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  1. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in When should BFC start to develop a CMx3 engine ?   
    What gives you the right to think they need to respond to you?
  2. Upvote
    Holien reacted to c3k in When should BFC start to develop a CMx3 engine ?   
    Please re-read my post. Am I defending BFC? Perhaps. I was trying to let Wiggum15 know why his posts don't carry any weight.
    Am I mad if someone calls me a fanboy? Not at all.
    Am I a fanboy? Maybe you think so.
    As a counterpoint, look at Lacroix's post, just above. He quotes me and adds a "lol". Why? Because he does not have a rational counterargument. Lacroix is another one to whom I give no credence. His posting history has caused this. Criticism is acceptable, even desirable to improve the game. The negativity expressed by several, like Wiggum15 and Lacroix is counterproductive.
    Back to your point, Aurelius.  I will not stand by silently when I see posts which are counterfactual. I try to reply to posts with the same level of respect and maturity as they are made. Look up my posting history. Find where I say this game cannot be improved. Find where I do not support ideas to improve the game. There is a world of difference between trying to improve something and just tearing it down. Yes, this forum can get defensive against inflammatory posts. However, this forum also allows those inflammatory posts...for the most part.
    Irrational, immature, insulting, and inflammatory posts should not be accepted. Defending BFC? No. I am defending a game system I enjoy. I will not passively watch a few malcontents poison a forum without pointing out their falsehoods and distortions.
    Edited to add: As a beautiful counterpoint to everything Wiggum15, Lacroix, et al., have posted, look at this: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119875-worrying-60mm-mortar-behavior/page-1
    We have a criticism of behavior which is specific and it includes what behavior was expected. A member of BFC's team checks it, finds it has merit, and posts an internal report about it. And then provides feedback to the OP about it. This is just one of hundreds of threads which prove how distorted are the statements posted by Wiggum15 et alia.
  3. Upvote
    Holien reacted to slysniper in When should BFC start to develop a CMx3 engine ?   
    The more I read about the issues and why they want a new game engine. It appears it is all about the graphics more than the game features.

    It just drives them crazy to not see their frame rates at 60 and the game not appearing as it does for them in some other games.

    Yes, there is rants about game features, but between this thread and the others they have high jacked. Most of the desire and attitude they show is when it comes to the graphics and how the game functions.

    No one should really be defending CM when it comes down to these items, they are outdated and do not use the computer power as it possible could. But some of that is intentional and some of it is from the inability to create a new engine with each new development in home computers.

    This is a small time company and they cannot afford or meet them demands. Even if they started today on a new engine, by the time the publish it will again be outdated, plus they have always believed in making their product so it would run on older machines so that everyone that played did not need the latest new rig.

    So face it, you young Bucks that are Graphic Porn sluts will never get your fix from BF when it comes to giving you fantastic graphics.

    So for you, just keep hoping for a big money company to provide that to you, but Guess what, they do but with no game substance. They draw pretty pictures and take your money and you wonder why you get so bored so quickly. Because you always need new porn to fill your lust.

    No game Porn Here, Just a great game -
  4. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Doug Williams in Axis Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge   
    We are on same page

    The English way =
    What you want to watch out for is when I use the word courageous decision

  5. Upvote
    Holien reacted to CarlWAW in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    You seem to be quick with personal judgements. Where did I write about problems finding mods? Have you never read this or any other forum? Even PBEM is already too complicated for many customers. My point of view is taking the DAUs into account.

    And I thought I mentioned several facts?
    Is it beyond your imagination that someone can think outside the fanboy-box. Because the current system is good enough for you, doesn't make it any more accessible for the average customer.
    I raised several arguments why I think the current implementation sucks - btw which arguments did you reply to when you are talking about throwing the baby out with the water?
    For many customers even installing mods in a special folder is already too difficult.
    I also often cannot understand the reflexes on this forum: instead to think about the additional possibilities and optionalities, the mindset of fanbois is strictly binary.

