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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Veca: HOw ridiculous, having to turn cookies on just to post something here and then turn them off so other sites don't put their garbage in my folder.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Feel free to not post here. Regardless of the politics behind what is going on in Cincinnati, it's Matt's hometown and his friends and family have to deal with it.
  2. I haven't gotten into DFDR yet, but I would think the batch files would be as useful as they are in the standard CMBO. They take a bit of effort to set up, but they are so easy to use afterwards.
  3. CM2 is scheduled for a Q3 release, but many of us expect that it may take a little longer. Someone started a thread to make guesses as to when it will be released, but the forum took a siesta last week and it was forgotten. BTS is doing well, despite Leeo's statement otherwise. They are working hard on CM2. Just to clarify, CM II will be a complete rewrite of the CM engine and we probably won't see it for a couple of years.
  4. I've discovered that I can see the item with IE, but not with Netscape. I have been a long time Netscape devotee, but everyday I find new reasons to switch over to IE. Damn you Bill Gates.
  5. E-Bay is blocking access to that item. I get the following message: Dear User: Unfortunately, access to this particular category or item has been blocked due to legal restrictions in your home country. Based on our discussions with concerned government agencies and eBay community members, we have taken these steps to reduce the chance of inappropriate items being displayed. Regrettably, in some cases this policy may prevent users from accessing items that do not violate the law. At this time, we are working on less restrictive alternatives. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, and we hope you may find other items of interest on eBay. Thank You. It must be because I live in Kalifornia.
  6. CM doesn't model running over crunchies with tanks. AFVs have limited MG ammo. You can check the ammo level in the unit information box by selecting the unit and pressing enter. The MG ammo is indicated next to the the appropriate MG. If you see (0), then the MG is out of ammo.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skorpion: And why can't we see how many posts people have done on the left anymore?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Did it ever display that? I thought it just showed our names and Member or Junior Member. I would like it to display where members are from like some other forums do. The mail bombs would be more accurate that way. Damn, I exceeded my one post per member limit! [ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  8. I gave more thought to the idea of having CM give more concealment to certain camo schemes. Even if there are different slots for various degrees or types of camo, there is no way for CM to know what camo scheme you have actually plugged into that slot. You could put a bright pink Tiger into the "highly camouglaged" slot and CM would treat it just the same as an ambush camo scheme. Also, for multiplayer, you would see the various camo schemes while your opponent will only see them if he has the same skins installed. But I still love the idea of multiple skins. We should also have left and right .bmp files for vehicles so there can be proper unit and serial numbers.
  9. Yeah, I was going to use the term skin too, but CM'ers seem to be used to the term mod. Your explanation doesn't seem that simple to me, but maybe that's because I didn't read it too carefully. However, you raised a purpose for multiple skins I didn't consider: the various degrees of concealment based on the different camoufalge schemes of the vehicles. That would be a really cool feature.
  10. I never, ever click on internet ads, so I don't care which ads show up on my browser. I suppose without cookies I am still going to see ads, so the worst thing that happens with cookies is that I see ads for things in which I might actually have some interest. The only infinite open browsers I have run accross are on porn sites, or so I have been told. I If those are the biggest concerns about cookies, then I don't see what the big deal is. If someone is collecting data that might somehow be used to my detriment, then I would be concerned. I don't want to turn this into an OT thread on cookies, but I am glad the forum remembers who I am and which posts I have already read.
  11. Not knowing the first thing about programming, I wonder how CM would know which mod to use? Assuming the four versions of the Panther (for example) were labeled Panther1, Panther2, Panther3, and Panther4, would it pick one of them at random, or would it pick Panther1 for the first Panther, then Panther2 if there were a second Panther, and so on?
  12. Why do people have problems with cookies? Have they ever caused a problem for anyone? I like that they remember all my preferences and passwords for various sites, and the cookie.txt file is rather small. What is the big deal (I ask innocently)? :confused:
  13. I've noticed that the new forum is very fast with IE 5.5, but very slow with Netscape 4.75. It used to run at the same speed with both before.
  14. That picture looks a lot like the one on this page: http://www.jagdtiger.de/Various/ChickswTanks.html
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StellarRat: Well, this is definately faster than the old forum. That's a big plus in my book!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's extremely slow on my end.
  16. As Chico would say: Looooking Good!
  17. I think it's because the MG Jeep can't carry any troops while the regular Jeep can.
  18. Hey Rommel, can you help me with my resume?
  19. Manx, the preview of the Kubelwagen mod shows the Mud Dobber Panther instead.
  20. The 2 refers to 2002, the anticipated release year. If BTS is unable to keep up with release dates the next version of CM will be called CM:XP. Seriously, the announced release time frame is the third (I'm pretty sure they said Fall) quarter of 2001, but it won't be released until it's done.
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