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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. I only found one at CMHQ, and while it is nice, it doesn't quite go with the other winter German armor I have. Does anyone know of any other winter Panther G mods that are available? I am starting a winter scenario PBEM this evening and I want my tanks to look their best. Fernando, could please whip something up?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Alright, what the hell are you bunch doing out of the Peng thread. Get back! Or perhaps I'll have to get babelfish on your asses! They group lousy the wankers. It receives an other relative time to the ass from prat when Peng begins, soon. They do not know that they have the serious subjects in phase of development in the applicable world? A disposed man is fixed white man in the point to the relative president selected of all the section, doncha. And it is a lot meant. And folded people are a lot. Possibly therefore he is better from lasciarla is to this a lot to mean the thing more. Or bond eccentrically decapiteranno and and a good bleeding disonore, would be not only. Here they have been polished ** Time-out ** not ven starter shaft ** moment towards the outside ** if you for divid group dov to hit to right the right skillful this it freaking part like d job station, violent I strapp in on for being personal jed relative diaphragm the body and for divent viscous for us d distil d something ordering more liquer tenebrous moron, than I then seppell all divid relative will profollow in order too much trem, bloodily body. It then is forced, it for the advanced side, those, in order to roll to all the similar extension traditional Salo d ' Antonioni here over. Hour moves it -, parasits! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shouldn't you give Rob/1 credit when quoting him at length?
  3. Here in Santa Monica, CA we go into a booth with a card given to us by the nice ladies at the desk, slip the card into the slot that says "slip card in here," then a nice man comes into the booth and tells us who to vote for... I mean... we open the ballot book which lists the candidates and other choices and punch a hole in the card that is next to our selection. When we are done we get a little sticker to place wherever we want so that everyone we come in contact with can ask us who we voted for. I told them I voted for Tom Greene of the Greene Party. This whole mess is my mom's fault because she lives in Palm Beach County, FL and she didn't vote.
  4. Maybe you want to use this in the news section: http://www.theonion.com/onion3640/opening_of_gerbils_tomb.html
  5. Matt, I think what Rob/1 is saying is that the tank was ahead of the rest of his forces so that it was unlikely that there was an enemy unit behind his tank. Maybe there was poor visibility and his tank was erroneously targeting a friendly unit, or was targeting a hidden enemy sniper or something like that. Just trying to help.
  6. I use them all. I tried them when they were first released, but I didn't like them. When Magua released his building mods I gave Gunslinger's another chance, and now I love them. They take a little getting used to, but they look so much more realistic. Oh, yeah, I don't use the soldier or vehicle mods, so I guess it is just the terrain ones - ground, trees, etc. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 11-07-2000).]
  7. I don't remember getting a confirmation, but if you e-mail BTS they will let you know what the status of your order is. It took about a week to get mine. It depends how far away you are.
  8. Did anyone just see it? They are using DUKWs to ferry people to the stadium. Cool.
  9. D@W, based on your profile, no one in your office should have been surprised.
  10. The random extension of time in QBs is a good idea. I would also like to see the option to not have VLs in QBs. That would compeletely eliminate the last minute rush problem. Additionally, if players opt to have VLs, they should be placed in sensible locations or dominant terrain features, such as hills, crossroads, town centers, or tall buildings on rural maps. As it is now, you have to defend strategically unimportant ground simply because there is a VL there. Without rehashing the whole gamey recon tactics thing, I don't think anyone has a problem with using Jeeps and scout cars for recon; the problem is racing them around in your opponent's rear area to draw fire or spot units in an unrealistic way.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lordfluffers: Now Im not sure if ppl can discuss this without becoming emotional.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But this is CM. How can we help becoming emotional?
  12. You should discuss a battle's parameters with your opponent so that you both know what you are in for. If you receive a setup you don't like you can reject it. You will find people at the T-House site that prefer to defend. This is a game and is meant to be fun. Don't play a game if think it won't be fun. I am in a game right now where I am playing the Germans with heavy fog, chosen by random weather. The fog has completely eliminated the long range fire advantage I might have had. My opponent acknowledged that I had my work cut out for me, but we decided to play it anyway to see what happened (I am about to surrender). There were many days on the western front with less than ideal fighting conditions.
