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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I've got it and it's extremely nice. Makes the game more fun - and pretty. Not a sissy pretty mind you but you know - cool! Thank you for it.
  2. OK, I'm not understanding. I downloaded your sherman's, what weeks ago?, are these improvements over those or what. Sorry for the maybe dumb question but I'm not sure if I should download these if I already had them?
  3. Very nice. After seeing the picture I'll be downloading it. Man, this mod thing is fun. I bet I have the best looking vehicles around. It has increased the hours and hours, weeks and weeks, months and months of enjoyment that I'm getting from this game. I personally can not tell all of you mod makers how sincerely appreicative I am. I was just about ready to find another game and get away from CM when I discovered Mods. Actually, I did order another game and got it in but it's still in the box and will probably stay for awhile. I'm just not interested in any else except CM, thanks to Tiger and guys like him. Tiger, if you want to improve a mod, I thank you and under no circumstances feel it's a bother. Hot Damn, please keep them coming. Oh yes, my wife says thanks alot too. ( I don't think she means it however, HA! HA!)
  4. This would strictly be for game purposes only. Wouldn't be a good idea in real life but would improve the game for us. I think it's a good idea. Actually, the more I think about it the better I like it. Hope somebody sees it and incorporates in CM2.
  5. It seems that when I try that (HQ) in a building, if he can see the enemy, they can see him and shoot at him making him take cover but I'll try hiding him first and see if that works.
  6. I may be missing something, so I thought I'd ask. Seems there are some very smart guys that monitor these threads. So here goes. Why don't they put the American star or German white cross on all mods. It seems that when you use a mod you are doing so to improve the appearance of it in your game and so therefore anything that improves it like the star/cross would be included. I know a lot of mods do come with them but a lot don't and I was wondering if there are people out there that really prefer no emblems. I myself only playing against the computer and not against a human may just be missing a fact or something? Any comments?
  7. No. There are no mods period for this vehicle and if you find one please let me know.
  8. Boy I hope I'm answering this correctly but if not I feel sure someone else will answer it. The way I think I understood it is you don't see individual officers in the game. What you see is a Platoon HQ. So 8 or so of the troops in that Platoon are just that- enlisted guys. But now that I'm writing this I guess they still could just show the HQ platoon as someting special so you could pick him ( platoon ) out better. Hey, good idea. I always go after the HQ platoon first, especially after having one knock a couple of my shermans out.
  9. I really appreciate your kindness. MY server isn't big enough to have it emailed to so I was really disappointed but thanks to you - HERE I GO! Many tanks.
  10. Are you talking about CM2? Please tell me Yes. I was thinking it wasn't coming out for a while yet, but is it, is it?
  11. Is this the track change on the Kingtiger, I already got it. All my Kingtigers now are your mod. Excellent work. I've tryed the others and while very good I just wasn't happy with the coloring, now I am. Thanks. Do some more please, please? What about the Sherman Jumbo. It's the one that some one could really improve on. No one has worked it.
  12. Canada was in WWll, get out of here. I don't know how to make a smily face yet or I would. Just kidding of course. I know damn well that the German's and Canada gave us a good fight.
  13. Yea, the game is cool. I've been looking for something like this all my life. Man, how neat! Can you even wait for CM2 to come out? Enjoyed your thread.
  14. I thank all who answered. It makes me feel a lot better about the game. I was thinking yeah right troops taking out a tank close quarters. So now I find out that's realistic. And Damn, I didn't think an officer would be in on this game. Sorry ( Black Five ) if I was poking fun at officers but I'm sure you understand. Thanks for the info - Sir!
  15. With all due respect, even 8 men out in the open are dead, dead , dead against a tank. Sure if it's tight quarters or something, then just maybe, but what's the odd's? a billion to one? No, I think HQ's are too strong in this othewise very realistic and kick-ass game. Not that I'll stop playing it but now my sherman's are afraid and won't go head to head with anything but another tank where they may have a chance.
  16. Yes, I do have a question, but it may not be able to be answered here but I'll try. In playing this, what I consider the best game I've ever played and looking forward to CM2 so much that my boss is threating to fire me ( something about not showing up for work enough or something along those lines ) I find it extremly difficult to kill an enemy officer - even with a TANK! I realize that on rare, rare, rare occasion this could happen but it's just not right and is bugging me. You can tell I was just one of the lowly troopers and not an officer but even if I had been I don't think my chances of going head to head with a tank would have been a good idea. Any comments would be appreciated. And by the way I appreciate you taking the time to do this spot.
  17. I've only been playing CM now for about 3 months, I guess, long enough anyway to run off my wife and the kids think something is wrong with me, but I can't think of anything else but CM2. I've tryed others but there's just no comparing. CM rules! as my daughter would say.
  18. Is it just me having been just a E-5 in the army or does anybody else find it odd that an officer can go head to head with a sherman tank and win. I know that in real life that an individual could on rare, rare, rare, occasion take a tank out, but it was not very often. The more I play CM the more often this happens and it's bugging me. I wonder if the powers to be are aware of this or are they all ex-officers themselves. No meanest intended on that last remark just good old troops vs officer thinking.
  19. Yeah, and how about flares, be it off map or from tanks, troops, etc.I was playing a game during night time the other day and thought WoW! how cool would it be to be able to use flares to expose the enemy that was just walking across the open knowing that I couldn't shoot them. Also I am hoping the Russian KV-1 will be in the new game. Sure it will, it's the neatest looking tank the Russians came up with, well actually I think it was the neatest any country came up with. I don't know if it was any good but man it was sharp!
  20. I don't know if it's proper to reply to a reply or not but I wanted to. Thank you, Thank you and thanks alot. I really appreciate the help. I don't quite understand all what you said but I will know more now then I did so I can maybe mess around and figure it all out. Seems to me that Mods will just make the game even neater to play, getting to look at the different mods. Cool! Again, many thanks!! ------------------
  21. I am not a computer person. I bought this thing ( computer ) to play games only but now after getting into CM I find myself looking at these Mods and wanting to be able to use them. I assume after trying to make them work that you really have to know what you are doing. Can't the people that make the Mods just make them easy work? If not is there somebody out there that can explain in stupid person talk how to downpoad and get them to work. If there's not I will just continue playing the game because it is the best game I've seen. And I'm about to PoP after hearing that there's only to be a CM2 with Russian stuff involved. Man it can't get any better then that. Can anybody help???????????? ------------------
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