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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Tiger, I was reading about how zimmermit was not applied to the armor skirts and the turret bustle (correct terms?), so you may want to see if you can remove the zimmermit texture from those areas. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Looking great so far!
  2. I want to download the Operation Flashpoint demo which requires DX8. Are there any known problems with it as far as CM or other software is concerned?
  3. Tiger, that is outstanding! Take your time with it and let us know when you are finished.
  4. You can get it off the Saving Private Ryan DVD.
  5. Tiger: Bingo!!! That's the one I've been looking for. But just a little constructive criticism: Maybe you could brighten the green and brown a bit - they seem a little too muted. Also, did you camo the gun barrel? It's hard to tell. And obviously the wheels are different because it's a different variant. But I REALLY like it! [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-20-2001).]
  6. Go to a top down view when making these adjustments and you should be ok.
  7. Dan, I was the one that was confused. The first four posts were talking about the ambush camo scheme. I didn't realize that the ambush scheme was a specific scheme. I thought they meant a tricolor camo scheme, which is why I posted the link I did. It's all my fault. But if Marco, Kitty, or someone else wants to do an ultimate tricolor Tiger I, I wouldn't complain.
  8. Dan I thought we were talking about a tricolor vs. bicolor camo scheme, so I was confused as to what the ambush camo scheme is. Fred, what you have done with Kwazy's Tiger is nice. Some more highlights and shadows would really make it stand out. John S has made some nice Tiger mods, but none of them really meets what I am looking for. His Panzer Grey mod is my favorite, but the grey is a bit out of place for the period depicted by CMBO.
  9. Um, Tom, I got that Tiger from the link you cited. (But your post is edited, so maybe you figured that out.) Where the author of the site got it, I don't know.
  10. You are excuxed. You do know that you can edit your posts, don't you? [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-19-2001).]
  11. Also, considering what Kitty and Måkjager said, are the camo schemes in the link I posted wrong? This Tiger is awfully pretty:
  12. Kitty, I love your King Tiger, but it rarely shows up in the games I play. It would be great if you could do a Tiger I mod on par with the KT so your work could get more screen time.
  13. They think "MOD" is an acronym for "Makes an Overwhelming Difference." They eventually find out it is short for "modification."
  14. I don't know if anyone has seen this site before, but it has a ton of info on the Tiger. Here is a page with color schemes: http://www.panzer-vi.fsnet.co.uk/markingswest.html
  15. Magnus, the Hotchkiss link works for me, but not the Humber. PawBroon e-mailed it to me though, so I have it.
  16. Magnus, the link to the mod does not work for me. I can see the preview pic, but when I click on the little hand I get "File Not Found." Please fix! Or do somefink! No, on second thought, just fix!
  17. Here is a brief explanation: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum8/HTML/001335.html
  18. If you agree with the deer in advance as to how he will taste, then it does not matter if it is gamey. But gamey is a relative term. Is the venison fresh? Was the deer tied to the hood of your car for a week before you cooked it? There are just too many variables.
  19. Pavement is not a road. There are dirt roads (brown) and paved road (grey/black). Both are traversable by vehicles even if they appear to be on a slope. It is funny to watch a tank go up a 75 degree incline. However, pavement is not a road in CM and is subject to the slope limitation.
  20. To The_Capt: Possibly post of the year! To aka_tom_w: You jasoncawley wannabe, at least he writes original stuff (as far as we know) to make his posts longer than anyone could possibly read. All you did was copy and paste a lot of text. Try harder next time. As far as gamey goes, you can either look at CM as a game - pure and simple, in which case it's victory at all costs and nothing is gamey; or you can look at it as a game that tries to simulate a historcal event, in which case the players should have some respect for how the forces were used in WWII in an attempt to retain a sense of historicicity (my contribution to the GWB dictionary). If you fall into the second camp, then you have an obligation to follow the unwritten rules of CM combat. I think the majority of CM players try to maintain some level of accuracy; therefore, it should be up to the "gamey" player to disclose his lack of respect for historical tactics. As long as this is done up front it shouldn't be a problem. The players can decide to continue or they can decide not to play. The real problem is when both players are of the realistic tactics type but one decides to rush a jeep willy-nilly through his opponent's rear area in a desperate attempt for information. Is that gamey? It's kind of subjective. Gaminess is like pornography - you know it when you see it. Most of us probably consider that to be gamey, but others point to the Rat Patrol as a real life use of jeeps for recon. Some say if it happened once in real life, then it is justified in CM. Others say yeah, but that was stupid, so it doesn't count. So, where am I going with this? I don't know. I forgot my point. Oh, if gameyness is a concern, then straighten it out before you start a game against a new opponent. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-14-2001).]
  21. Read and follow the directions in the read.me file very carefully. If you do that you should have no problem. Here is a brief summary, but follow the directions: Go through the bmp files and choose the ones you want where there are options. Then copy all the bmp files to the CMBO\BMP directory, overwriting any existing files (backup the BMP folder first in case you don't like the results. Then you need to place the batch program files in the CMBO directory. Make a shortcut for each batch file and rename the shortcut as instructed in the read.me. Place all the shortcuts in a folder on your desktop so that they are in a convenient place. Next you should associate the shortcuts with the icons that are included with the mods. You don't really have to do this, but it makes it much easier to select the right batch file. There are a lot of steps here, so it is probably the trickiest part of the whole process. Basically you right click on the shortcut and select properties. Select the "Program" tab and then select "change icon" and browse for the correct icon. It will be in whatever folder into which you unzipped the mod. After you have selected the icon you should check the box that says "close on exit." You should be finished now. You can run the batch files either before or after you set up your game. If you know what nationalities or versions of the vehicles you want before you set up the game you can run the necessary batch files by clicking on the shortcuts you created. A little DOS program will run that loads the necessary files. Then go play your game. Or, you can select your units during set up, save your game, exit out of the battle (you don't have to exit out of CM), ESC to the desktop, and then select the batch files you need. When you reload your game the correct mods will be there. It really isn't that difficult if you just read and follow the directions carefully. You don't have to know how the batch programs work. CM will remember the mods you loaded until you run different batch files. So if you run the British armor batch file, play a game, and exit CM, CM will load the British files the next time you start the game. If Marco makes changes to the mods in the future you will only have to install the bmp files; you won't have to reinstall the batch files. Take the time to install these mods correctly because they are beautiful and really enhance the CM experience.
  22. I don't know if your video card is causing your problem or not, but to change the resolution in CM you need to delete the "Combat Mission Beyond Ovr Prefs" file from the CMBO directory. Then set your desktop resolution at least as high as you want your CM resolution. Next time you load the game it will cycle through the resolution options again with the best available resolution given first. If doing this doesn't fix your problem then it is something else.
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