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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. There are several Tiger I mods. Check out CMHQ (in case you are serious). http://combathq.thegamers.net/ And M, you are correct, there isn't a single Panther mod, there are many of them.
  2. I just poured gasoline on my CM CD-ROM, and now it doesn't run in my computer. You owe me a new disk Gunny Bunny.
  3. I believe all but the heaviest guns can move very slowly. When you look at the unit data screen it will indicate the unit's movement speed. Guns usually have a "Very Slow" speed. Therefore, you want to unlimber them as close to their final destination as you possibly can. You also want to unlimber and adjust their position under good cover. A gun that is unlimbered under enmy fire is probably not going to live long enough to fire a single shot. I recall reading in this forum that the large guns such as the 88 can't be set up once the game has begun due to time contraints. They have to be positioned at the start of a battle.
  4. I think there are two different ways of approaching winterized US vehicles. One way is to show them with white paint and/or white wash, whether completely colored white or brushed on haphazardly. (The bedsheet method doesn't seem to be feasible.) The other approach is to show the vehicles in their normal OD but with a layer of snow and ice in the appropriate places, such as Magua did with his half tracks. I think the snowed on look is cool, and it can't be called unrealistic because they are just regular vehicles with snow on them. The white washed or painted look is a matter of taste as it seems there were several methods used to camoflage the vehicles. I like some of the white washed versions and I am no so crazy about others, but I definitely like Magua's half tracks, so that is the look I would like to see more of. A mixture of both types of winterized vehicles is also nice. I also like Fernando's winter PzIVs with the worn white washed look. It would be nice to see that effect combined with the snow effect.
  5. Nevermind. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 02-03-2001).]
  6. I posted this same thought about a week ago. I hope Magua or one of the other modders create a winter set with the snow effect. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 02-03-2001).]
  7. There is a King Tiger with Porsche Turret on this site: http://www.phoenix-model.com/tamiya_military.htm item #TAM35169
  8. Titles are used again, but that doesn't make it legal. One usually has to get permission to use a previously used title. There are lawsuits over this all the time and there is insurance specifically for it. If NBC came out with a show called "Millionaire," you can bet Disney would sue NBC to get them to change the title, even if the show is different.
  9. You can copyright a title, which is what we are talking about here. When I sell Errors & Omissions insurance policies to film production companies there is always a title exclusion until a title search report is done. The title search checks to see if a particular title has ever been used before.
  10. It would also be nice to be able to edit units from the map. There are times when I buy a lot of HTs to use as transport, or barbed wire, or mines, only to find out I have bought too many. When you go to delete them from the unit list you don't know which ones you are deleting and have to reposition the remaining units on the map.
  11. You don't want to open up a copyright infringement can of worms here. The Saving Private Ryan sound bites would get thrown back in BTS' face. And I do think the "s" would make a big difference.
  12. Hit the "GO" button to see a preview of how your orders will be carried out in the actual turn.
  13. This is Ground Control to you know who... I finally found something funny in the cesspool worth commenting on. LOL!
  14. That's a nice graphic. It is currently my wallpaper.
  15. For the Super Bowl deprived, you can catch all the commercials 30 minutes after they air at AdCritic.com. http://www.adcritic.com/superbowl/ And to find out who won the game, just flip over to the Home Shopping Channel about 1 millesecond after the game ends.
  16. I am in s stupid office pool where the scores have to end in 5 for me to win anything, so I predict 15 to 5. I don't care which team wins, as long as the scores end in 5.
  17. Very nice!!! No more M's and W's flying through the air.
  18. Very nice!!! No more M's and W's flying through the air.
  19. Do you enjoy pulling the wings off flies? I think CM counts KIA and WIA according to their initial status as a casualty. What I mean is that a wounded soldier can't be killed no matter what you do to him. This is just a guess.
  20. KIA, what is your point? You posted that it was Stavelot, so I did some research to see if you were correct. The search confirmed that you were correct and in the process I found several sites covering the topic. A search for "Identify this bridge" would have been less productive. It helps to know what you are searching for.
  21. Well, yeah. I couldn't do a search until I knew what to search for.
  22. Foobar, do a Google search for Stavelot Bridge. I found a ton of sites about the Bulge and this bridge in particular.
  23. Looking at this site it appears that it is the Stavelot bridge. It is similar to the drawing and it does look like the last span was rebuilt - it is slightly different in color. http://www.indianamilitary.org/30thinfdiv/PhotoAlbum.htm
  24. I was just joking about Burnside. I have no idea, but a guess would be the Son bridge or one of the other bridges on the way to Arnhem? I think the Grave bridge was wood, so it wouldn't be that one.
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