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Everything posted by WWB

  1. While I like BTS' logic for leaving campaigns out, quick ops would be a great addition to the engine. WWB
  2. Am I the only one who thinks putting live mortar shells on a lave is a fundamentally bad idea? WWB
  3. One thing I have read is the one item which the Russians appreciated most was waterproof telephone wire. Apparently they had quality control issues (big suprise), and with telephone wire, either it is or is not waterproof. The American stuff was. WWB
  4. When the Germans invaded Russia they found out about some very superior Red Army weapons systems, mainly the T-34 and the 120mm mortar. The T-34 begat the panther, but the 120mm was just copied and put into service. WWB
  5. Rabbit, A couple things to try: a) Get DirectX 8.0a from microsoft. I was having some funky graphics glitches until I installed it. Try going back to the 6.47 drivers. They helped out some other funky graphics issues I had with the 6.50 drivers. c) Is your system overclocked? CM is notoriously bad at dealing with OCed systems, and especially with OCed graphics cards. e) What OS are you using. If it is WinME, that might well be the problem. WWB
  6. No, the save directory is not changeable. But if the two machines are networked then you could make the CMBO\PBEM folder shared and map it as a network drive and then save e-mails directly to it. WWB
  7. Agua, nVidia makes graphics chipsets, but does not make graphics cards themselves. They realize that actual end user support is a black hole for profits, so they just sell the makings to chip makers who then make and support the cards sold to consumers. So my Inno3d GeForce2 MX is nearly identical to the AsusTek GeForce2 MX. And the TNT2 he is speaking of is just as much as an nVidia as a GeForce3. Regarding PCI video cards, there is really no reason to go higher than a TNT2 Ultra. You can get GeForce2 MX PCIs, but the PCI slot limits their bandwith so much that it is not worth the extra $50 or so. I would advise getting 32mb of RAM on the card. A good place to shop online is www.pricewatch.com . WWB
  8. As stated above, different tubes have different purposes. 81s are great for suppressing infantry, and 2 81 spotters firing at the same place can be devastating, just because of the number of targets. They are also the ultimate ant-ATG and smokescreening weapons. They are great on the defensive, because they can be called down on top of your own (dug-in) positions without too much risk to your own men. Heavy mortars (4.2 in and 120mm) are the best of both worlds. Come in quick, do plenty of damage. 105s are also quite dual purpose. Not quite heavy enough to take out troops in buildings, but real nasty on troops in the open or troops in foxholes. The bigger stuff is very good for flat out destruction of enemy forces. Especailly those US 155s, which come in fast enough to be of use against a mobile opponent. And the 14 inch naval guns are the hand of God expressed in CM. One hit and say bye-bye to that company. WWB
  9. The depot has moved to www.militarygamer.net WWB
  10. Well, need I remind you that the Sherman was more than a match for the Panzer IV, which should be viewed as its co-generationalist. True, panthers eat shermans for lunch, but they were a later design that came out of a much different warL: a war where you did not have to fit the things on seaborne transport, thereby limiting weight and turret ring size. Also note that the true advantages of the sherman are not apparent on CMBOs scale. If you took 10 panthers on a 100 mile road march, 5 would finish it without mechanical difficulties on a good day. But if you took 10 shermans on the same march, 8 would finish on a bad day. Most of the time all 10 would show up. WWB
  11. Well, I cannot look it up due to the fact that my library is still in boxes. But it happened in August 44, during operation bagration. I am suprised none of the real grogs has corrected my omission yet. . . WWB
  12. I forgot the unit names, but there was one heavy panzer battalion engaged near Minsk in the high summer of 1944 that accounted for an entire Russian Tank Corps. That would be an awesome Op. WWB
  13. While I am not a Penger, I will say that the cesspool must stay. While the pool might not interest all, and I even admittedly avoid it, it, and its members, is a pillar of the CM playing community. They have been around since before the beta demo days, and have made numerous contributions to the game and the community as a whole. Not to mention that it is a great place to find non-gamey bastard opponents. WWB
  14. I follow the Iraeli doctrine on this issue. All tanks should be kept unbottoned except when under small arms fire at ranges less than 200m or artillery attack. You lose a few TCs, but you lose far fewer tanks. WWB
  15. Ok. All you need is: system tray scanreg load power profile (x1) all of the mcaffe stuff (look at the target directory and if it says something like c:\program files\McAffe\ leave it) Everything else is optional. WWB
  16. We definitely need to see some sort of on board, indirect fire mode in CM2. Right now the most useless vehicles in the game are the mortar halftracks, because they cannot be spotted for like leg mortars. WWB
  17. Well, list away. And having more memory is never, ever a bad thing. Especially when you might be able to put that 128mb or 256mb simm in your next PC. WWB
  18. I don't think medals or experience gains would be realistic to model except in one case. That case would be green troops in operations. Since green troops are supposed to represent fully trained but as yet unblooded troops, it would make sense that they could progress from green to regular over the course of several battles. But aside from that I don't think there should be any other advancement, as it would be completely unrealisitc. Most definitely, one should not be able to make 'elite' troops, which was the usual case with my Steel Panthers campaigns. WWB
  19. Check the MsConfig, the only things you really need are the virus scanner, systray, scanregistry, and explorer. Also, do not waste the shipping costs of buying 32mb of ram. Buy at least 128mb if not 256mb. WWB
  20. Uh, just how are you going to simulate thermal sights, much less improved conventional munitions? WWB
  21. Check out www.combat-missions.net Tiger has done one, IIRC. WWB [edited for URL error] [ 04-22-2001: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
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