    Transparency is one of the main design principles of user friendly software. If something is not transparent, it is rejected by customers.
    And searching for mods that fit to a scenario and installing them separately is such a case.
    But this doesn't make the problem go away: the average customer will never see your mods currently, although he has played scenarios from you.
    How many CM customers even have heard about mod-tags? How many of them can install mods? How many know, how the tag system works? 
    How could this system have been tried, if the game doesn't check if a subfolder exists?

    And Kohlenklau, if the current system was such a big success, how high is the percentage of scenarios with dedicated mods?
    I guess even 10% is way to high!
    Now lets take into account how many are downloading and installing the mods. You probably end up in the low single digit percentages... Great system?
  6. Upvote
    Holien reacted to eniced73 in Seasonal Sale?   
    Go get a life!
    Senseless post.  No need for it.
  7. Upvote
    Holien reacted to General Jack Ripper in Axis Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge   
    Oh I can see it now:
    Chapter 1 - "Thinking About Attacking"
    Chapter 2 - "Attacking"
    Chapter 3 - "How to Attack After Attacking"
    Chapter 4 - "Defending Counterattacking"
    Chapter 5 - "If Your Attack Fails... A Hypothetical Argument"
    Chapter 6 - "Submachine Guns in the Attack"
    Chapter 7 - "Killing Your Enemies... or How to Attack Without Moving"
    Chapter 8 - "Fratricide, a Tool for Victory!"
  8. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Odin in Counterattack at Son   
    Excellent work!!
  9. Upvote
    Holien reacted to panzersaurkrautwerfer in In another blow to transparency, Putin classifies peacetime Spetsnaz losses   
    The radio code word we used at the time was "River City."  We didn't lose many folks, but you'd usually have 10-30 seconds to finish what you were doing before the call centers, internet, and even the official DoD connections to the "real" internet got shut down (the military intranet stuff kept going, but it's not like you got on gmail with that).  Our Artillery Battalion had a mascal and one of the dudes who died was first generation immigrant from Guatemala.  We did not have normal contact with our families until they'd found the dude's family in his home country so a real human in a US Army uniform would tell them their son was dead and we are so sorry.
    Which is why this Putin mess pisses me off so much.  Oh.  Your son is dead.  SORRY it didn't happen really but he's just as dead.  HEY.  There's your kid on youtube getting probed by Ukrainians.  HE SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE ON VACATION!
    It's like my god, I knew if I died Baghdad wasn't going to know peace until my body was brought back, and some Captain and a Chaplain were going to have to tell my family that I died serving this country I love.  Or if I went missing my country was going to do literally everything it could do to get me back or ensure I was really dead before it gave up trying to get me back (even if I was a crapbird like Bergdalh).  
    Russia?  Pffft.  Their soldiers are cheaply sold for questionable goods, and are quickly forgotten when they're broken.  Someone's son is worth more than that, but it's readily apparent Putin's concern for that son, and for Russia's children's future only carries as far as ensuring his corrupt buddies have places to build casinos, and a tinny hollow version of "russian glory."  Whore's makeup on a corpse if you will.  
  10. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Doug Williams in Axis Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge   
    Thanks for the video that really helps, wondering what you will decide on for force...
  11. Downvote
    Holien reacted to VasFURY in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Why is it absurd Sburke? If we are going to call Russia fascist, because of cynical actions of its state, and then dismiss that your state makes some pretty serious cynical decisions themselves, is that reasonable? So, the thousand posts here http://www.911truth.orgas well as hundreds of other sites, means all these people talk absurd nonsense?

    Arguably, the difference is the FSB guys got caught doing what they were doing, while your guys didnt get caught doing what they were doing. Thats the difference. The end result is the same.

