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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. The last issue of PC Magazine I received has an article on flat panel monitors as well as 19" CRT monitors. I think this link gives the same info contained in the magazine: http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/stories/reviews/0,6755,2339927,00.html
  2. I bought my DVD player and home theater system just for SPR. I lke the movie BTW. The sound on the DVD is awesome, but no matter what I do I can't replicate the quality of the sound when the zook round hits the HT. I remember the whole theater shook and everyone jumped in their seats. The only thing that ruined the theater experience for me was the car alarm that went off for the entire movie - literally. I think SPR is the most historical hollywood depiction of what WWII combat was like. There may have been inaccuracies that only grogs or vets would notice, but I think it gave everyone who saw it a good idea of what those men went through.
  3. You could mod all the units to appear as women if you wanted to. Granted, they would all look like female bodybuilders, but that's ok.
  4. Hey, he's in advertising. Now we can look forward to some Budweiser commercials featuring SP Artillery instead of the Clydesdales.
  5. To change the bmp name (with Windows) right click on the file name and chose "rename" from the menu. It will turn blue and the cursor will blink. Use your arrow keys to move the cursor to the character you want to edit and delete the A, B, or C, or you could just retype the bmp number and leave off the letter. After you have removed the letter from the files you want to use you should have one bmp for each bmp number in the group. Then you can copy and paste all the bmps into your CMBO/BMP folder. You can keep all the files, even the ones you didn't rename, so that you can switch back and forth among the different sky files in case you don't like the one you picked. The ones you don't use will still have the letter, so they will not conflict with the bmps without letters. CM only uses the files with the numbers and ignores the others. Or you can delete the files that you don't want to use if you want to save space on your hard drive. I hope this was clear enough. If not, just ask more questions.
  6. I wasn't aware that Wittman *did* advance through the smoke, but as Matt said, it was a pretty stupid thing to do and did end up costing him his tank (did he get killed too?). I have been playing this scenario the past few nights and I find that every time I push Wittman too far forward he either gets shot, immobilized, or knocked out. I have tried to keep him further back so as to keep him alive until his friends arive. I do hate it when a tank starts aiming its turret backwards to shoot at a panicked crew off in the distance. But, as Matt pointed out, Wittman is surrounded by targets if you move him up the street. He is going to pick whatever he thinks is the greatest threat, even if you know there is something more lethal behind the smoke. There are times when he has sat there with his gun pointing forward even though British infantry was firing at him from the side. This just isn't a good situation to judge the AI. Perhaps there should be an "ignore target" or "ignore infantry" command, but I think this would lead to other problems. The AI in CM is very good, but it does have its limitations.
  7. CMPlayer, Would you drive your tank through smoke to engage unseen targets? You know what was there before the smoke popped, but you can't be certain that more and heavier armor isn't coming up behind that smoke. What I would do is back off from the smoke and be ready to plug whatever appears from behind it. Advancing armor through a smoke filled city street is asking for trouble. And later on, YOU know from where the Allied reinforcments are coming, but Wittman has no clue. It is always his first time fighting the battle, even if you have played it 100 times. Wouldn't you give your infantry a hand if the enemy armor threat has been taken care of (as far as you know)?
  8. Heathen, I think you are talking about a completely different issue. Kitty is asking why a tank didn't fire at a HT that it had in its sights. You are talking about two computers in a TCP/IP game resolving a turn differently on each computer. Your concern was adressed when it was pointed out that only one computer crunches the data and sends it to the other. As far as I am concerned that issue was resolved. Kitty's question is unrelated to yours. And please improve your attitude.
  9. The mod maker usually includes a set of instructions. Tiger's updated Tiger I only changes the road wheels from what I can tell, but he gives you the textures for the whole vehicle. Fernando's updated HTs give you new track and roadwheels for each version of the vehicle and he tells you to just copy those files if you already have the full mod. And DUJ, well, he couldn't be more explicit in his instructions.
  10. Major, I think they are referring to CM previews that you could watch before the game was released. They are not not part of the released version of CM. As far as I know the only movie in CM now is the opening movie - which needs to be redone with the latest mods.
