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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Someone at General Motors must have read your post, beacause I just heard that Chevrolet is giving away its 2001 model Corvettes for free just after the 2002 models come out. This idea of giving away your products for free might just spread like fire. Whoa, it is catching on! Now I hear that Intel is giving away all PIII chips for free now that the P4 is out!!! [ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  2. I think the bomb opened up a hole in the ground that enabled the trolls of the underworld to escape. It is merely a coincidence that these trolls are dressed like German vehicle crews. I saw something like this on the X-Files. [ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  3. These responses are what I mean by "us." We know and love CM and probably won't buy as many, or any, other games. CM will certainly have an impact on the sales of other military strategy games, but probably won't significanly affect the sales of other types of games. We obviously don't know how many copies of CM have been sold, but I think it is safe to assume that if half the people who bought CM don't buy any other games or significantly reduce the number of games they buy, that number wouldn't be enough to hurt the rest of the PC gaming industry's sales. However, we can hope that other small scale software developers make an attempt to develop games using BTS's business model, and maybe some of the snooty companies will learn something as well. I think the ones who benefit are the gamers, because we will now have access to quality games from companies that care about customer satisfaction.
  4. Wow, Bates, that answer was quite lucid. I was thinking the exact same thing when I first read Knaust's post. :eek: I think there are enough of "us" to keep BTS happy (based on their business model), but probably not enough of "us" to really hurt the sales of other software titles.
  5. Yup, that sounds like rocket artillery, probably the heavy stuff, too. The first time I experienced incoming rockets was a couple of days after I received CM. I was checking out the various elevations and was discovering how cool it was to walk around on ground level with my men. Then I heard this godawful sound and all hell broke loose. Huge explosions were erupting all around me and my men were taking heavy casualties. These rockets were, as I would later learn, unusually accurate. It seemed as if it was happening relatively slowly though, in a surrealistic way. It was at that moment that I fell in love with CM... again.
  6. I think it is bad taste to watch while another platoon receives an enema. On defense I like to keep the squads close together so they can support each other against enemy infantry assaults. On offense I keep them a bit more spread out until the enemy is located, then I close ranks as I am about to assault an enemy position. In any case I try to at least keep all the squads under command.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: BIG ASSED UPDATE NUMBER 2 !!! ...I should have something by Sunday night at the latest...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bump
  8. Actually that sounds like a pretty cool battle. The JT did exist and was used. You even managed to take it down, despite heavy losses.
  9. I think players shy away from the Brits because as a whole we are probably less familiar with UK hardware that US hardware. I just finished the UK section of the Encyclopedia of British and American Tanks of WWII, and I am amazed at the crap that the British produced. They still had the WWI mindset so that their tanks plodded along at the speed of a wounded puppy. American armor wasn't much better, especially the early stuff, but at least American tanks had the advantage of speed. The Churchills are pretty thick skinned though and I enjoy using them. I can't wait for the desert verion of CM so we can use the Matilda II. It sounds like it was invincible until the 88mm came along.
  10. Yes, you can play CM in real time. Just keep hitting GO without planning any of your moves or replaying the turns to see what happened.
  11. Maybe they realized they left their cell phone and sun glasses behind, or maybe it had Firestone tires and they were afraid it would flip. There are all kinds of possible explanations. :cool:
  12. I try to bring in a platoon at a time, but there are only so many reinforcement slots. Even sorting out a company at once can be a pain. It would be nice if the platoons in a company or battalion could be grouped together
  13. It sounds like Madmatt already has something like that in the works. Unless by keeping CMHQ "fresh on a daily basis" he means that there will be a little thingy that says: "This site last updated on such and such a date." I have a feeling there will be more to it than that.
  14. Yes, it would be nice for reinforcements to arrive in some sort of organized fashion. Someone posted a tip last week that enabled you to control this, but I think it was a joke. Maybe BTS can work on this for CM2.
  15. Try the following key combination: Alt-Shift-Control-F12-Scroll Lock-Pause Break-Esc-Tab. That should give you what you want. Actually it won't, but what you are asking for would be a nice feature. I don't think the current CM engine could handle that. Maybe someone with programming knowledge can say more about it. [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  16. Not that this thread wasn't already OT, but the free porn is in the newsgroups, or so I've heard.
  17. E3: http://www.e3expo.com/homepage_fla.html I'll be in LA only because I live there, but there is no way in hell I'm going to pay $200 to see booth babes when internet porn is free. [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  18. Peterk, that's pretty much the situation I was describing. In the situation I observed the troops would enter the rubble, but would not enter the standing building except through the front. It may depend on how the buildings were placed during the scenario design. As you are probably aware you can choose a building's facing when making a map. If you have two buildings facing inwards towards each other and one building is destroyed, CM may then see the front door (previously abutted [is that a word?] against the other building) of the standing building as an accessable entry. That's just a guess though, as I have not tested it.
  19. Why would one attend this show unless they could get in for free? According to the website admission is $200 unless you can prove you work for the "Interactive Entertainment Industry." And why would one travel from the UK to attend? Peter, E3 does not feature sex with monkeys. But the weather should be nice. http://www.weather.com/weather/local/90015
  20. This has been discussed at length before, and you are basically right about everything you said. I don't know what BTS's response was, but CM does not model moving between buildings by blowing holes in the walls. Ajdacent buildings may appear as one large building, but they are seperated by solid walls and are not connected by doors. Yes, it would be great if it worked that way. I understand that BTS is working on the building models for CM2 to account for the large scale fighting that took place inside large buildings in cities such as Stalingrad. On a related note, I was playing one of Franko's operations recently that had several heavy two story buildings placed in two rows and back to back: XXXX XXXX After levelling the first row of buildings: XXXX ---- my tanks were unable to fire at the back row of buildings even though they had clear LOS. When my infantry made it to the buildings they were unable to enter from the rear side of the buildings that had previously backed up to the now demolished structures. Apparently, the restrictions on entering adjacent buildings exists even after one of them has been destroyed. This does not seem incorrect as that solid wall would still exist (although in real life the building would probably not break off cleanly from its neighbor). Just thought I would point that out.
  21. I find that a couple of Stuarts can reduce any pillbox in two or three turns. Those 37mm shells have a magical ability to attain slit penetrations.
  22. Yeah, they might retire and go off and do what they love: design really good computer wargames.
  23. Paton, you see the shadows of the planes, but not the planes themselves. If you click on an anti-aircraft weapon trying to fire at the plane you will see the red target line aiming into the air where the plane is. Conversely, if you click on the target at which the plane is aiming you will see the yellow incoming fire line.
  24. Check this site out: http://www.feldgrau.com/
  25. I don't know if it is a bug or not because BTS may have intended for it to work that way. However, it is not the way it should be. When you save a scenario or operation that you have created you have to save it in the scenario folder, other wise you run the risk of overwriting the game file when you playtest and save the game. I'm sure everyone has lost at least one scenario this way.
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