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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Fess up to what really happened in the last picture. Weber was drunk off his ass while tooling around in his spiffy Kubelwagon. Fritz was on his way to the latrine when Weber plowed into him. Weber then ran off Halle Barry style leaving poor Fritz for dead.
  2. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-01-2001).]
  3. Maximus, I want them to speak in iambic pantameter and lots of thous and thees and ye(s). Combat Mission: Beyond the Canterbury Tales.
  4. I'd like to see the British troops modded to speak in Olde English.
  5. That was a bug in beta version 23. The lastest beta (24) fixes this. Any games started under 23 will retain the problem even after the update to 24.
  6. There is a good chance that the sky in the Stuart POTD was added in with a graphics editor. I think that if someone had such a beautiful sky mod they would not be so greedy as to keep it from the rest of us. I know previous PsOTD have included edited backgrounds that were not generated by CM.
  7. I believe the Latin phrase is Anno Domini, although I am not sure about the spelling.
  8. I think the skies you are referring to on that page are the dawn/dusk skies - not mods. You will see them when you play a battle set at dawn or dusk.
  9. You should make a back-up of the BMP folder so you can go back and either get the files you want to replace, or just restore the whole BMP folder to its previous state if you don't like one or several mods. You can also copy BMPs right from the CD-ROM. You don't have to resinstall the whole game. MadMatt has a mod guide at CMHQ: http://combathq.thegamers.net/ Look under the 3rd Party Mods section. Gary Kump also has a nice site that compares the original vehicles, etc. with the new ones so you can decide which ones you want before you download them. His site is here: http://www.gkump.com/cm/
  10. Here is a sample of the festive explosions: Before: After:
  11. You might want to eliminate one of the big caliber US spotters. Those guys do make the job much easier for the Americans.
  12. It doesn't matter what event kicked off the first year. A millennium is 1,000 years and it started with year 1, so the new millennium starts on the first day of the first month of the first year of the third millennium. That's 01/01/01 - first, first, first - not first, first, second. There was no year zero, even if you think there was a period of time that should have been labeled as year zero. I saw your movie last night, Maximus (Gladiator). Pretty cool. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!!!
  13. Happy New Year and New Millennium to all. One cool thing about the first day of the new year is that the date is written as 01/01/01 no matter where you live. Or 1/1/1 if you are too drunk to manage all those zeroes.
  14. Yours looks like a great site and contains what I had been looking for all along. Very nice, although I have to reduce my monitor resolution to read the text. One question about Tiger's recent weathered Sherman mods - will they affect Marco Bergman's mods which are based on Tiger's earlier mods? Or does Marco have to redo his to take advantage of Tiger's new work?
  15. I played the scenario through once as the Americans and acheived a minor US victory. I don't want to say too much about what happened so as not to spoil it. The forces were well balanced and the map is well done. There is only one bridge that needs some work - the heavy stone bridge over the river on the (US) left. You need to raise one terrain tile to make it level.
  16. I use Desert Fox's grass, which is based on Gunslinger's grass. You can find it at Kump's CM Outpost: http://www.gkump.com/cm/Terrain/Misc/misc_terrain.htm
  17. "The American Express Card - don't leave home without it." - General Omar Bradley. Oh, wait, nevermind.
  18. Uh, Tom, buddy, we are privates. We can't order anyone to do anything. Sarge said to put your request in writing. Oh, hand me that potato peeler...
  19. Translating what Rob/1 really said: No, CM does not have express delivery. They ship priority mail, which usually takes 3 days to get where it's going in the US. Outside the US takes longer. Even Canada takes longer due to customs (or somefink). How long you have to wait depends on how quickly it is shipped. I think it took about a week to get mine (speaking as me, not Rob/1). There is a lot of great info on this forum and most of the questions you have have already been discussed, some of them to death. Do yourself a favor and use the search feature to see what has already been said. Welcome to the world that is CM and enjoy your gaming experience.
  20. jackson, I thought the same thing you did, but I noticed last night that you can't minimize with ESC while the computer is thinking during a game against the AI. Some of the larger battles do take a long time to compute, even on a fast computer.
  21. The time scale of CM doesn't allow for the use of abandoned armor. If a tank was abandoned it was probably for a good reason. The tank sustained enough damage to make the crew want to bug out. If the tank was knocked out then no one is really going to want to go back inside it. Abandoned tanks were sometimes recovered after a battle and repaired if possible. CM models this in operations. As far as the usefullnes of tank crews from abandoned or knocked out tanks, the recent program on the History Channel about Sherman tank crews showed how physically and physchologically wasted the crews usually were. They were usually in no condition to continue any sort of fight. What I would like to see is the ability to recrew an abandoned artillery piece once the crew recovered from whatever scared it away. I have seen many situations where incoming artillery caused a crew to leave its gun even though the gun was undamaged and the crew suffered few or no casualties, but later recovered its composure only to sit there and do nothing. One note about on board mortars: if an HQ unit is spotting for your on board mortars, those mortars can only target with area fire. They will keep lobbing shells onto the target until they run out of ammo even if the target is destroyed or moves away. Mortars in direct fire mode will stop firing at a target if it is destroyed and will follow a moving target as long as it has direct Line of Sight. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 12-28-2000).]
  22. Does anyone know if the new batch files will still work with the non-Bergman batch files such as Fernando's?
  23. Germanboy, what wav file was that? You seem to have a much better version of the game than I do. All I hear is, "Oh God!" and "Sanitator!"
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