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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Do you own the entire SF1 collection? If so, the SF2 upgrade with everything is only 35 bucks. SF2 upgrade + 1 title (Marines in the case of this AAR) is only 25 bucks. But I get it if you are broke. Trust me. Things are incredibly tight for me right now. SF2 was actually given to me as a gift (I won't embarrass the gifter unless they want me too LOL.). I wouldn't have been able to acquire it for quite a while, otherwise. I wish I had the money, I'd set you up, as a Christmas gift! Anyway, hope you can get it soon. Mord.
  2. Thanks, guys. The Uncons are gonna have a much more visceral feel to them now that they respond to their vehicle kills! My compromise with the old mod was that they'd scream when you targeted a unit but the problem was the file played when the order was given (immediately) even in WEGO. Also target sounds never play on their own (AI coordinated targeting), you have to manually give a fire order to hear those sounds. Anyway, in the videos dudes scream "Allahu Akbar" etc. after they hit targets, in celebration. This will add to that realism. Mord.
  3. Died just to give me a splash screen... Did you find the penetration? Mord.
  4. The other day I uploaded my old "Allah's Army" sound mod for SF & SF2. It's been long locked away in the Repos, so I figured I'd give new people access to it on CMMODs. Well, in the readme I wrote this: "This my old SF1 mod of insurgent fighters screaming Allahu Akbars and other phrases. They are edited and numbered so to be heard throughout various situations and orders. As SF1 and 2 do not have Syrian voice files for vehicle hits (like the other titles) I had to make due. There should be enough sprinkled among the voice files to increase the ambience and add some flavor to your experience." Which meant that the mod was and had always been a compromise on what I was aiming for vs the reality of what the game would allow me to do. I bent it the best I could to fit my vision. So, anyway I'd noticed, that NO country had the vehicle hit voice files in SF. However, those files were in every game since BN, including SF II. I have a tendency to go in forty different directions when I am dicking with mods, so, I scribbled a quick note in my modding note pad, "Check and see if Syrian sounds were implemented". A few days went by and I decided to take up my note's challenge. So, I took all the US "hit" folders, copied them over and then renamed all the files to their Syrian counterparts (that way if they worked I'd hear American voices coming from Syrians and there'd be no mistakes). I created a bunch of silent vehicle files so I'd have a nice quiet map, and then set up a test. Below takes place after my tests. My hunch was that BF implemented the files for the US, Brits, and NATO (minus the Dutch) because these files have been in existence since CMBO. Not having any Arabic speakers on hand they just couldn't make anything new for the Syrians. I thought maybe the code was still there though, all it needed was something to point to. HOT DAMN. I WAS RIGHT!!! I am going to redo the Allah's Army mod for SF II shortly. As you can see from the vid, the mod FINALLY works in the way I'd originally intended. Almost ten years and my artistic vision comes to fruition! I am BEYOND STOKED! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!! Mord.
  5. I'll tell ya, I've always enjoyed taking screenshots but they felt like they lacked something. Now, it is so much fun. I am finding tons of inspiration in seemingly mundane actions. I haven't even taken a screen shot in a battle yet. They have all been prefab editor or test map pics. The shaders really change the artistic opportunities and they even seem to give you a better eye for the action. Mord.
  6. Yep. The US Army isn't using it's armor portrait for one. When you click a tank you see a heavy infantry portrait. Mord.
  7. Hey, brother, are you gonna get SF2? If you do you can re-fight this in 4.0 glory! Mord.
  8. There's quite a few that aren't being utilized. I have been meaning to make a post about it, though I have mentioned the issue to a Beta Tester. Mord.
  9. I do not know. You are speaking alien when it comes to Apple crap. I use the Windows crap. Mord.
  10. Great, enjoy! It's a small thing but adds a lot of atmosphere. From what I could see, and trust me I LOOKED and LOOKED and ROTATED and ZOOMED and LOOKED! it's the same height. I compared it side by side with every grass type (plus wheat) in the game. And by the way heed my warning about not having another grain mod installed. I went apesh** for about two hours trying to figure out why I couldn't get the MFing texture to show. I did tests marking all kinds of other textures etc. Ends up I had Kieme's grain texture buried in a sub folder. It's the second time in two weeks I have done that to myself! Mord.
