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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. I think the patch may be too big to e-mail to you. Since you have a computer on which to pay CM, you should ditch WebTV and get a real ISP. You could also try a free ISP to download the patch. Maybe someone would be willing to burn the file onto a CD and send it to you. I don't see how you can get the most CM has to offer without the ability to download any of the mods. I don't mean to sound harsh, but I don't know what else to tell you.
  2. The movie may have authentic weaponry in it, but the ad execs didn't know the difference. Check out this link for a grog's revenge: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010113/10/ent-movie-ad-pulled
  3. My answer was given without the benefit of any reference materials, so Maximumus' answer is probably more accurate than mine. But I just had a Krispy Kreme donut, so you can keep your cookie.
  4. That looks like an 88mm Pak 43 AT gun mounted on some type of tank chassis. The road wheels look like the rally wheels from a 1968 Chevy, so I'll call it a Camaro II. Please e-mail me my cookie.
  5. The mod makers usually release both hi and low res versions of their grass. If you just install the hi res set then you only change the grass on the map itself. CM uses the low res bmps for the surrounding areas, so if you also install the low res set then the color should be uniform.
  6. Some adobe buldings would be more appropriate. Very nice so far. It's hard to believe it's the same game.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by curih: He's not a grog. He just knows how to cut and paste. curih<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> At least I can do that. I should have put quotation marks around the quote. No, I'm not a grog, I just like to blow stuff up real good.
  8. The Reising Model 50 was not popular in combat. The United States Marines had adopted the Reising early in the Pacific campaign as a stop-gap weapon until they could obtain sufficient quantities of the Thompson submachine guns. Unfortunately, they had a propensity to jam if even small amounts of dirt were introduced into the mechanism, particularly in the bolt-locking recess. And, as any Pacific Theater veteran can affirm, jungle combat is dirty work indeed. On Guadalcanal, most of the Reisings issued to Marines were dumped in the river, and the gun was withdrawn from service soon afterward. http://www.classicfirearms.org/reisingM50.html There is a book about the Reising on this site: http://www.machinegunbooks.com/index2.html God, I love Google! [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-12-2001).]
  9. I found this site a few days ago. They have all types of automatic weapons for sale. I don't know if they are legal or not. http://www.longmountain.com/gunlist.htm
  10. You should make a backup of your bmp folder so that you can restore it if you don't like a particular mod. Call it BMP Backup or something like that. You can have as many versions of the BMP folder as you want (with different names), but CM will always load the contents of the CMBO/BMP folder.
  11. When you install a set of mods the new bmp files are overwriting the old ones. So, if you install a new set of buildings you lose the old set. If you want to switch between building sets, save all the building bmp files in a folder and load in the set you want to use. I suppose you could create a batch file program like the one for the Marco Bergman mods that switches off between various nationalities for vehicles that share bmp files, but I have no idea how to do that.
  12. Give them a bit of time to reply. They have been busy getting the 1.1 patch ready for release. I remember I received my game the same day Steve at BTS replied to my e-mail. Patience.
  13. I had some trouble with this too. I got it to work by going to the bottom left link - 24/7 stream and opening the file from its current location. There is a large buffer to wait through. It is much easier if you use IE. With Netscape I get an ftp address to go to instead of an automatic download.
  14. While trying to find out what the heck "Horrido" meant, I found a site with nice WWII military aircraft prints for sale: http://www.agt.net/public/bailart/index.html "Horrido" was the Luftwaffe fighter pilots' war cry.
  15. I've never heard of that, but I remember reading an articel in a magazine about a club that built scale R/C ship models with turrets that fired BBs. They would shoot to kill and a couple of shots below the waterline could sink a ship.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: Oh my someone needs a girlfriend.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He built one!
  17. There are plenty of Altan songs on Napster. Not that anyone would download music for free.
  18. I recently played a QB with a regiment of British infantry. I hate using the mortars with each platoon beacuse they slow the group down and are usually knocked out before I can get them into a position to provide direct fire support. So, I grouped them all behind a hill that dominated the field and hid a CO at the crest of the hill. It gave me the ability to call in devastating fire with near pinpoint accuracy. All those falling rounds either destroyed or routed whatever the assigned target was. Those 2" mortars don't have much ammo, so when it ran out I used the smoke for a quick and effective smoke screen. I would imagine a dozen or so 81mm could really reak havoc when used this way.
  19. Commissar, this looks like a good place to find the camera that is right for you: http://www.zdnet.com/special/filters/sc/camera/reviews/ Then you can probably buy it online.
  20. Is it a QB or a scenario? If it's a scenario maybe there are still reinforcements on the way. Other than that I have no idea.
  21. When you draw the target line with the mortar it will either show "view blocked" or "area fire." If you get area fire then the HQ has LOS to that spot. Sometimes an enemy unit is just outside the LOS of the HQ but you want to area target it anyway because there is a good chance it will either get hit or supressed. You can target with the mortar using the method I mentioned rather than checking precise LOS with the HQ and then targeting with the mortar. You don't have to play that guessing game. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-07-2001).]
  22. Bates, your HQs should never have given any spotting assistance to arty FOs. The game never had this feature. However, HQs can and always have been able to spot for on-board mortars. A mortar can area target any spot on the map (within range) that can be seen by the HQ, as long as the mortar is under the command of that HQ. As Maximus said, sometimes a different HQ than you thought has command of the mortar. When you draw the target line from a mortar the text will either read "target out of sight" (or somefink like that), or it will read "area target." If it says "area target" then the commanding HQ has LOS to that spot.
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