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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I certainly agree with you that much improved protection should be afforded a unit by a hill but maybe it can't be done?? But yeah put me down for an improvement.
  2. Ted, got an idea. I read these topic's a lot like everybody else does and I see you from time to time posting this " update topic " and had an idea. I assume you want us to go over and see what the update is all about, right? Well, a lot of times I'm busy posting answers and reading and don't want to jumb over there because I don't know if the update is important or interesting to me or not so I put it off and then forget about going. My humble point is if you would maybe use a teaser in the title like " new mod " or mention a little about the update more people might jumb right over there. Just a thought. I do use you site a lot and just thought this might be a good idea. If you don't agree, just forget I replied.
  3. Ok, thanks. I was trying to get it under another section and it wasn't working but I looked under untested mods and it worked fine. Thanks for the help.
  4. If you are trying to figure out if spotters are worth buying I'd say depends on how big of game you're playing. Little games no because when you both have small forces to move around you will move them around a lot and often. Spotters are too slow to do much damage to any forces cause your damn opponent keeps moving them on you. In bigger games your enemy will sometimes gather at certain locations for various reasons and that's where spotters are needed. Now, saying that I have had spotters use smoke in even small games to shield his evil intentions and it worked and worked well, but overall spotters are too expense to buy in small games for thier worth, in my humble opinion.
  5. I think most of your questions were already answered but since I have the same machine you have thought I'd comment on that. Now, I do have a 32 Viper card so mine is a little better in that area but everything else sounds the same. And yes, if you download a lot of mods ( and if you get into looking at mods you will. Actually, you won't be able to stop yourself - really!! ) anyway yes you will slow this P450 down quite a lot. If I were you I'd not worry about mods until the game starts getting a little old and then if you start looking and getting mods the game will come to life again for you. I know you won't listen but I had to at least warn you. Enjoy the game first then look at the mods. Plus you'll then be able to tell how much the mods affect your overall speed. And DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANY GRASS MODS!!!!! They will really slow you down to the point you'll just turn around and delete them. But you are about to get the game that will spoil all other games for you. Hey, save you a ton of money. Enjoy you lucky guy. and Welcome aboard.
  6. Really? or are you just trying to take advantage of us poor guys? Nice try though. By the way, loved your King Tiger mod.
  7. Oh, you lucky person. Have fun!!!
  8. I earlier opened a topic named "No Greyhound mod at CM' and didn't get any takers so am trying to find out again. Where might I find a mod for the Greyhound? On Old Dogs CM site they show a picture of one and says it't at combat mission's site and on CM's mod list there is a line that says Greyhound but when you go to download it you can't. Anybody know if that's the true situation or just me. But I have tried several times and still nothing???
  9. Yeah, that works. Now one last comment and I'll shut up. If you could make it a little older looking or maybe dirty looking. Not so new looking maybe. But yeah it's looking good.
  10. Something wrong I couldn't find the download?
  11. I think it looks great. And seems faster too. I love that we can add the smiley faces and letter type. Great idea!!
  12. Now that looks nice. The white spots ( bullet holes, etc.) could be improved on but hey it looks nice and I will try it. Those of us that can't do mods shouldn't complain I guess but just trying to help. Thanks for the mod.
  13. Yeah, I would also like to prepay for CM2. I was hoping that they would allow something like this closer to the time, but sounds like they won't, bummer.
  14. I was looking at Old Dogs CM Central noticed that they showed a mod for the Greyhound and M20. So I went over to CM to get it. And sure enough it shows this mod available but when you try to click on something to get it, there is nothing. I was wondering how one goes about downloading this mod. Is this an error or something? Anybody know. I use the Greyhound a bunch and would really like to have a 3rd party mod if available.
  15. I had wondered that myself. It all depends on how more advanced or improved CM2 is. If it's a big improvement or even a lot improved I may just play it, but it have to be for me to stop playing CM . Course I like the equipment and vehicles etc of the Americans and just don't know if I would rather play the Russian's or German's as much. But I am sure looking forward to CM2.
  16. I also can't answer your question but I'll add something. Wasn't WWII also called " The war to end all wars"?
  17. I agree. If it can be manhandled forward then it could be manhandled backwards just as easy or hard. :confused:
  18. Another mod ?? Man, it don't get no better than that! Tanks Kitty. I'll go look. Although I doubt it can beat your other one. It was great and am still using it to kill all my American tanks with.
  19. Please ignore my last reply above. Too much sun for a person is not good, I guess. After I made that reply I noticed the "return to General Forum " button. Hey, I had never noticed it before - sorry. :confused:
  20. You've got my interest. What is an upgrade sound mod?????????? I might would want it but no idea what it is or does. Is it a good thing to have??? Appreciate an answer, thanks.
  21. Ok, since you guys are making changes now anyway, I've got a suggestion. Why can't you jumb back to the " General forum " after making a reply on a given thread? At present you can go to the next topic but many many times I want to go back to the beginning of the forum to look for another topic I want to look at or maybe reply to. Does that make sense?
  22. I like it. Haven't done much since this is my first reply but I like the look anyway. Hopefully won't even notice the bad things. Wow!! instant smilies. Now that's cool. Cool.Hmmmm! What's all this stuff?
  23. Oh, forgot to ask, where in Texas do you live, if I may ask. I live in Austin. Didn't know anyone else that visits this forum was from good old Texas.
  24. I have Windows 98 and have had no problems. I also have a old Diamond Viper 32 Mb with 128 Ram, Pentuim II at 450 Mhz. Must be something but what?
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