  11. We're awesome! In place of stoning we force heretics to watch Minecraft play throughs on Twitch. Mord.
  12. CMMODs has a Shock Force 1 spot again. It's in the drop down navigation window on the right. We just need Steve to give us access to the Repos so we can get all the stuff off of it. You're in luck. Just about all your questions can be answered here. We had a big thread on it all just today. Nope, but you thought you did. LOL. You've thought that for about eight years. All the Astan textures I ever had were culled from CM:A. I believe he wanted the Muj and stuff for Shock Force 1. But for the record just about all the building and ground textures for SF and CM:A will work in SF2. Mord.
  13. BF didn't give us options for any Extra Tall Grass in SF2. Out of all the terrain they were the ones I wanted most. Well, luckily they gave us two types of grain, the original from SF and a crop type. I used the old SF one, not tied to crops, and created an Extra Tall Grass mod for it. Basically you'll install it and when you want to paint Extra Tall Grass on the map just choose the Grain button. More details are in the readme. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=7606 Mord.
  14. I never did a Muj mod for SF. But there is one included in Dragonwyn's Heart of Darkness campaign according to others. Blimey made one but he either never published it or it is buried on the Repository with a hundred other things we can't get to. I used to have it but apparently it's lost. That would be like three computers ago easy. Mord.
  15. LOL. Now you are on the precipice of the rabbit hole. PM me and I'll send you Blimey's Separatists mods. They aren't on CMMODs at the moment. They are great. For the time being they just replace UKR and/or Russian uniforms. We are hoping actual separatists make it into a module (hopefully the newest one). Mord.
  16. You REALLY should try it out. It's way beyond Movie Mode or throwing mods into the folder. AND that's coming from a modder! You can tweak the settings as much or as little as you like. Your shader setup can be even more personalized than your actual mod folder. The pics you have seen are just everyone elses personal likes, yours can be completely different all by clicking! Seriously, you are doing yourself a disservice ignoring it. It will change your gaming! Mord, Church of Reshadetology.
  17. Actually it was early morning (9am). But the point is that the shaders can change the color balance easily with only a few clicks. Beats renaming BMPs or messing with saturation in Photoshop. It's one example of 5000 combos you could come up with simply making a couple clicks in real time. If I had left out the sepia it would've probably looked even better. The shaders even have levels you can tweak if you want to, to finely adjust the effects they produce. Mord.
  18. https://www.battlefront.com/battle-for-normandy/cmbn-commonwealth-forces-module/?tab=toe https://www.battlefront.com/battle-for-normandy/cmbn-market-garden-module/?tab=toe I'd absolutely get both as they compliment each other. I am not sure whether Canadians are included in MG. It doesn't say. Look at the lists and just about everything in MG without an asterisk is new to Market Garden. Mord.
  19. Excellent. Very good info there. I am very much looking forward to diving deep into it's power. It's a new level of modding and takes much less work! I really appreciate all these tips and suggestions, so thanks very much! Don't hesitate to add more as you think of them. LOL. I was counting on it. Modding whether creating them or using them has always been a time sink and can of worms. But this is very powerful with much less effort and far more gain. Does a lot of what BMP just manipulation can't. You are welcome. Guys like you were my main target. I knew there were still some of us that couldn't get our heads around it and gave up. I was hoping to get a few back onboard. It really makes taking screens fun again, along with really wowing-up the scenery. Great! Glad it worked out for you. No. So far I just used those settings I listed. But as Holwer said there are many ways to tweak them, the order they are listed alone can can change how they display. Mord.
  20. It will not work (as posted above). I wrote a semi detailed explanation in the Civil War thread. SF1 and CM:A are the last bastions of model swapping. Mord.
  21. You'll be saying the same thing a year from now. In modern you tend to feel every death twice as hard. Once you get to WWII you'll be running dudes into a meat grinder and won't even bat an eye. Your losses will be 5x higher and you'll feel like a king. You sound just like me back when I discovered CMBO. I went apes*** for everything WWII. Bought all kinds of memoirs and armor guides and watched every VHS tape I could get my hands on. Yeah, VHS, it was that long ago! 2000. Haven't stopped since. My library and DVD collection have expanded with all kinds of military history since then. I really enjoy your enthusiasm. It's a blast watching you develop a love for the game. If you have Netflix there is a documentary on their about the UKR. I don't know if it's any good, though. And if you haven't seen these, they are pretty good. Mord.
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