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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Yeah and their too damn hard to kill too!!! Now I know Officers are a tough bunch but come on, this is a bit much. I don't notice that the American HQ's are that tough but the German ones sure seem to be overly tough to kill or damage. I also noticed that American infanty don't seem to be able to destroy German tanks very well but boy the German infantry sure can knock out American tanks easy as all get out. :mad:
  2. Believe it or don't. My Greyhound took out a Tiger tank. Yes, it did!!! I think I sat there stareing at the screen for 5 minutes looking back and forth at the Greyhound and the knocked out Tiger. WOW! That was cool. PS: It doesn't work like that most of the time, however.
  3. Well, I normally don't care about mods myself but this is an outstanding looking tank. Again, Tiger does it. Thank you.
  4. Yes, I do agree. The QB's just aren't as tough as the scenario's. I never thought about it until you mentioned it. I wonder why? :confused:
  5. How come the German's had all this neat stuff and we just had the Sherman's and more Sherman's and more Sherman's? Oh, never mind I think I figured it out just now.
  6. Very interesting thread. I had to laugh at some of the guys, mostly Aitlen's - well it was funny, but that's besides the point. I just want to add that I agree with you that it would add much to the game for all the reasons you pointed out. So, put me down for wanting it too. It ready was a good point and I would like to say to all of you out there that keep repeating " Do a Search " that I for one have never heard of this idea and if themaltese had ran a search and got his answer without posting it I would not have heard of it now and one of the reason's why I read and enjoy this forum is due to people like themaltese and others that bring up ideas like this. So I for one want to hear everybody's idea's. Maybe when I've been around as long as some of you I too will want more then hearing the same thing over and over but hey remember a lot of us are fairly new and do enjoy what others post. But God I do laught at some of your replys. Very witty!
  7. Yeah, cool idea. Where do you guys come up with all these good ideas? Boy, that would make for an interesting game.
  8. This idea has been brought up 1000 times? Damn, that's a lot. Maybe not that many times ? 1000 - WOW!
  9. I think it would be very interesting to be able to run stuff over myself but don't know if we'll get it in CM2. I imagine it's realistic. I'd run a gun or infantry over if I was in a tank, plus it would add something to the game.
  10. You may be on to something. Sounds very interesting. I'll have to check it out further but seems promising so far.
  11. No mods yet I see, but yeah the site is very well done. Good job. I really like the CM page. Cool idea and nice work. Look forward to watching it grow.
  12. Actually, I really do like the standard one too, but yeah it is kind of neat that my forum name is in the file name. That's pretty cool. I'll have to show that to my wife tomorrow. I guess I'm kind of famous now. God, I hope people don't start asking me to do a mod for them. HA! HA!
  13. No one else will tell you the truth so I'll have to. The AI cheats! Pure and simple. No just kidding but as I too have and still do get beat by the computer it makes me feel better thinking that and actually I swear it sure seems like it does some times. But I'm not very good, but man I love the game. I don't lose as often now that I buy his stuff. HA! HA! Now guess who's cheaping.
  14. yesh, I once hit a dove with a 22 pistol while flying ( the dove was the one flying ) but I wouldn't bet on ever doing it again.
  15. I can't help it. I know it's not proper but man I like camo! Course I'll have the plain one for when I'm in the plain mood. Camo's cool! :cool:
  16. Well, it's past my bed time and I can't go to sleep. I'm all fired up over your new Chaffee light tank. I really thank you. That is the best looking tank out there now. I for one greatly appreciate your beauiful work. Too bad I don't have a " Hat's off to you smiley face". I would use it right now. Now, all I need to do is calm down, try drinking some warm milk ( I wonder if that actually ever worked for anybody ) and then maybe look at the mod a couple more times and then get my butt to bed.
  17. No, the only game is CM. Well, at least until CM2 comes out that is. No really, I'm not in to other games. I am so happy - still- with this one I just have no desire to try anything else.
  18. Yes, Yes and yes. Tiger not only made the Chaffee mod that everybody was asking for but made one kick ass one!!! I hope we can say that on this forum? Somebody tell me if we aren't supposed to. That man is all right in my book.
  19. Sorry it took so long for me to see this post and answer but I've been busy. But oh my lord that Tiger just made my day. Cross the word day off and put month. That is truely outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot thank Tiger enough. Course it took 99 requests to get him to post it. Damn, that is just nice work! Thanks again Tiger. I am in such a good mood I'll even share something with you. I made all 99 of those Chaffee mod requests up myself. But hey, it worked. And Manx thank you for your site and hard work, we do appreciate it. Believe me. Now I shall go play with my new Chaffee's.
  20. The holes ( you know what I mean ) look very real. Very good job. Thanks for your efforts and hard work. Now, I shall go get them.
  21. A sidewalk sale? Damn, you can't go away for even two days with missing something. It's bad enough I miss out on the posts and have to catch up but now somebody does something behind my back. Damn! :mad: Glad to hear it worked for everybody, however.
  22. Yes, I'm requesting 99 times for a hi-res mod of the Chaffee light tank. Please don't make me beg? Anybody?
  23. And then after you finish the helmet please do a hi-res mod for the Chaffee light tank. Oh and very important I would like a star on the turret. Thank all of you in advance. Please no more then one mod a week from all.
  24. Sounds like a good idea I'll try it. Thanks for the idea.
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