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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Welcome Sukhoi, yeah kick ass game isn't it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have and will continue to. What side do you prefer playing? Just curious?
  2. Being a hunter all my life, well in the old days anyway ,I have handled and used many different types of weapons ( rifles and pistols) and while in the army M60 machine gun. The only thing I can think of is that CM might be taking into consideration a mud or dirt factor along with the rain. There is no reason water ( rain ) by itself would cause any weapon to jam. What causes a jam is normally a fired shell not ejecting from the throat of the barrel so when the gas pushes back the bolt and trys to place a new round in it, the spent shell is blocking it and this causes the new round to get all twisted and jammed. This can and will cause problems and sometimes a hammer type tool and screwdriver is needed to clear it. They can really get jammed hard!! So, yes I can see it taking 2 or 3 minutes to clear the weapon.
  3. Yeah I'm for the orignal post too. Sounds like the fairest way to do it and at the same time it would be real interesting.
  4. Wolf's grass does look like it's better than which ever one I have but I wonder if it would affect my P450 too much? Any one have a 450 and using it? :confused:
  5. Just in case anybody is interested I went ahead and asked my opponent and he said that he was going to ask me earlier if I wanted to call the games quits or not ( don't think he was having much fun just shooting the hell out of me ) but thought I might take that as an insult so didn't. So needless to say we agreed to just quit. I guess all you have to do is ask. How about that?
  6. I would like to thank all of those that replied to this question. After reading all of them two times and putting much thought into it I have decided my course of action will be to FIGHT! :mad: I will however email my opponent and ask what he thinks. If he would rather continue just so he can beat me bloodly then that's what we will do if on the other hand he says that he'd appreciate it if I did surrender then I will do that, as I don't have a prayer, to draw, hurt him, and certainly not win. I guess it all boils down to who you play, at least according to the different views I recieved. Again, thank all for your views. PS: If only I had the A-Bomb right now.
  7. When should a person surrender in a PHEM game. I've read that people hate it when his opponent just ups and quits a game so I figure the same would apply to an opponent just surrendering. But there has to be a point where it's not even fun for the individual winning to continue a game that is really over. Example: The winner has 4 tanks, 4 halftracks a dozens men or so and your opponent is down to 25 effective troops no vehicles of any kind nor weapons other then the small arms the men have. The game is medium size, mod trees ( which in at least this game means very open terrain ) a small village setting. Daytime, no fog or rain, very clear in other words. What's the opinion on when you just call it quits? I would love to hear as many opioions as possible because this will be what I do in games and you might be my opponent one of these days? :confused: :confused: PS: I've got to head for work right now but will be dying to get back home to look at the replys this evening so any comments made to me won't be answered until later towards 6pm or so.
  8. I realize this probably isn't correct in real life but I seem to be able to knock out Tigers easier then I do Panthers. I've played dozens and dozens and more dozens of games against the AI and it happens.
  9. Amen to that. I always play the Americans ( Good guys) cause I are one, and am starting to think that I might as well just buy jeeps or something for all the good those light weight's do. I don't know how the hell we won with those tanks. Bet they weren't the reason.
  10. I never thought about it. Hell what is my number. Let's see.
  11. I remember reading many years ago that the Leapard was actually developed and designed by the USA and Germany inconjuction for Germany's home defense. It was also one of the first tanks that I remember being designed to be so air tight that no kind of chemical gas would hurt the crew. But for sure it was after WWII. The original Leapard used the 105 mm also I believe.
  12. Just my opinion but I really don't think tanks would last long with all the different types of aircraft we have. I think I recall that there are helo's out now that knock out tanks left and right? Not to mention other types of aircraft that would also do that.
  13. Instead of them worrying and paying attention to this type of thing I'd rather see them use and put in use a lot of the idea's that have appeared on this board. There has been some excellent ideas and I sure hope somebody is paying attention. Althought they sure did an outstanding job on CM without help.
  14. Phem game, lone bozooka, 74 meters knocked out a Panther. Hit him in the rear. He didn't even know I was there , well I guess he knew then. God, it was great - well for me anyway.
  15. There you go. You got it dead on. Now that's a building that I'll use. Very nice job. Thank you. Where's it going to be posted?
  16. Gordon, it's not nice to tease people. They look great! I love that black camo but the other camo one is damn nice looking too. Man, I can hardly wait. Boy, I need to get a life other than CM, mods and this forum. Nay, I'm happy.
  17. I bet they haven't even started CM2 yet. Just messing with us.
  18. Well, hurry it up will you We are all dying to see the finished product. Bet it'll look great if your King Tiger is any thing to go by.
  19. Not playing with you but just wanted to express my good wishes to your dad for a speedy recovery. And I'll say a prayer for him.
  20. Welcome aboard. See you around the forum.
  21. I'm with you on this. I don't feel having the ability to spread gun fire or in this case smoke in different areas micromanagement. You are ( we ) commanding a tank are we not? Very good point.
  22. Well, that sounds interesting. Thanks for the info and I'll go and see what it's all about.
  23. No, NO, NO! I think the game cheats also! And when I catch it it'll be sorry. I hate cheaters! And to think at one time I trusted it.
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