploaded the other day and it was normal. I didn't recognize a thing. Totally different. Mord.
  8. Throughout the past wargamers all over the world (the groggy, semi-groggy and non-groggy alike) have gathered on December 24th, in a far corner of the internet, to await the arrival of Santa Steve. It is a storied tradition that has been passed from father to son, and son to another son, and that son to his imaginary friend, Jim. For what? at least four years now? So, it's time-honored. Like drunken derelicts in a Mexican whorehouse, a whiskey, beer, (or in Emrys' case, egg nog spiked with ex-lax) in hand, they jostle excitedly to be the first to sight the legendary WaffenKringle of the Great Northern East. For they know, with his arrival come tidings of war and what shape that war will take in the following year. It's the kinda joy that brings a tear to a grown man's eye and divorce papers from that same guy's wife. However, this December an old friend from the desert landed in a LZ that normally would be abuzz with the cries of "BONES! BONES! BONES!" This friend had lost ten years, and gained ten pounds, and looked like a million bucks! Seemingly sated and awash in desert badassery most have turned their attention to blowing the crap out of Syrian crewed T-72s or RPGing a Leopard or three. So, it begs the question, with our old friend to keep us knee deep in cordite and the WaffenKringle elves busy as only WaffenKringle elves can be, will Santa Steve ride tomorrow night? Will all the good little wargamers gather in the hopes that Santa Steve soon will be here? Or will it be the year without a Santa Steve? I for one hope to spy him drudging out of the snowy wilderness, brain-in-a-jar in hand, the pockets of his coveralls packed to the brim with CM news and wargaming goodness. But regardless as to whether it happens or not, I am thankful our stockings were stuffed early with SF2. It was a great ending to a very dry year! Here's to killing it in 2019; Russian winters and Brazilian waxings in North Italia! Merry Christmas, Fellas!! Mord. P.S. A year ago yesterday. Wow. We made it!!! http://community.battlefront.com/topic/126131-the-night-before-cm-mas/?tab=comments#comment-1731593
  9. Thanks for the compliments, fellas! Sorry, forgot about this thread! Mord.
  10. I'd say use them as your base line. They'll keep you honest if you drift too much. Mord.
  11. Just wait until you use AT guns. They suck until they are pointed at you! Mord.
  12. How old is that article? I ran across something like that maybe a month ago? where they listed the best EF games and no mention of CMBB or RT. I was like..."B***S*** article!" Mord.
  13. They need to update some of the Uncon information, mostly IED stuff I believe. Unless they did it already. Mord.
  14. Only one I think you can get digitally is CMBO. https://www.amazon.com/Combat-Mission-Beyond-Overlord-Download/dp/B0034KYAQS?th=1 Mord.
  15. Actually you probably read about true gift certificates when the site upgrade took place. That's most likely what confused you. They either decided against them or just have gotten around to implementing the function yet. Mord.
  16. Yep. By creative use of the pause command and stacking orders. Ex: You run your guys up to the crest of a hill, select the end waypoint, issue a pause (in 5 sec increments), issue an area target briefly to where you want them to fire or don't issue any target commands and let them choose when they get there. Draw another way point back the way you came or at least out of enemy LOS/LOF. So it plays out like this: team runs to hill top, stops for 10 seconds, shoots at targets of opportunity, retreats/repositions itself. Mord.
  17. So far I have just been using what I posted on the first page. I have kept them all on but you can get quite a few effects just by starting with them as a base and then turning one off, or two off. See what catches your eye. Tint [sepia] Emphasize FilmPass ColorMatrix GaussianBlur Colourfulness Plus my game settings are Best/Best with AA on. That's it. Mord.
  18. Well, we are five days out, so I am hoping for the annual Christmas bone. Mord.
  19. I am surprised the Syrian version of Slim Pickens wasn't riding that bad boy. Mord,
  20. I can add just about anything as long as it's fairly clean, music free audio. You find some really good clips such as that and PM them to me I'll see what I can do. Can't promise anything because it doesn't always work out but I'll keep it in mind. I have a lot of modding on my plate right now, like you wouldn't believe! What does it mean? Mord.
  21. Thanks very much for this, Billy. I have tested it with SF2, BS, RT, and BN so far. It works best with the first three, there is about a one pixel lighter colored line around the upper part of the UI where it sticks above the black background. So, insignificant it's barely noticeable. It's more pronounced in BN, though about two or three pixels. Might be juJu's mod I have installed or the BN UI is a tad smaller because its older. Either, way these are very good for people who are having UI troubles in Reshade. I actually noticed that the shaders made my old portrait mod for BN look really good. And a little clarity for anyone saving Billy's png above. Make sure you rename it to just "UIMask" (minus the quotes). It saves with a very strange file name and even shows a ".png" . Very nice, thanks. That will be great for AARs. Mord.
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