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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. LOL! This thread was just screaming for a Hampster Face Mod reply.
  2. CM2: Waves? I don't see any waves. (As referring to Russia's Wave Tactics)
  3. Uhhh, yes. I think that is what russellmz basically said up there.
  4. I hate to say this SS_PanzerLeader, but I think your major problem is DX8.0. This new DX is very buggy. Even computer experts/professionals say do NOT install DX8.0 unless you run something that requires it. Stay with DX7.0a. There are currently people working on a program to uninstall DX8. The people on TechTV tell people to stay away from DX8 unless it is absolutely necessary. In fact, when people call up Tech-Support with problems, they ask if they have DX8 installed and then they say, "That's the problem." ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot.
  5. For all those (new) people who are constantly requesting new commands. Please read the FREAKIN' manual! You will then realize that everything that you all are asking for is ALREADY *in* the game, but just in a different form or method. Please read the manual. It really helps with this game. It's written in easy to understand English and has editor notes to explain a certain questionable feature as to why it is the way it is. Even those of us who have been around since the Beta Demo eagerly read the manual when CM first shipped in late June, '00. Yes we already knew the system and logic behind the design, but we wanted to get the "low-down" on everything since the Demos. I even recall the Forum discussions leading to some of the Editor's Notes. So please people, before you go shouting that we need a command to make our units pick their noses or some other stupid thing, please read the manual. It explains everything you want to know. And then if it don't come on here and ask good questions--not ones that can be answered by reading the manual. Thank you. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-24-2001).]
  6. Vehicles and pillboxes do not offer any cover. To incorporate this would add another large amount of CPU processing power to keep track of "moving" obstacles. Pillboxes are just treated as like stationary tanks or MG posts. One you knock them out, they are dead. Mods are extremely easy to install because they are just bitmaps (.bmps) or waves (.wav) that go directly into the BMP or WAV folders respectively. They overwrite the stock textures or sounds. In fact, most everything in the game is modifiable, texture or sound-wise. There are a few textures that are hard-coded such as tracers, 'zooks, 'schrecks, etc. All the stock textures are stored in the BMP folder on the CD, so you can easily go back and replace the originals if you don't like the new ones. But trust me, you won't wanna do that. I don't hardly run any stock textures at all. And the ones I do, is because there isn't any mods for them yet. You can get all the mods on CMHQ. The ones you want first are the terrain mods. They change the total look of the game. First of all get DD's terrain sets. Then get Panzertruppen's buildings. Then go look through the other various terrain mods and pick and choose what you want.
  7. Hey I resent that! At least they have HS-based Drivers' Education in Illinois. They don't in Missouri though. I don't think Indiana has it either. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot.
  8. Nathman does have a point, but I think the main issue here is that this Forum is kinda like our Chat Forum, ie. it has the majority of posts and this is where most people come when they just want to converse with our fellow CM friends.
  9. I agree with you there Steve. I had the Army recruiters over a few times during High school and post College. I figured why do I need money for college when I already had a degree. Also a relative of mine told me that the Armed Services have a tendency to make idiots out of geniuses and geniuses out of idiots. Being that I am a self-proclaimed genius (gifted education student in my younger days), I didn't want to become an idiot. I even had real-world experience to back up this theory. A new foreman in this core drilling job I had was a recent ex-Navy SEAL. He was great about barking orders, but he didn't have a freakin' clue about core drilling. Core drilling is one of those types of jobs where you never know what you'll run into and he kept putting unrealistic time schedules on the holes. In fact, it was him that drove me away from that job. And I was not the only one either. Another guy, who had been there for a couple years to my six months, quit a few months after I did for the same reason, I beleive. There's only so much crap you can put with. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-24-2001).]
  10. Hey TeAcH, long time no post? I think. What an interesting article. LOL! on the estimated release date of Spring '99. Thank God they didn't release it back then!