  11. I bought some RAM from Crucial.com. Their prices seem pretty good and delivery is 2 days. They have RAM chips for just about every PC there is. You can look up your particular make and model and they will tell you which chips it can take. http://www.crucial.com/index.asp
  12. The price difference between a mid range and high performance computer is not that great these days. You can go to the Dell site and configure a computer with many options. You will find that each upgrade is not all that expensive, but they can add up as a whole. You can go with a mid range system for about $1,700 or a nearly top of the line system for about $2,500. The difference in the amount you spend basically means an extra year of quality gaming. I try to buy the best I can afford because upgrading later on can actually be more expensive if you consider that you are buying 2 graphics cards, 2 sound cards, 2 hard drives, etc.
  13. OK, I guess I was wrong. It always seems that my tanks lose all MGs if the main gun is damaged. Maybe the bow MG is just out of ammo, but I can't get the tank to shoot at anything. Sorry for the misinformation.
  14. I'm in Los Angeles, CA. That's technically part of Mexico. Hola! Phil/1, are you related to Rob/1?
  15. Is this new weapon called "Ginger?" Anyway, I think the real answer to the original question has been overlooked. As we are painfully aware, when a tank loses its main gun in CM it also loses its coaxial and/or bow MGs. Therefore it is completely unarmed. That's why it can't hunt, even if CM allowed vehicles armed only with MGs to hunt. Unless I am wrong. In which case, nevermind.
  16. That kit does not include the radio. The Japanese company sells the most complete version you can get, which includes the radio. My understanding is that the complete kit is not available in the US. I think the kit on the Japanese site is less expensive, even with shipping.
  17. That's a beautiful rubble texture, but doesn't the game use the same texture for roadblocks? I'm at work now, so I can't check.
  18. Here is a site with lots of info on this and other large scale armor kits: http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/5736/HotNews.html You can buy the complete kit including radio here: http://www.hlj.com//cgi-local/hljpage.cgi?TAM56009 And you can also get the Battle Unit: http://www.hlj.com//cgi-local/hljpage.cgi?TAM53447 This is a company in Japan that exports worldwide with 2-9 day UPS service to the US. You can pay by credit card and there is a currency converter for each item. This is getting very tempting. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-15-2001).]
  19. Believe me, Dan, I know. I have many modelling books and armor books from when I was a kid. I have an airbrush and a compressor and about 25 kits that I never even opened. Last year my mom sold her house and I had to go through all my kits and built models. I looked on e-bay and saw that many of the kits I had are now collectibles. I went on a buying spree and bought a couple dozen vintage kits as an investment, all aircraft. Then CM came out and I got the armor bug again. My social life is in such a sad state that if I got into modelling again I would never leave my house except for work. Damn CM!
  20. Here it is: Sorry it's so big. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-14-2001).]
  21. I'm pretty sure Marco included the Sherman Kangaroo in his mod pack. I was playing a scenario with them today and they looked just like the other modded Shermans.
  22. Buket, there is a site that is perfect for what you want to know. It is Kump's CM Outpost: http://www.gkump.com/cm/ He profiles many of the better mods and shows before and after pictures. Unfortunately it is going to shut down soon, so check it out while you still can.
  23. I'm really going to miss your site, Kump. I usually don't install mods until you profile them for us. I hope someone can take it over, or at least archive it as it is for future newcomers to CM. I would do it if I knew how. My one attempt at a website was rather pathetic. (You can check it out if you want, the link is in my my profile.) [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-14-2001).]
  24. What's the purpose of what appears to be chain link fence on the gun barrels? Is it for attaching camoflage? I've never noticed it in photos before. Everytime I see awesome models such as these it gets me wanting to try it again, but I know mine will never look as good as those, so I decide not to. I built some nice models when I was a kid, but these put mine to shame.
  25. There are two versions of the 1/16 King Tiger that I have been able to find: http://www.phoenix-model.com/tamiya_tanks.htm But I haven't found the Tiger I that is featured in this thread. The Tamiya page says it is coming soon, so I don't think it is available yet.
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