  13. MERC, yes, it is pretty foolish to wait until the end to make one's move. However, I have played it both ways. Sometimes my priority is to secure the VLs and set up a good defense, but then I wind up getting pounded by artillery and can't resist a strong counter attack. Other times I will advance my forces as far as the terrain will allow without revealing my positions and then launch an assault near the end. If my opponent does the same thing a draw is the likely result. The time limit and VLs in unrealistic locations are both factors of the game which must be taken into consideration when planning a strategy, but both players are aware of this and have an equal opportunity to deal with it. Killing the enemy should be the most important factor in determining victory, but if you chase your opponent all over the map he can still rush a hidden unit to take a VL at the last minute and VL points do matter as far as the game is concerned. As has been pointed out before, a gamey tactic isn't necessarily cheating, and in my opinion isn't necessarily bad either. There will always be limitations when playing a game, and if an opponent does something you don't like, gamey or not, just don't play with that person again (like you said).
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lordfluffers: The costs to Battlefront.com simply do not reflect the price it's charging. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As far as I am concerned, whether or not something is expensive is based on the value you receive relative to the price you paid. It has nothing to do with what it cost to produce. CMBO provides a very high quality gaming experience at a price similar to other software titles. I am sure BTS would have made the game more visually appealing, but they would still be developing it and we wouldn't be playing it. It would also raise the level of hardware performance needed to run the game. I don't think I have heard one person claim dissatisfaction with CMBO after playing it. I know I can't say that about some of the other junk for wich I paid $50.
  15. MERC, the problem with this is that there the players can still sit back and wait for the last turn. I played a good PBEM where both of us advanced close to the VLs. I held some and he held some. Our armor traded some long range shots, but the infantry remained hidden until the last few turns when we both rushed the flags. There was much carnage and the inevitable result was a draw. I don't think an infantry rush during the last few turns is gamey because unless the woods are extremely heavey you can see the enemy approaching and can set up a defense. Infantry can also move only so fast even when running. They have to be somewhat close to the objective to be able to get there before time runs out. What I do consider gamey is rushing armor high speed towards a VL at the last minute. It seems that one armored unit in close proximity to a VL has the ability to change possession of that VL at least to neutral, if not to the other player's possession. Armor can cover a lot of ground and can be brought in from far away in just a turn or two. The real reason I find it gamey is that the player holding the VL with a decent force would likely destroy the solitary tank on the next turn if time had not run out. I think it is commonly understood that armor can take ground, but infantry secures and holds it. Rushing armor without infantry support to take or deny possession of a VL at the last minute uses the limitations of the game to defeat that theory.
  16. When I built models the last step was the dull coat. It seals all the weather effects, especially if you use chalks or dust.
  17. HQs can't substitute for dead FOs, only as spotters for on-board mortars as your correctly stated. Buildings represent structures from 1 to 4 stories IIRC. You only see a top and bottom floor, but a one story building represents a building with 1 - 2 stories and a 2 story building represents a structure with 3 - 4 stories. If I am wrong, someone will undoubtedly correct me.
  18. Play the demo. You will know exactly what you are getting for your money, plus more. I wouldn't know though, because I bought the game before I even realized there was a demo.
  19. Bates, you have a lot of nerve desecrating that poor creature's uniform with a "CM Rules" patch.
  20. I just installed the lastest Detonator 3 drivers and enabled 4x4 FSAA. I run at 1152x864 and I did notice some improvement. I didn't have to edit the registry, I just adjusted the settings in the display properties.
  21. I nominate MadMatt's Sound Pack as sound mod of the year. Granted, it contains many sound mods, but as a whole they make the game so much more enjoyable. When I got my new computer I played a few games before installing any mods. I don't mean to put down BTS's work, but the orignal sounds seemed dull after having played with the Mod Pack sounds. But if I had to single out one sound it would be the quieter exit sound.
  22. The sound cue can be whatever anyone wants it to be because I am sure it will be a wav file that we can edit as we want. I use the "Incoming!" wav file from CC1 as my e-mail notification, but I will probably switch it to the incoming CM turn notification, assuming there is one.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted: Nine shots, nine ricochets. ...all of a sudden I hear a hatch open up and the Panthers crew bailed out and ran to the nearest woods. Whew. Victory was mine and I’ll take it anyway I can get it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Kind of like an in-the-park home run; no big bang, but it counts just the same. No story from me, as most of my armor dies a lame, patheitic death after missing several close range shots.
  24. TCP/IP enables two people to play at the same time over the internet. It stands for: Two Can Play / Including Pham911
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