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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Windopaene: BTW it's "Hi Aunt Bea" Not "Hi Aunt Bee" Unless she's sprouted wings and a stinger... :eek: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do you know my Aunt Bee? I don't think so! Hi Uncle Hiram!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Windopaene: BTW it's "Hi Aunt Bea" Not "Hi Aunt Bee" Unless she's sprouted wings and a stinger... :eek: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do you know my Aunt Bee? I don't think so! Hi Uncle Hiram!
  3. Now I get it. Biff and Boof are the visually indicated effects resulting from the impact of force, as in the Batman TV show.
  4. BTS didn't have time to get to all the vehicles they would like to have included, such as the ones you've mentioned. There have been many theads on this subject. You can do a search, but I hear searches take forever nowadays. Edited because if Rob/1 can make a post without any spelling errors, so can I. [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  5. Have a fun summer Gustav, and don't slip and fall in the fish slime. Maybe some kind soul at BTS will save you a Panther poster until you get back.
  6. Manx has a few, I mean all, of them listed here: http://www.combat-missions.net/workshop/modlist.htm#Axisafv Actually, all his links point to CMHQ: http://www.combatmission.com/mods/germantanks.asp Do yourself a favor and check both sites out. [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  7. Those round cylindrical objects on the back of Soviet tanks are full of nitrous oxide. There will be a new movement command called "move really fast" for Soviet tanks in CM2. Oh, and when those tanks are hit and explode everyone will have a good laugh. :cool: OK, I know I am weird. Back to work now. [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  8. Perhaps they could be included in the force selection menu for user designed scenarios but be unavailable for QBs. That is if BTS bothers to model them at all. How many of you ever bought the motorcycles/sidecars in Steel Panthers? I never found them to be worth the points.
  9. Perhaps they could be included in the force selection menu for user designed scenarios but be unavailable for QBs. That is if BTS bothers to model them at all. How many of you ever bought the motorcycles/sidecars in Steel Panthers? I never found them to be worth the points.
  10. If you join for $40 it's only $325 to fly - a savings of $10. That sweetens the deal, doesn't it?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Philistine: [(Private Ryan, you are really showing your age , publication hasn't been required since (I believe) the 1970's). --Philistine<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, it wasn't that long ago. We must have had crappy casebooks. I want a refund! Well, I may have been tought that copyright attaches upon creation, but they tried to cram so much stuff into our brains that my head still hurts. IIRC there was a thread a few weeks or months ago that held a vote for best mod authors and best mods. However, there are constantly new mods released that any such list would be quickly outdated. It may be useful if someone wanted to keep a running tabulation of the most popular mods.
  12. I can't call in sick to myslef. I would know I am lying. I would fire myself.
  13. Thanks for all the feedback, but as I posted above all the flights are sold out. I suppose airing a story about the plane on the news Friday night didn't hurt the bookings. The plane will be at Santa Barbara next, but I won't be able to take off from work to go. I might go for a walkthrough though and at least get to see the plane in the air. Hopefully they will come back again sometime soon. A few years ago there was a B-24 at the local airport where I lived in Florida. I took a walkthrough but my parents wouldn't pay for me to fly (bastards!). I did come away with about a foot of .50 ammo though (sold as souvenirs).
  14. One does not need to claim a copyright or post a copyright notice for the copyright to attach to one's work. When I studied copyright law in school I was taught that a work is copyrighted as soon as the artist/creator "publishes" the work. Publication can simply be showing the work to someone else. That may have changed since I was in law school (I don't practice law) but the point is that copyright attaches automatically. Fuerte is asking for a list of mods which has nothing to do with copyright issues, but taking those mods and distributing them on a disk or even making them available for download by directly linking to someone else's site is a copyright violation. Whether the owner of the copyright wants to enforce his/her right is another matter. The CM mods were created to be used and freeley distributed, but the mod creators and the owners of the websites that host them are entitled to some credit and have a right to ask for it.
  15. I submitted my application for a ride on Sunday 4/22. We'll see what happens. Anyone want to go with me? Kitty? I called them up on the phone and found out all flights are sold out. Oh well. [ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  16. Ditto. You made the big time (really bad pun). I am still waiting for the call from BTS to tell me I can work in the mail room.
  17. There is a B-17 at the Van Nuys, CA airport this weekend and the public can ride for $375 for half an hour. I saw the plane on the news and it looks like a G model with a full complement of .50s and it is flown by WWII vets. Anyone think the experience is worth the price? Sorry if this is OT.
  18. That's some beautiful detail on the MGs, the vision port and cupola.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jgdpzr: Man, you guys still playing the demo? Just wait 'til you get the whole game!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, that's not nice. Some people will think CM2 has gone gold when the demo just came out yesterday.
  20. I am playing the Stalingrad scenario and I am trying to set up an ambush with several heavy MG34 teams hidden in the sewer that runs under the tractor factory, but the AI keeps taking over forcing the MGs to run all over the place. Heavy MG teams should not be able to run! I think a patch is needed.
  21. Here's a link to a story about a group of people who really have a bone to pick with Ambrose: http://www.geocities.com/youngabe/troopcarrier.html
  22. It takes a long time even with a cable modem. FWIW, I find IE processes the forum more quickly than Netscape.
  23. I think it's great. The AFV now matches the base.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Veca: HOw ridiculous, having to turn cookies on just to post something here and then turn them off so other sites don't put their garbage in my folder.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Feel free to not post here. Regardless of the politics behind what is going on in Cincinnati, it's Matt's hometown and his friends and family have to deal with it.
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