    And the talk about the excuse machine, dude, noone is making excuses for what the Rus. Government is or is not doing. Im saying dont be sitting on your high chair calling them fascists, and then pretending that there are no similarities in US's actions of the past, that could just as easily apply that terminology to themownselves.
  12. Upvote
    Holien reacted to sburke in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Really?  You are suggesting there is any comparison at all between 9/11 and the Moscow bombings?  There is no doubt who committed 9/11.  The saddest thing about 9/11 is that our intelligence agencies were so poorly coordinated they couldn't stop it.  That we do not hold Saudi Arabia more responsible as the promoter of wahhabism is another sad point.  To say however the US gov't somehow cynically murdered 4,500 people to not pay attention to an economic crisis is just pretty absurd. 
    And this isn't "America's war".  The same folks, as have been previously pointed out, have hit the UK, Spain etc. So did America also somehow pull those off as well?
    With the Moscow bombings however the FSB is caught red handed planting a bomb, then somehow the bomb becomes flour and it is a training mission, then the gov't shuts down the investigation and Putin rides the wave of vengeance against Chechnya... hmm yeah they are even close to comparison....
    Sheesh it is staggering sometimes to see the excuse machine that creates whatever it needs to in order to make what is going on in Russia just run of the mill normal stuff.
    Call it for what it is.  Yes it is a nasty word and not one to be used lightly, but when it is appropriate then for damn sure it is time to say it.
  13. Upvote
    Holien reacted to BlackMoria in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Looks like this thread is rapidly swirling down the drain.  Perhaps best to shove a plug in.
    Looks, gents, war is hell.  There is nothing glamorous about it.  There is nothing moral about it.  And it is nothing to celebrate. 
    It is really easy to point fingers at the other side and decry them as murderous bastards, fascists, commie pinkos, the great satan... pick you favorite slur.   It changes nothing in the long run.  It doesn't bring back the dead. It doesn't comfort or heal the wounded, whether those wounds are physical or psychological.
    It just leads to another cycle of violence.  Like the saying in Star Wars - anger leads to the dark side.
    When I was in Bosnia in '93 as a Canadian peacekeeper, two Bosnia Serb soldiers came up to me at a checkpoint.  They were two brothers from Toronto, Canada.   I asked them why they were here in Serbian military uniforms.  I then heard a story about as they were growing up, they heard from their grandparents and their parents over and over about what the Croats did to the family in WW2 and stuff post war.  They were here to defend the motherland and to settle accounts with the Croatians for something that happened to the family nearly 50 years ago.  I don't get that - they were born in Canada (their family came to Canada post war) yet they felt that this was THEIR war to fight.
    Anger and hatred lead them here.  Instilled by the anger and hatred of their parents, perpetrated by anger and hatred from their parents.  Fighting in a war not of their making, for a cause not their own, for a homeland they have never seen.  A cycle of violence nearly 50 years in the making.
    I have seen some of that anger expressed here and I am reminded of that time talking with the two brothers.  And I am seeing the seeds of that tragedy here.
    I was in a very dark place for a long time after my peacekeeping tour in '93.  Some would call it PTSD.  You can only see so much of genocide up close and in your face and a part of me inside died.  There was no moral high ground for either side,  All sides did stuff terrible things that are war crimes - the Bosnians, the Croatians and the Serbs.  Yes, the bulk of the ethnic cleansing was done by the Serbs but is no excuse for the Bosnians and the Croatians to do what they did.  I saw a beautiful country in ruins, shattered lifes, mounds of civilian dead, and a land with seeming madmen running around with guns seeming to want to re-fight WW2 or address the wrongs they suffered in that conflict..
