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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. King Tiger tank commander Unt. Cartman: "Respect my authoritay!"
  2. Ok, so buck is to dollar as quid is to pound. I am so ready for the SATs!!! (for you non-Americans, the SAT test is the Scholastic Aptitude Test which students take when they are graduating high school and is used by college admissions offices as a measuring stick to determine whether you are an idiot or not.) Edited to hide the evidence of my ignorance. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-08-2001).]
  3. BTS is working on it; it is scheduled for a Fall 2001 release, but it won't be released until it's done; there will be some changes to the game engine to allow for larger buildings; I believe the scale of the maps is going to be changed for larger, open battlefields. That is all I know.
  4. What is a quid anyway? I have heard the term before, but what does it mean in terms of pounds and pence? Oh, and how many quid for a squid?
  5. I have only had a tank simply break down once resulting in the "gear stripping" sound. It was a KT and it just went from moving normally to immobile with no intermediate bogging. The ground was dry and there was no enemy fire as it was on the second turn of the battle. I did locate the wav file for the sound and I posted it the last time the topic came up. I don't think it is a modded sound, but it not the same as the immobilized or bogging sound.
  6. I could be wrong, but I thought Matt said the scenario depot would not be making the move as that was part of TGN. But I think he did say some sort of replacement was in the works.
  7. Max, my computer came built, with 19" monitor, DVD, CDR-W, 75GB HD, 64MB GeForce 2, 128MB 133 RAM, sat/sub speaker system, 3-Com network card, 3 year warranty, and lifetime tech support. And that was back in August. I am happy with it. But this thread is not about what the best computer system or component is. I was just pointing out that I got a new computer to play CM.
  8. One copy of CM: $45 (plus S&H) One new Dell 933Mhz PIII: $2,700 The hours of enjoyment derived from playing CM: Priceless Ok, someone was going to do it, so I got it out of the way.
  9. You can't really call CM a tank sim because you can only give movement and targeting commands to the tanks - you can't control every aspect of the tanks. The AI will take over and change target and move orders when appropriate. In a tank sim you would have complete control over everything the tank did. Nevertheless, it is fun to hit the Tab key and go along for the ride.
  10. Holy crap! and Neato! are words that come to mind.
  11. Are there hourly rates available? Heart shaped tubs? (Edited because I can't even type a stupid obnoxious comment without screwing it up.) [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-07-2001).]
  12. I knew it. Kitty is in advertising. She works for Young & Rubicam: http://www.adcritic.com/content/covad-hamster-taxidermy.html
  13. Kitty, do you need a friend? There has got to be more to life than CM and hamsters. I don't live too far away from you; maybe I could help. I think we need to do an intervention.
  14. Could you give us a break and tell us which are the photos and which are CM screenshots?
  15. I bet a lot of people wind up in the forum after searching for something with Google. Anyone searching for hamsters is bound to wind up here. http://www.spoonland.com/hamsters/default.asp?Page=main
  16. I made one that is not historical, but it has Germans attacking Americans in the snow. I haven't looked at it in a while, but it was fun to play even though I knew what and where the units were.
  17. It would be great if someone could create a batch file to swap the grey mods in and out.
  18. The simple solution is to exit your tanks off the map. Then you don't have to worry about it. You are only using your Panther to knock down buildings anyway.
  19. chrisl, I thought it was bad luck too. That's why I tried placing my FOs in different places - and in places you wouldn't normally hide them - so that the AI arty would not find them in the traditional hiding places. No matter where I placed my FOs the AI found them right away. Incidentally, my test was with FOs, but the same thing happens with AT guns and other soft valuable assets. I don't see the AI cheating in other situations - only when calling arty down on me.
  20. I don't think BTS has deliberately designed the AI to cheat. I would say it is unintended and therefore a bug. I was convinced a long time ago that the AI knows where my valuable assets are. I did the same test that Mad Mike did back when this topic first came up. I was trying to do a 14" spotter test but my FOs were knocked out before their shells made it into the area. I made a map with a huge hill and heavy trees seperating the two forces, so there was absolutely no way the Germans saw my FOs. But no matter where I placed them they would get whacked within the first few turns. I know BTS has categorically denied that the AI cheats, but I am convined that it does in this situation.
  21. Welcome back CMHQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matt, it's March 3rd, not February. March, March, March as the German sergeants say. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-03-2001).]
  22. It sounds to me like you have Smart Update running. That program will automatically try to install whatever you download. Disable Smart Update and then you can download and save the files wherever you want and unzip them to wherever you need to.
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