  11. I agree with Pvt. Ryan. What the hell is the problem with $45 + $8 S&H? Take for instance, Diablo II is still listing at $61.99 and from what I understand, it really isn't that great of a game. As for how many copies have been sold? ****loads. Why isn't buying on-line accessible for you? Have you never ordered stuff from sites like Amazon.com? Hell, I don't hardly go to ANY stores anymore, when I can get anything I want on-line and I don't have to burn the gas to go looking for it. Say for instance, I want a Special Edition of a movie. So I could drive all over Hell's Forty Acres looking for it or I could just simply punch it up on say, Amazon.com and then do a One-Click order and in a small amount of time it arrives in my mailbox and I save gasoline. But let me guess, you either don't have a credit card or are afraid of doing transactions across the Internet right? Don't be. But in anycase, you can contact either Steve, Charles, Dan (KwazyDog), or Matt (Madmatt) at their names@battlefront.com to work out a different payment method. Also as for the number of happy customers, count the number of posts on this Forum. What other game has nearly 190 THOUSAND posts on their respective Forums put together? ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot.
  12. You people never cease to amaze me. For those that complain about stuff in the FINAL v1.1 release without taking part in the Beta test, is a lot like buying a car without test driving it first, or even worse, buying it sight-unseen. BTS gave us FOUR Beta patches over a 5 week period with tweaks or bug fixes suggested or found by people on this forum. The whole idea behind doing a Public Beta test for this v1.1 patch was to hopefully make it the FINAL patch for CM:BO so they could start working on CM:B&B (Barbarossa & Beyond). ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot.
  13. One of the worst games I've ever owned was Three Sixty's: Patriot. The graphics were a joke. The interface didn't work at all. This game came out in 1992. It would have been better if they used the V for Victory engine. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot.
  14. The little "snot" on the right looks the most dangerous. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot.
  15. Well since the Pershing and the Super Pershing are the same exact model and textures me finks it won't matter which one someone does.
  16. No. Close Combat was not the inspiration for Combat Mission. Originally, BTS was teamed up with Avalon Hill to do a Computer Advanced Squad Leader (ASL), the infamous hex-based wargame of squad-level infantry and armor tactics that used cardboard chits. But then Avalon Hill got bought up by Has-blow (Hasbro). But BTS decided to continue the project, but went out on their own to create the Masterpiece we call Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord. As for Close Combat (CC)comparisons between the two games, there have been numerous comparisons on this board in the past. A lot of them say the same thing in that CC's AI is piss poor and the sequential maps get old after awhile. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-22-2001).]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lordfluffers: Please please give us an ignore target order so my tanks dont always have to swivel backwards to kill some measly crew when the tank commander caught a glimpse of a enemy TD a few seconds earlier.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't get this. Tanks in v1.1 tend to ignore crews totally now. Why would a TC want to engage the remnants of a tank crew that is *panicked* and LOW in ammo. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The other thing is... Please can we have a surrender order. I feel so guilty when isolated units are cut off and mercilessly mown down or vehicle crews obliterated from a distance of 2 meters by a tank's hull mg. I don't know if that's very realistic but if I'm in those positions I'd just stick my hands up and shut my eyes. I would like my little virtual soldiers to surrender when they haven't got a chance of getting out of there alive otherwise.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not a bad idea. Actually makes a lot of sense. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>P.S. Something made me laugh earlier. I drove up to Michael Wittmans crew (I blew his Tiger up, poor guy) and mercilessly gunned them down. I did feel quite cold blooded and murderous but then he didn't surrender so what could I do? The best thing is I dismembered his crew with an MMG carrier, oh how the mighty fall. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What are you doing playing the British in the Whittman scenario, soldier???? That scenario was meant to be played as the Germans!
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: Mike, How were you able to add a new (Italian) tank into CM? I thought that could not be done, so far mods have concentrated on improving bitmaps but not changing the type of vehicle. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huh? They didn't change anything. Just the bitmaps as you said.
  19. Being that I never participated in the Cesspool before, let me get in on this early. You're all a bunch of sons of a motherless goat! LOL!
  20. "What we have here...is failure to communicate. Which is the way he wants it...so he gets it." Leonidas, Everything that you have explained, wanted, etc, is already in the game. They just come with a firm understanding on the "tools" of the game. Just as several of our fellow board members have explained, all the tools are there for you to get the behavior you want. You just gotta know how to use them. In other words, learn the game's conventions. Me finks you are just too used to playing other RTS games where the AI isn't very complicated as to where it requires your "agression" settings. Trust me, if those "other" games had half as much Tac-AI as CM does, they wouldn't need aggression settings. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII "Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-22-2001).]
  21. OK, but I don't see where a Go 229 is gonna come in handy on the battlefield.
  22. I think I hear the CM Borg coming. Consider youself aCMilated, Doug.
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