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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Yeah or do not throw against the wall until you look inside.
  2. Well, any boddy that hass two use a spell cheker shouldnt be allouded to post any-way! That's mi feelens!
  3. What? Oh God, next they'll do away with the horses!!
  4. One last comment on this subject since I brought it up. You presently tell the tank to turn don't you? You tell them to stop or go don't you? Well, it seems to me that you should also be able to tell them to turn the blessed turret. I really just believe that it is a very important thing to be able to do. And if I just did it on occasion it would't be a big deal, but since I use tanks a lot I'm always frustrated that I can't. Example. I'm sitting there waiting around a corner or building and here comes this Tiger, well I would like to be able to turn the turret and if I miss be able to get the hell of there if I don't pop him. Actually there are dozens of times I would use it. How about crossing a field and just wanting to swing the turret in a given direction just in case the enemy is there. If there is I ready. I don't have to waste a few seconds turning it. Sometimes a few seconds can be the difference between me shooting him or him me. See?
  5. Well, there's one in every crowd. I like it. Actually, I like it a lot. Sorry.
  6. READ YOUR DAMN MANUAL! Sorry, I just had to say that before somebody else did. I personally don't see anything wrong in asking questions on this board but boy it sure makes some people mad. :mad: Again, sorry I just had to say it. Oh God I hope everybody doesn't start thinking I'm a jerk, course, I guess maybe I am for just having to say it. :confused: Damn. I take it back. :eek:
  7. Yes, I remember it well. I thought God D/// it all to he//! But I was ever so relieved when I just happened to look in the book. What if I hadn't? They really should warn people about that.
  8. All very good ideas and every one of them would be soooooo useful. It would only make the game that much better. Damn, those are really good ideas. Boy, some of you guys are good with coming up with great ideas. Hope the guys who need to know gets wind of these.
  9. What an idea. I think this is the best idea anyone's come up with yet. Well, except for my idea about flares. No, but really, this would really be a very nice and useful tool. Good idea!
  10. Oh man, that Greyhound is excellent!! I have been looking for a Greyhound mod for days and LOOKY HERE, Tiger comes out with one just for me. I love camo stuff. Great job Tiger and thanks.
  11. I had mentioned this before but no answers so I'll bring it up again. How about flares? I assume they had them in WWII, know they did in Nam. It would really open up a new type of game. Just think, here sits your machine gun nest or AT and it's quite and lonely and you're about to fall asleep when you hear something. Damn, what was that? there I heard it again. Something moving over there, damn. Pop a flare. ****! it's tanks with infantry coming. Anyway, that's how I see it. It would be cool.
  12. Thank you for the grey one, but now I think I like the tan one better. No, just kidding, thanks a lot for the grey and the what did you call it a Balkankreuz? You learn something new everyday. Excellent work my friend! Besure to let us know where and when we can get it. Truely outstanding. PS: When do you think the Chaffee will be done. I don't want to seem pushy but will it be done tomorrow?
  13. Damn, this is exciting. Hope you get that file back tonight? My guess is you'll get one and the other, I'm afraid will be mad and shoot you. But one's not bad, the dirty damn Americans. How gamey having two Shermans team up like that.
  14. I just hope ones in grey? But if not I'll still use. That's outstanding detail.
  15. Man, those are cool :cool: That is really something. I love em! Thank you. Hope you get bored more often.
  16. Yeah, having teams play against each other would be out of this world, but I doubt it'll happen, but boy if it did. Course I would have to buy another computer but hey that's not all that bad either.
  17. Assuming you were the British, don't it feel good? I was playing a PBEM the other day and my lone bazooka took out a Panther at 74 meters. Man, it was neat.
  18. I brought this up before and some of the answers I got got me to relook at this aspect of the game, but no it isn't right not being able to command your turret to turn where you want it to point. Many situations come up where it would really be helpful. I tryed the answer of commanding the tank to spray the machine gun fire in the direction I wanted the turret to point but that is silly, wasting all that ammo plus what if you where sitting there waiting for a tank or whatever to past by a certain location but didn't want the whole tank to point in that direction. You can't do it. Am I the only one having big problems with this? :mad:
  19. HI! back to you, Mello. Welcome back. Hope to see you around this forum a lot. Have you been gone so long that you're not informed about all the new mods that people make? If not, boy are you in for a treat!!
  20. Yeah the game itself is the best there is. I never dreamed that I would use a forum in my life, just not interested. I just wanted to play the game, that was until this one. I have to, just have to come here everyday and sometimes several times daily to just see what's going on (My fix) for the day. There are so many helpful and nice guys ( some jerks too ) here that it's like a family. And you can learn so much about history and WWII. I don't know if we should thank BF or the mod makers or us, but all together it's unbeatable. You'll probably spend as much time here as you will playing the game, at least after awhile.
  21. I agree, I would be willing to pay for another CM with all the new ideas and stuff they are going to put into CM2. I also love the Western Front and will continue to play it the rest of my life. Plus I can't imagine having to start downloading all the new mods that will come out for CM2.
  22. I realize this may an impossible question to answer but hell I'll ask it anyway. If a body (me) wanted to start making mods where or how would that person (me) go to see how they are done or is it something that you just have to know how to do?
  23. So, if I pissed you off humbling asking for grey I bet the iron cross request made you give up doing mods? Sure hope not. You are good. and maybe you might even do a Chaffee sometime as this is the only mod that really needs an improvement done on it. Even Tiger didn't do it where it's attractive. The two mods out there are nice but both just don't do this tank any justice. You can hardly see where the body stops and the turret begins. Of course I can't even do that good but this is my pet tank and I really would like to see what you could do with it. Your detail is outstanding and I'm not trying to butter you up either so don't think that for a minute. PS: Where do I send the bribe?
  24. Oh, I forgot to ask a minute ago, are you going to make it available with the iron cross? And what is a P40??? :eek:
  25. I think it's perfect! It is truely a very nice looking mod. You are going to be good!! Thank you for your hard work. I know this will piss you off but are you going to do it in grey?? Sorry, I just like a grey for this particular vehicle. But if you don't this is so pretty I might use it anyway. Truely an outstanding looking mod!
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