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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Tiger, I apologize for the improper assumption. I truly appreciate your work.
  2. Yes, I have tried QRes but I couldn't get it to work. I am happy with 1152x864. At the really high resolutions I can't read the menus anyway.
  3. Ok, before this gets locked and moved to the General Discussion area (where it already is), please explain the origin of this thing. I looked at the thread from the forum in which it was originally posted and most people there were baffled as well, even though they could appreciate the humor. It appears to be the result of a bad Japanese to English translation, but what was the original context?
  4. I tried to run this test at 4,000 meters but CM keeps freezing. I have 10 Sherman M4A1s vs. 10 Panzer IVHs on a long, flat, clear map. BTS please fix!!! or do somefink.
  5. Russel and Foobar, you are both on crack. That is clearly my 4th grade teacher, Ms. Keenan and the bottom is a stick figure rendition of Greg Luganis doing a belly flop.
  6. My opinion is that you gave up your site and you are experiencing withdrawel symptoms. I think it looks great!
  7. Kump, I would love a copy of the TigerDog Stug mod. I did like the wheels on Tiger's new Stug, but I like a little camo on my tanks. I don't think Tiger or Kwazydog will mind that you combined the best of the two mods. Nice work.
  8. Did you combine the hull from one with the wheels of another? It's hard to see much with small pics of these brown vehicles.
  9. Keep in mind that CM will not run at a higher resolution than your desktop resolution. Fore exapmple, to run CM at 1024x768 your desktop must be set to at least 1024x768.
  10. AFAIK Tamiya doesn't have a Hetzer, but Dragon does in 1/35 scale. Here is a site from which you can order online: http://www.phoenix-model.com/dragon-military.htm Item #DML6030 Here is another site that has two additional models from which to choose. The Italeri kit may be to your liking. http://www.Squadron.com/SearchResults.asp?ScaleList=35&TypeList=3&ManuList=everything&Key=Hetzer&Submit=Go [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 02-17-2001).]
  11. Damn, Gustav, I was just about to post the same link: http://www.kithobbyist.com/AFVInteriors/m5/m5c.html
  12. This was me when I was trying out for a role on Eight is Enough and Battlestar Galactica. I am the one on the right, but I don't look like that anymore. The guy on the left is my cousin/boss. This picture is a powerful weapon.
  13. I have all the Talonsoft Battleground games except for the first one (Bulge?) and Napolean in Russia. My favorite was Gettysburg and I could play the big scenario for hours (days) on end. I never did a PBEM though.
  14. I unzip the mods into a temporary folder so I can see if there is a read.me file or if there are any files I need to rename or optional files I want to delete. Then I cut/paste them into the BMP folder. I keep all the installed zip files in a separate folder. I love the batch files. I was too lazy to figure them out at first, but once I read the instructions carefully and followed them step by step they were really easy to set up. Each new mod just takes a couple of minutes to install. I love the ability to switch nationalities so easily. I wish there were more batch files, especially for the German vehicles so I could have a complete set of armor with similar camouflage.
  15. Here is a website with lots of info and a cast list: http://members.aol.com/amblin55/BOB.htm
  16. If I remember my Psych 101 course correctly, after hearing that sound a few times we should be conditioned to never exit CM again. I think that was the real purpose behind the sound.
  17. Mikey, make a wav file of your voice saying, "Ok, I'll get right on it" and use that as the exit sound. It will sound like you just got off an important phone call. Your supervisor will think you are a busy, efficient employee with a good attitude.
  18. You can't build those and not post some pictures for us. That just isn't right.
  19. There is a mod for this in one of the Mad Dog Mod Packs that quiets it down. The file is not used elsewhere in the game (AFAIK), so feel free to tone it down or replace it if you want. The AOL "Goodbye" seems appropriate.
  20. I took mine from a movie I like. My real name is Engelbert Humperdink (no relation), but that is a mouthful. You can call me anything you want, just don't call me Humpy.
  21. Hug and Two Kisses (can I call you that? ), there are a few sound mods around that change the sound of the original artillery impact wav files. I am pretty sure one of the MadDog Mod Packs has these files and at least two other people have made mods available. There is a site that has several sound mods, but I don't have the link handy. I would think that live sound recordings would not fit in so well in a game. There are some sound files available that were recorded from live weapon firings and I personally don't like the way they sound in CM. You would probably do better to create the sounds with a synthesizer. As in the movies, a fake sound often sounds more realistic that the real sound itself. That's what the job of a foley artist is all about. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 02-13-2001).]
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