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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. It's very nice. They'll die pretty now.
  2. I ask because Marco based his mods on the Tiger's first weathered Shermans. In fact, you have to install those before you can install Marco's.
  3. Will this new weathered Sherman mod have any adverse effect on Marco Bergman's mods?
  4. Thanks for the bump Mr. Clark. Can I have my deposit back on the Jeep I ordered?
  5. We also need mods of the Britsh armored cars and carriers. I think there is a Mickey Mouse camo version of one of them, but it would be nice to have hi-res versions. Mr. Clark, can you post a link to your Kubelwagen. I remember seeing it, bottle of wine and all, but I don't remember if you offered it for download.
  6. Those are some beautiful tanks. Now I can look at the Jumbo without shielding my eyes. For any of you who have had trouble figuring out the Bergman, Molek & Associates, LLC mods, my advice would be to download all the zip files from CMHQ, starting with Tiger's weathered models. Then install each mod in the order in which it was released. You only have to set up the shortcuts to the batch files once, with only a few new ones released in subsequent mod packs. I think Matt said he has an ultimate and/or updated batch file system that he has not yet posted, so may be you want to wait for that. I was apprehensive about installing these mods at first because the batch file method seemed confusing, but if you just carefully follow the directions in the read.me files you should have no problems. Sometimes there are additional options that require you to rename files, but everything will work fine even if you don't. The results are well worth the extra effort. One note when it comes to winter vehicles. Remember when Magua released his winter US halftracks? We were all blown away and thought they screenshots were real photographs. Whatever technique he used made it look like the vehicles were actually covered with snow. It is nice to have winter camo schemes, but the snow really brings the vehicles to life. I wish some of you other mod makers would try to reproduce this technique, or maybe Bergman, Molek & Associates, LLC can hire on Magua to winterize the vehicles.
  7. Thanks Matt, I didn't want to be the one to tell him.
  8. Was it a real grave marker or created digitally in post production?
  9. Steve, why do you say this is a hoax? I know a five people who work at BTS and they say CM2 is only a month away from going gold. Don't post if you don't know what you are talking about.
  10. That's a lot of WWII hardware still in service down in South/Central America. They could make some money renting them out to Hollywood.
  11. When I try to play the horrido/JG52 braodcasts in the background the sound stops when I maximize CM. Does anyone else have this problem?
  12. Yes, hum. That isn't a Greyhound in the ad. Isn't that the M18 or some such version of the HT with a 105 howitzer that many people want in CM? Was that vehicle also called a Greyhound?
  13. I think we need a command somewhere between move and halt. Something like "Slow Children at Play." Can we get that in 1.12?
  14. I really don't understand people who say they haven't bought CM because of its price. I have bought many computer games over the years, mostly at CompUSA and other large computer stores. The price per game is usually $49.99 for a new title, and the price sometimes drops to $45 or $40 a couple of months later. The only games that fall below that are usually bad games that aren't selling well and are destined to be bundled with some other game. I have to pay 8.25% sales tax on top of that. When a person says that $45 plus shipping is too much for a game, what are they used to paying and where can I get those prices? It is rare that a quality game sells for under $40. I understand that some people have a limited budget for computer games, but that would mean that you aren't prepared to pay the price of any quality game. Plus, with CM you know exactly what you are getting if you play the demo. Well, not exactly, because the full version is tons better than the demo. Plus, you get a good idea of how good the game is by following this forum. I have spent a lot more than $45 for a game without the benefit of a demo like CM's. Some games turn out to be great and other turn out to be coasters. This game is a no brainer, and I am not just saying that because I have been playing it for 8 months. I just don't understand what the problem is with the price.
  15. This is great news for mod users everywhere! I can't spell!!! [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-23-2001).]
  16. I think Lucas Arts should release a SWOTL expansion. That game gave me more hours of fun than any other game I have played. Of course CM is the odds on favorite to surpass it.
  17. The M1917 has a lot more ammo (150 IIRC) and would be better for supressing infantry because of it. The .50 would be better for taking on lightly armored vehicles. I am using a M1917 in a game right now and it just keeps hammering away.
  18. My apologies to Gordon. Nice work on the camo versions, Gordon. I did suspect that we had to install the camo Churchill mods first. I had not installed them because they were released before I overcame my fear of the batch file method. While checking out tonights camo mods I noticed how ugly (sorry BTS) the Churchills are. I found Gordon's Churchill mod and installed it, but now I have two camo shortcuts/batch files. I guess I should reinstall the newer camo batch files so they install all the camo mods with one shortcut. Also while checking out the new mods I noticed how ugly (sorry BTS) the British ACs and carriers are, as well as the lonely Sherman II at the other end of the line. So Gordon and Marco please do something to bring these ugly ducklings up to par with their peers. I think the Cromwell needs the hi res treatment as well. No rush, you have plenty of time to get it done before next weekend. And Matt, my birthday is Tuesday, so get those new batch files up just for me. Okay, you all have your orders.
  19. OK, I installed the new Marco Bergman mods and they are beautiful. Just one note: The instructions in the read.me files say to just install the new batch files if you already have the non-camo versions installed. It does not say to create a shortcut to the "UK Camo" batch file, but if you don't you won't be able to load the camo versions unless you create this shortcut. I have installed all the previous Marco Bergman mods, batch files, and shortcuts, so unless I did something wrong, you probably need to create this shortcut too.
  20. And thank you for your effort. It is still Sunday here, so you kept your word as far as I am concerned.
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