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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Grumpymatt, the link to the preview of the JpIV on the German Tanks page does not work. (You know, when you click on the picture to see a larger one.)
  2. I was thinking of that as I typed my message. I was going to add that I would make a bad soldier.
  3. I guess being in combat just sucks no matter what the weather. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-21-2001).]
  4. If I were manning that gun and I had a choice of targets such as you described, I would aim at the one shooting at me.
  5. Regarding the Sherman 75, it was intended as an infantry support weapon, not an anti-tank weapon.
  6. Tiger, or anyone else, what color is that? On my monitor it looks like red brown.
  7. I suppose it would be the same as any artillery piece. At least the crews don't have to sit in the mud. Another question would be how distorted the view through a tank's vision slits gets when it rains (if at all). If a buttoned tank can't see too well in the rain I would think an open topped vehicle would actually have an advantage. But I've never been in a tank or crewed an artillery piece, so I have no idea.
  8. Bates, I hated the subdued terrain at first and even switched back to the originals. But then I gave them another try and now I love them. They do take a bit of getting used to after looking at the bright, colorful textures of the original.
  9. I use Desert Fox's terrain. It has a clean look with a nice color. I think I use DD's winter terrain and all his tree bases. I use Panzertruppen's buildings, and Jager's skies. Overall it gives a nice realistic appearance without looking too busy. Some of the grass mods have too much going on for my tastes.
  10. GO to the link for the auction (posted above) . The seller built the kit. P.S. If you meant who was the manufacturer, it was Monogram. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-21-2001).]
  11. I actually made the first war game I played. It was a civil war based game, although not based on a real battle. I made a huge map and drew, colored, and cut out hundreds of units. At the time I did not know you could buy these things ready made. I was really pissed when I found out you could. I never did get to play against someone else, just played it by myself. None of my friends were into history or war, and still none of them are. Thank God for CM PBEM and TCP/IP! I recently found the game when I was cleaning out my closet when my mom sold her house. It hurt to throw it out remembering how much time I put into it. I also discovered why I couldn't find the dice for any of my other games like Risk and Monopoly.
  12. I think it went for $117 because it is nicely built. I don't know what a kit would go for. But many kits are quite collectible and valuable if unopened.
  13. I don't want to ruin Michael's fun, but here is a preview of the uniform mod: It's nice, but maybe not want many of you want in the current version of CM. So, make sure you back up your files.
  14. You can buy a completed model on e-bay if you want to blow the cash: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=542113375 It is done very nicely.
  15. I don't even have a CM shortcut on my desktop. I moved it down to the taskbar and it shows up as a "C." I don't have to go hunting through icons that way. This works on Windows98 and above. I am sure one of the talented artists can come up with something though.
  16. As far as I know you can use it in CMBO. I think MadMatt has some info about it on his site.
  17. "Hell is for Heroes" http://us.imdb.com/Title?0056062 [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-20-2001).]
  18. If you change that to a lobster boat and register it in Maine the registration # could be ME109G. And you call those salmon? Looks like bait to me!
  19. Here's a little cesspool kryptonite to keep you all away: "Please" "Thank you"
  20. I can see Matt coming up the driveway now. What is that in his hands... it's a bag from Home Depot... with a fresh supply of padlocks.
  21. Here is a free personal photo album site: http://www.ofoto.com I presume it is Mac compatible, but I don't know.
  22. The last issue of PC Magazine I received has an article on flat panel monitors as well as 19" CRT monitors. I think this link gives the same info contained in the magazine: http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/stories/reviews/0,6755,2339927,00.html
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