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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LuckyStrike: A good showcase of the new armor TacAI is the Wild Bill Villers-Bocage scenario, where Wittman's tiger must survive alone for quite some time. I've played this scenario a great many times and there is no question that in 1.1b24/1.1 Wittman is both more survivable and making many more kills than in 1.05.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree. Whittman is definately more survivable in these patches than he was. It was in v1.05 where the slow turret got himself killed more often than not.
  2. OK, but has anyone noticed that there seems to be a little bit of "wee bit of coincidence" when the teams need a certain material for something they need which a perfect material for what they need to make. For instance, in one episode where they need to create something to fly, one team was going to use helium balloons, but the regular plastic balloons wouldn't hold the helium. They looked around and found an old car's trunk full of mylar, the same stuff used in making those disc-shaped alluminum foil looking balloons for birthdays and stuff. Now what are the odds???
  3. I had a Hummel knock it self out when it was in a hull-down position, but if I recall the round did clear the ridge, but I guess the shear concussion of its 155mm gun took it out.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss: I'm not aware Maximus of a mandatory requirement for participation in the beta testing, or any waiver for non-participation which prevents one from subsequently finding something thereafter objectionable. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Test driving a car before you buy it isn't mandatory either, but it is a good idea to do so. Besides, using a beta patch did not require any bug reports made by you. So what was the harm in trying them out? Haven't you heard of "try before you buy"? So in retrospect, you have/or will bought/buy the latest patch without first trying it out when the opprotunity was there for you to do so. I'll tell you what, in a court of law, your arguments would not hold up. Given the chance to try out something before you went with it and failed to do, and then complaining about it later is not gonna hold water in any court of law. Just like my "test drive a car" analogy, no harm is done by test driving a car, so what's the problem? For a product that is a stable as CM, I don't see why anybody would be afraid of trying beta patches. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: Maximus, those handgrenades are just an abstraction for the close assault of the infantry against the tank. That includes all close-assault tactics employed by infantry vs. tanks, down to climbing onto the turret, opening the hatch and peeing into the face of the bewidlered TC etc. It *also* includes throwing of (and various other applications of / methods involving) grenades. But keep in mind that the visual display of throwing the grenades is just a graphical abstraction for the hidden close assault formula. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well maybe so, but it still proves that EVERYTHING can be considered a threat minus those big scary trucks. Besides, anyone that uses trucks, jeeps or kubelwagons in such a way needs to be shot on the spot anyway.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Xavier: To Maximus: I really would like to have the time to play more and test the 1.1 beta... I think this board is not only for 'hardcore' gamer no? And I'm not crying about this change, I just want to understand So, cease fire please. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wasn't singling out anybody. I just don't see how someone can jump on here complaining about something that they've seen for the first time and been "shocked about" upon downloading and installing the new Final Patch whilst not trying out the Beta Patches in which the feature has been in for the last 2 or 3 beta patches. Sounds like a a "Johnny come lately" to me. It almost sounds like the "Why wasn't I told about this?" syndrom. When in fact you were, you just chose not to listen. Why didn't you, especially Bruno, take part in the Public Beta tests instead of getting all bent out of shape upon seeing it for the first time? It's like buying a car without giving it a test drive first and then bitching about your purpose later when you don't like how the car handles. BTS has given everybody FIVE WEEKS to test drive this new patch with FOUR versions of the Beta patches. Which is unfortunate because the Beta Patches did not overwrite anything. You could have still played v1.05 if you wanted to. Personally, I have relished in all the tweaks made through-out the Beta patches, including this final patch. One of being that tanks will now fire HE at infantry at their own discretion. For one it save time. You don't have to waste a portion of a turn to order it to do so on the next turn. And the hull rotation thing, IMO, increases not only the survivability of the tanks, but aids in the quickness of their guns to come to bear. I recall playing one game with beta 24 where for the life of me I could not get a flank shot on a KT because the KT KEPT rotating it hull! Trust me, that would have been easier to do with v1.05. So in fact, I find Bruno's argument totally unsubstanciated.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Good point Stellar! On the battlefield, other than a abandoned crew or unarmed vehicles there are NO non-threatening units. Every infantry unit including HQ's have the ability to kill ANY tank. How are those NOT threatening? Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Exactly, I had an SS squad catostrophically destroy a Pershing with just a volley of several hand-grenades, not panzerfausts. I even have a screenshot of this.
  8. Just a little follow-up on my big BOLD post above... I mean com'on fellas, the feature has been in since the v1.1b23 patch I believe, hell, it may have even been in since v1.1b22, I can't recall because IIRC the v1.1b23 patch didn't have an updated readme. If you all who are complaining about this feature would have tried the Beta patches, you would have known about this feature and then brought up the "so-called" problem then and not now after the final v1.1 patch has been released. I'm sorry lads, but your complaint is a bit late if you know what I mean. You had your opportunity to participate in the PUBLIC BETA TEST and you didn't. So who's fault is that? YOURS! BTS did a public beta for this very purpose--to get everyone's feedback on the new tweaks since v1.05 along with any bug reports. So to come on here and start complaining about something after the fact is a bit like complaing about a problem in Firestone tires after you've had a blow-out when you already know that there is a problem with them and you didn't take any measures to prevent the blow-out by buying or replacing your defective tires beforehand. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  9. Good question. It would make sense wouldn't it? First "official" patch with TCP/IP. Besides, my original v1.0 CD is getting scratched up pretty bad.
  10. Note: I will write this is all BOLD because I'm getting a little sick of all the bitching, complaining, crying and whining about this feature that's been in since Beta 23! You all ask who beta tested this? The whole community did! That is for those that had the cohones to try the Beta patches. And for those that didn't, PISS ON YOU! You missed out on the opportunity to complain about this while it was in Beta. Personally I'm with Kwazydog on this. So quit your damn crying and try to play the game instead of doing all this speculating.