    Chains of the past.  So many people in the world are bound by those chains.  I see the ghosts of the past conflicts playing out in the conflicts of today.  There is the real tragedy.  We seemingly can't escape our past and we poison the well for our children so they are doomed to repeat our mistakes.
    Anger leads to the dark side.  That is true.  I lived it grappling with my PTSD and the nightmares of seeing a country gone mad in Bosnia.  I wanted to kill every ethnic cleansing son of bitch with a gun.   It took a long time but I came to accept certain things.
    I saved lots of civilians, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian but not enough for me.  I wanted to save all of them.  I couldn't and felt guilty for decades as a result.   War lesson 1:  In war people die, soldier and civilian alike,  War lesson 2:  You can't do anything to change lesson 1.  It took a long time for me to embrace that and that saved my sanity ultimately.
    There is real evil in the world and real monsters.  The monsters look like us and talk to us but make no mistake, there are real monsters out there.  You only see them for what they are by what they do.  I want to Kill All The Monsters but the reality is, strike one down and another rises to take his place.  Nothing changes and we learn nothing from our history.  Hitler was struck down and Rwanda and Bosnia happened.  Deal with those and then it is Sudan. Or Cambodia.  Or Syria.  Or ISIS.  Or who ever the next Hilter wannabe is.   People who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.  
    Chains of our past.  Everyone has this issue.   Do you allow the past to bind you and deny you a better future or do you let it go.
    The chains of the experiences in Bosnia bound me and put me on a self destructive path to most likely a grim future.  Only by embracing what happened and learning to rise above it, to not allow the past to control my present so I can forge a new future did I finally find peace for my soul.  It was hard because the chains are thick and strong - memories, recollections and seeing stuff like the genocide in Bosnia playing out elsewhere in the world brings it all back.  But I broke free finally and the memories are not emotionally charged as they were in the past as a result.  No, the memories never go away.  But you can make peace with them and find a way to a sort of 'wholeness' again.
    I have rambled on.  Partly to acknowledge my past and the role I played in it.   A affirmation that something in life tried to beat me down and I rose above it.
    Partly to my brothers in arms from any side of the conflicts who are dealing the the imprint of what total war does to their soul and well being, that there is a way ahead.  Memories can become less emotionally charged and less painful. Memories do fade somewhat through time, working hard toward wholeness, and throwing off the shackles of the past and living for the future.  It is not a easy road or a fast road and not everyone can break their chains of the past but it can be done.
    And finally, to the Croatian, Bosnian and Serb posters.  I see anger and pain in your words.  War is terrible and it will write things on your soul that will deny you a bright, happy future.  I know.  I was there.  I have lived it.   Acknowledge the past, regardless of how ugly or hurtful it is.  Realize the past is the past and is not your future unless you allow it.  Do not do what a Serb family that moved to Toronto did and poison their two sons with what happened long ago in a land now far away that resulted in them involving themselves in killing other people, perhaps being killed themselves and exposing themselves to the horrors of war, for a cause not that shouldn't been theirs to fight and a war they shouldn't have been involved in, all over something that happened nearly 50 years ago.   Don't deny the future of your children or grandchildren by binding them in YOUR chains of the past and dooming them to fight in some future war because the last war had a negative impact on your family.
    War is death, destruction, shattered lives and futures denied.  Don't glorify it and not rationalize it.  Your a damn fool otherwise.
  14. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Still don't see how you pay 46% the rate is 40% and only on the amount above the threshold....

