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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. You guys don't really need to refresh. You will get an email from BFC several hours after the demo/game is released.
  2. I have a continuing education course to complete, so I hope they don't release the game for at least two more weeks.
  3. Who is going to be the first to finish the game? I plan to stay up all night so I can claim FIRST!
  4. The way I read it is the game will be shipped Thursday and the demo will be released yesterday.
  5. You can still buy the digital only version when the game is released. Has that price been announced yet? I think it has been about $45 in the past.
  6. I don't think BFC makes much extra profit, or any at all, on the hard goods. I think they would prefer that we all buy digital downloads only.
  7. The game will be released when it's done! Now quit crying and get back to digging this trench! The allies will be landing here in Calais before you know it!
  8. How can they (or why would they) release a demo that isn't ready yet? BFC's demos are not the unfinished crap that other game companies release. They are basically the finished product with just a scenario or two included - no editor or QBs. The point of a demo is to give people a taste of what the game is before they decide to spend their money. There is no reason to release an unfinished product. Whining about it isn't going to get the game finished any sooner.
  9. Let me give you a definitive answer so you can relax: neither the demo nor the game will be released by this weekend. But don't hold it against me if it is.
  10. We need to find a date where nothing historically significant happened. That will be the date of release.
  11. If anything, it will be a demo, but not a beta demo.
  12. It might take a little practice, but I think you will eventually learn what is passable terrain and what isn't.
  13. Next you are going to tell me that the purple smoke was really lavender. Please don't ruin a good movie for me.
  14. There is no deadline. The game will be released when it is ready.
  15. I think if they really knew when it was going to be ready they would tell us. I'm willing to wait another week for them to get the landing craft and flamethrowers working perfectly.
  16. I had a wonderful experience with Candyis18, well at least until I found out she wasn't a she.
  17. Wow. Who pissed in your Corn Flakes? And just so you know, I am not insulting urine or Kellogg's cereals.
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