  11. Just a little bump so my buddy can see this thread easier right now.
  12. Well I got my Shipping Confirmation email this afternoon, so it didn't take them long to finally get it. Just a week or so late from when it should have been shipped in the first place. I ordered it on the 1st, should have been shipped on the 3rd. But now it has been shipped on the 10th. UPS tracking number is showing that I'll get it on the 12th, which I seriously doubt though.
  13. Well here's a take from an expert. I have used both, DD's grass and Old Dog's subdued Velvet grass. DD's grass is too uniform in shade. ie. You can't discern elevations from it readily. Old Dog's Velevet Grass has nice elevation color differences. I have went back to Old Dog's as I think it looks best. I also used DD's trees and tree bases. Hell why use anything else? Anything else-and you're going backwords in eye candy.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fan: The Big Red One (Lee Marvin's last flick, IIRC.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nah, he did Delta Force in '85. BRO was made around '80. But I'm pretty sure he's done more since. I'll look it up later, for now it's chow time.
  15. Matt's right, that's the original feld-grau that's been available for quite some time. It seems that he may have just linked to the wrong file. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-10-2001).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Xavier: Beyruth... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Beyruth??? Don't you mean Beruit?
  17. I would assume it only overwrites the explosion graphics, just like v1.1b24 did. These graphics are the same ones done by Tiger and Madmatt back in September or October.
  18. Using v1.1, I (started) to play a game this morning where there was this road that was surround by woods, ie vehicles had to take this road, no other way around it. Well I had ordered my column of vehicles to move forward which were led by a M3A1 Scout Car followed by a M5 Stuart and a MG Jeep. The Scout Car unknowingly ran over AT-Mines. Now the Tac-AI said hey, "There's AT-Mines there, can't go that way." OK, so the pursuing M5 Stuart and Jeep started to dance while the Tac-AI replotted their moves. Since the road was surrounded by woods, they ended up having no choice but to continue forward. Both the Stuart and the Jeep continued forward and both were immobalized or knocked out by the mines. All of this happened with in the same movie and I was screaming, "Don't go forward, don't go forward!." But to no avail. Ironically I was running an Engineer Platoon over towards the road during the same turn just in case there were mines. What I'm asking here is there needs to be a tweak where if there is no way around mines like in the situation above. The Tac-AI needs to HALT the movement orders instead of trying to plot around them when there is not way around them. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  19. Fellas, all old scenarios are playable with new patches. Just new scenarios aren't backward compatible with old patches. Note: PBEM games have to be saved as a single player game and then reopened as a v1.1 game.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss: Maximus wrote: 2) Trenches of Hell - Chapter 8 in the Young Indiana Jones series detailing young Indy as a Corporal in the Belgian Army down in the trenches. Isn't that the episode where Indy rides a Transformer motorcycle that changes model between each scene? And is attacked by a (1916-vintage, IIRC) biplane with seemingly infinite bomb supply? I was also pretty impressed of the recoilless 75 mm guns. (No, not recoilless in the usual sense but otherwise ordinary fixed-mount guns that just don't have any recoil.) - Tommi<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, but I know the episode you're talking about. The one you speak of is Chapter 9: Demons of Deception. It's not out on video yet. But I saw it on the USA network in the fall of '99 right before Lucas Arts released the 12 episodes that are out now. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian: I'm assuming that the v1.1 d/l is the entire engine, and not a patch upgrade? Then, what you said makes sense. Am I off the mark? Oh, thanks again! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WHOOPS, DISREGARD! DIDN'T KNOW FINAL V1.1 PATCH WAS RELEASED. The Beta Patches do not, repeat, DO NOT overwrite anything. They create an entirely new executable and add a couple of more folders essential for TCP/IP play. The v1.05 executable is still available, so either version can still be played. But if you use shorcuts on your desktop, like any sensible man would, you'll want to create another shortcut for the Beta executable. Because if you don't, your old shortcut still "points" to the v1.05 executable. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-10-2001).]
  22. Turning off weather does nothing but remove the visuals of the weather. The behind-the-scenes calculations are still there. Ambient sounds can also slow things down.
  23. DD, Great mods, I took the liberty to hi-res them and sharpen up a few files to match the rest of the uniform. I have also given the SS and the Wehrmacht full camo'ed pants by doing "cut and paste" jobs from the sleeve files. I have also greyed out the green camo for the Wehrmacht.
  24. I don't see why anybody should be reprimanded by the "SH syndrom" or "**** Happens Syndrom". Take for instance, I used to work for a core drilling company. We were out in the North Carolina mountains drilling four holes for a new bridge. On the last hole we did, we got down to the rock fairly soon and then we set up to core the rock. This involves "setting" the augers into the rock enough to seal off the core hole as to where no sentiment can seap in while coring. Well we set up the core rods with a BRAND NEW $700 diamond drilling bit. We then started drilling like usual with streaming water as the coolant. Well, as we drilled down our first 5-foot run, we noticed that the water was spewing out of the hole faster than normal. Well as we pulled the rods out of the hole to collect the first run's rock, we discovered that the BRAND NEW drill bit had been MELTED into the inner "collection" tube. So basically we burned up a BRAND NEW $700 diamond drill bit in one 5 foot run. We discovered that we didn't set the augers good enough and setiment cloged up the hole therefore not allowing the water down to the bit. So the question is should the driller be held responsible and punished for ruining a brand new drill bit? No, not really, because **** happens. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-09-2001).]
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: Default res! Excellent DD! Cannot friggin' wait, considering I have applied NO mods to my Inf yet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mr. Clark, what are you freakin' waiting for??? Get off you scared butt and download!!!
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