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  1. Why would someone want to illegally import it into the US? I was under the impression that the US version was the superior version?
  2. Fantasmagorical! Once I'm back at school I'll definitely be ordering this one up, then. Surely a few turns now and then won't cut into studies that much, eh?
  3. Howdy howdy, I was a vigorous player of CMBO a summer or two ago (bad, yes, but vigorous, nonetheless) and I remember one of the largest complaints about MG's in that game was that they were unable to suppress multiple targets over their entire field of fire, as real MGs would have been able to by simply traversing their weapon back and forth. I did my goldarndest to search for the answer to the following question, but could find nary a mention of it, so forgive me if this has been addressed on a daily basis to clueless knobs like myself. But damn the torpedoes, I'm asking anyway; has this been addressed in CMBB? Are MG's able to suppress multiple targets at once? If so, how's it? If not, why come?
  4. Holy ceerap, those are beautiful! Many thanks, Ben!
  5. Holy crap! Lookit that! I'm a full-fledged member now! Mikhael politely excuses himself to do the boogie dance.
  6. Wow. I don't know if this is just a wrong impression or somesuch, but it almost sounds like you're making FPS fans out to be complete incompetents. Any FPS fan who has even the tiniest inkling of interest in the gaming industry would have no problems grasping the concept of strategy and war games... in fact, most of them probably play a few. Please, please, please don't go stereotyping an entire group... especially in such a broad, incorrect manner. Shudder. I hate it when people do that
  7. What happens if the Croda round makes it to the armor, penetrates halfway, and then stops? Does it just sit there peeking inside chatting up its target's crewmembers while its rear waggles enticingly?
  8. Heh heh, didja edit out some secret world-changing message of epic consequence, Tiger? Or just forget to add the "m" to spam?
  9. Howdy, I'm looking for a good D-Day Normandy landing scenarios... any out there?
  10. But not if there isn't anyone around to surrender to, like it sounds in this situation. That would be funny to see though A gaggle of troops merilly trotting along through the front lines, throwing a salute to passing officers on their way to the enemy and a POW camp.
  11. Ooh, count me in! Do we get points for quickest death? How about most creative? Biggest flames? The possibilities are endless! stephen_@bigsky.net
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