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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Please e-mail it to me or somefink. I'm just about to finish Stoumont, and I need a "quick" 50 turn battle. It's hard to spell at midnight. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-30-2001).]
  2. If your computer can take the processing hit you may want to check out some of the great vehicle mods available. Edited so as not to offend the overly sensitive. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-30-2001).]
  3. I remember that from CC2, but I thought it was a flaw in the game. It was cool to see one shot from the ISU-152 take out a platoon of Panthers. Will the ISU-152 be that potent in CM2?
  4. Those winter Shermans are truly beautiful. They combine the best of both worlds as far as the winterization goes. The whitewash effect looks great and there are also accumulations of snow. Very nice!
  5. I think we found ourselves another one of those Ruskie spies.
  6. This belongs in the General Discussion forum. Matt, send my paycheck to me via Paypal.
  7. Or he made a copy and is selling the original. I hope not.
  8. Sounds ok to me, just don't do it while wearing a dress that looks like a dead swan. The only part that seems a bit gamey is actually telling (or strongly implying) your opponent that you are out of HE. In real life you couldn't do that, but if you stopped firing on a target the enemy might suppose that it is safe after a while. He would have to be a bit crazy to send his men into a building that may be ready to collapse, especially when there is an 88mm in the vicinity.
  9. Be able to delete units in preview mode. Sometimes I buy too mnay minefields or barbed wire, or I am trying to create an armored infantry force and buy too many half tracks. I need to delete the extra items but after having deployed the ones I want, I can't easily figure out which ones to delete from the unit purchase list.
  10. I assumed something as basic as this would be stated in the manual. In this case RTFM means Redo The F*****g Manual. (Unless it's already in there.)
  11. After briefly skimming the manual, I don't see where the red/yellow targeting lines are explained. It must be there somewhere. Anyway, as already pointed out, the red lines indicate targets at which the selected unit is firing and the yellow lines indicate units which are aiming at the selected unit. For example, if you have a Panther targeting a Sherman the line from the Panther to the Sherman will be red if you have the Panther selected. The line will be yellow if you have the Sherman selected. A unit can target only one unit at a time, so there will never be more than one red line, but that unit can be targeted by multiple enemy units, so there can be many yellow lines indicating your unit is in deep trouble.
  12. Pillar, if you want to talk about cover in CM, start a different thread. This one is about the .50 MG.
  13. The rounds do carry over, but the total rounds for each spotter will never exceed the maximum set by the operation designer. Your men receive a certain amount of resupply, and your spotters will be given more rounds depending on the level of resupply. You really don't want to waste arty rounds at night against targets you can't see unless you have a pretty good idea what you are shooting at. If you have less than maximum resupply it would be better to use night battles to build up your ammo supply for daytime.
  14. Not to sound like a jerk, but you should really read the manual. It covers basic stuff that you really need to know. You do have the manual, don't you?
  15. I saw (probably on The History Channel) where the .50 is used as a single shot high caliber sniper rifle. The targets are usually lightly armored or soft skinned vehicles. The gunner showed how he could disable most vehicles with one shot through the engine block. He was firing with a scope from a camouflaged position.
  16. The MGs in CM get much more lethal as the range closes. I have an Omaha Beach scenario where the US infantry must rush the MG pillboxes to advance. Visually and audibly the rate of fire is the same, but the men drop really fast when they get within 50 meters or so. A squad of 12 can be eliminated in just a few seconds.
  17. I too learned this the hard way. As Michael indicated, save the scenario you are working on in the Scenarios folder rather than the default Saved Games folder.
  18. I have noticed that if I order my armor to fire at infantry inside a building the armor will fire all its smoke before firing any HE. The target is usually obscured by then and can get away safely. To address Scipio's question: It may havesomething to do with the number of HE rounds relative to the available AP rounds. The AI may be conserving AP rounds (for what I don't know.) I recall a thread on this about a month ago where someone ran some tests and found out that armor would not fire tungsten until the number of regular AP rounds had been reduced to a certain number. The same thing may be going on with AT guns and their use of HE and AP rounds. I don't remember if BTS commented on this. [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 03-22-2001).]
  19. There were complaints that the pillboxes were too easy to destoy so they were made more resilient in the latest patch, but not by much. I find they do live a little longer, but they are still too easy to knock out as far as I am concerned. I usually suffer a damaged gun before the pillbox is knocked out.
  20. Lee, the original point of this thread was that the Tiger was never (officially) painted in the ambush scheme. The Panther above sports the ambush scheme. Tiger's Tiger is wearing the tricolor camo from the Spring 2001 collection of active wear.
  21. Thanks for the replies. I have a GeForce2 64MB and a SoundBlaster Live Value sound card. I updated the drivers for both last week, so I guess DX8 should work fine for me. I was cautious because the DX8 download page warned that DX8 could not be uninstalled and the OS would have to be reinstalled to get rid of it.
  22. Well, I have both (as gunnergoz said, they came with the initiall release of CMBO), but I don't know how to record wav files from a DVD. It's probably easy, but I am too lazy to figure it out.
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