    That puts you close to the top 10% of earners in the UK.

    Also by paying yourself Dividends you are avoiding (depending on how much you take) the 40% tax rate and only being taxed 20% and Russia taxes companies profits at 13%?

    All companies (unless you are Amazon and Apple et al) pay taxes to the country they gain their profit from.... (refer back to my comments about the UK spending more than it is taking in as taxes)...

    I get what point you are trying to make comparted to Russian but you are being very liberal with your examples and it is not supporting your point IMO...

    BTW good to know you are paying taxes as our defence budget will be going up....
  15. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Hmm this is wrong on so many levels... (Oranges and concrete comes to mind as you are not even in the realms of comparing fruit...)

    1. You have far more freedom in this country to express your beliefs as long as they do not include violence to other groups and are against the principals of law. Currently we even tolerate preachers who epose radical Islam?

    2. You then say that you want better economical advantage and in the other breath say that is better in Russia?

    3. In Regards to the political parties again so far from the mark I am wondering what realm you live in. The last parliament was hung and no one party won. I guess some peoples votes counted? Then two parties formed a govt and compromises were made so clearly each party had to give ground? I would like to see Russia run like that?

    4. Taxes going up? Nope not happened yet (but hey we spend more than we get so I guess we need to start getting more money in as a country - so I would guess that might be true statement soon)

    5. National Health service a joke? Hmm free health care not a joke to those trying to get into the UK. BTW did I mention we are spending more than we take in as taxes so what is going to give?

    6. Yep 2 million people freely protested against the war, but the country had debates and the polls clearly showed their was a majority in favour. Of course hindsight has proved that majority wrong myself included.

    7. I guess increased security measures around our Parliament is something to be expected when you consider the threat levels. Speakers corner is open for all to protest at and Pussy Riot in the UK would not end up in jail for singing in a church...
  16. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Wicky in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    Hmmm I think you live in a different country 50%!!
    40% Tax rate if you earn over £42k which is not the vast majority of the country. For the vast majority it is 20% and could be a lot less if you are a low earner.
    The company does get taxed for NICS and that is to contribute to the health service which is all free for UK citizens. At least the employees do not pay for that...
    Yes there is a council tax but I guess you want police, bins emptied and local servicers like buses and swimming pools etc...
    As for Death duty that only hits if yoiur house is worth £325k and again not many people fall into that. There are ways to reduce it legally...
    I would guess our taxes will be going up soon to pay for extra jets to escort lost Russian war planes.... Funny how they keep getting lost...

  17. Upvote
    Holien reacted to A Canadian Cat in Moscow Victory Day (70 Years) Parade   
    I don't care about the year thing - that's not it. 
    In the UK the existing police services are hiring more employees.  Admittedly they will have less training and less authority but they are still going to report to the existing civilian police service and be hired by then, run by them, be uniformed by them and do as they are told by the existing police forces.
    The example quoted by @sburke says this new "force" will be formed from a political party using political loyalists.  They will be uniformed by the party.  It sure sounds like they will be controlled by the party. That just screams "Brown Shirts" and sounds very different from the UK service you are comparing it to.
    I'm not seeing these as similar organizations at all.
  18. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Wiggum15 in Possible Bugs for Older Campaigns Created with earlier Engines?   
    OK so I have been playing Die Letzte Hoffnung and I have hit a Problem where I think I am being shoirt changed on Panthers and MKIV's going missing from 1st scenario where I lost none in that scenario.
    I have now seen quite a ferw different threads where other strange things have happened for people. Loss of AT guns that they expected to be there.
    I have a feeling (yet to be proved) that older campaigns created with earlier engines are in effect broken and this really affects the longevity of CMBN and the other titles if true.
    I have just given up on Die Letzte Hoffnung until I get to bottom of it as it is a wonderful campaign but I hate to waste time if it is truly broken?
    Here are other threads where people think things are broken...
    The Scottish Corridor Campaign is just too good to be thrown away like this if there is an issue.
    Possible explanation from Myles
    One of the few unfortunate side effects of BF upgrading CMBN to stay up-to-date with newer CM releases is that some of the older scenarios and campaigns that were created under the 1.0 engine are now out-of-date especially as to OOBs.  There have been changes to OOBs that have resulted in some older scenarios/campaigns now missing vehicles/equipment or having what appears to be bugged chains-of-command (ex: changes made to the OOB for US armored infantry platoons will result in their having TWO platoon commanders in older scenarios.) 
    Since all CM campaigns/scenarios are user-made, BF doesn't update them when it patches or upgrades the game.  It leaves it to the individual designers to update them or not.  And most have chosen not too.  So, when one plays an older scenario/campaign with a fully updated/upgraded version of CMBN then one will occasionally stumble across OOB discrepancies or "bugs."
    Other threads it has been raised
    No real solid answer and no proof it is broken...
    So I have asked Vanir who has an earlier version of the game loaded to see if he can get different results from a save game I have for DLH campaign and if I get some further time I will try and load up the different engines and see if I can prove any changes...
    Has anyone else seen this issue and is there anything that can be done about it?
    Is it really down to re-creating the campaigns in each new engine version?
    For me it seems to important not to keep these wonderful campaigns alive for new players of them...
  19. Downvote
    Holien reacted to Squatdog in Spotting .... again ...   
    The ISU-152 idled for roughly 10 seconds almost directly in front of the Hetzer, yet somehow remained invisible

    Instance 2: foliage.  
    The Panzershrek was INSIDE the bush and otherwise had an unobstructed view.

    Instance 3: Smoke. As soon as the smoke cloud dissipates the Hetzer spots its target.  
    You can clearly see that smoke didn't obstruct the target. Even when the ISU-152 was covered with heavy smoke after being knocked out and pelted with grenades, it was STILL VISIBLE to the Hetzer.

    Instance 4: There are two trees that are "trunks only" between the T-34 and the Hetzer. The T-34 got lucky and spotted the Hetzer before being spotted in return.  
    What a LOAD OF CRAP.
    The Hetzer was completely incapable of detecting the T34 from when it slowly lumbered into view, right up to the moment that it was knocked out by the T34s third shot. FORTY-THREE SECONDS LATER.

    * take two companies if infantry. Call it 150 eyeballs a side, and 150 targets. That's 150^2 potential spotting checks per cycle. For round numbers, let's say there's an average of 10 cycles per minute, so in an hour, 600 cycles times 22500 = 13.5 million potential checks per hour. And that's just one company a side. Many, many of those checks are handled "in summary" by the LOS table, but it's all part of a system that, generally, works.  
    What a LOAD OF CRAP.
    Out in the real world, it's a simple matter of coding an algorithm that extrapolates a basic vision radius and checks yes/no to whether an enemy is visible.
  20. Upvote
    Holien reacted to delliejonut in M8 the Killer   
    I read through the linked threads, for the most part. I don't think you're at all wrong in critiquing John when you feel that he has said something untrue. Everyone should be open to critique- it's necessary and healthy.
    However, critique is not my problem. Caustic behavior towards other individuals is. If someone posting a rebuttal does so negatively then logic is displaced, and there can be no genuine discussion. At that point, because of negativity bias, all discussion will become paranoid, defensive, and aggressive. 
    I know you guys have a history I don't fully understand, but both parties are valid, even if one side is sometimes incorrect. I'm not asking you to stop fact checking or become apathetic. Just try to pretend that other people on the forums are actually people. 
  21. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Rambler in M8 the Killer   
    Yes, stop. Your constant vendetta against JK is becoming extremely tiresome. If you think you are winning people to your side, you are not. Every snide and demeaning attack you make on JK shows us what a small, petty and vindictive man you really are. Every time JK, for all his faults, turns the other cheek or addresses your attacks with civility shows us that he has a lot more character.

    From now on, I’ll be reporting posts I see where you spout your usual belittling, denigrating and snide comments against fellow members whom you deem as a lesser or disagree with. As a higher profile unpaid employee of BFC (You create content, for free, that ships with the game, making you an unpaid employee for all intents and purposes), the way you conduct yourself throws a bad light on BFC. It’s time that they are made aware of this.
  22. Downvote
    Holien reacted to kohlenklau in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    ...they work on "The Fog"? ...well I will be ready with the Adrienne Barbeau mod! 

  23. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Desertor in Patton quote ref US advantages over Russia & why we'd beat them if we kept going   
    since when have you become a moderator? You behaviour towards JK seems to be verging on stalking IMO. Does you no credit.
    A football phrase comes to mind "play the ball not the man"
  24. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from BigDog944 in Patton quote ref US advantages over Russia & why we'd beat them if we kept going   
    since when have you become a moderator? You behaviour towards JK seems to be verging on stalking IMO. Does you no credit.
    A football phrase comes to mind "play the ball not the man"
  25. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Patton quote ref US advantages over Russia & why we'd beat them if we kept going   
    since when have you become a moderator? You behaviour towards JK seems to be verging on stalking IMO. Does you no credit.
    A football phrase comes to mind "play the ball not the man"
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