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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. What about the bug that lets the AI beat me a good percentage of the time. This is very undesirable. This shouldn't be aloowed to happen! I should kick the ever loving crap out of the AI every time. OH WAIT, this isn't Close Combat. Whoops! ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  2. Differently? You mean the Canadian Army thought it was odd that the US Army called things by what they actually are? BTW, what the hell is a "spanner", does it span something? I got it, Commonwealth Armies like to make up some B.S. term to stand for an ordinary everyday item. So what if I started calling a battlemap, a war-parchment. Or a helmet, nogginwear. This world would be a lot simpler if people didn't make up nonsensicle names for things. Like Pop, for instance. What the hell is Pop? It's a freakin' Coke, for crying out loud!!!! LOL! NOTE: The above post was nothing personal to Mr. Dorosh, but just a bit of sarcasm to the inconsistencies of modern language. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  3. While playing a TCP/IP game, hit the ~ key and type "Gunny Bunny knows all." This will enable Transformation and Lighting effects. Hitting ~ and then typing "Gunny Bunny is GOD!" will enable bump mapping. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  4. Petrol? What is that, the Commonwealth term for Gasoline? I'm just kidding!
  5. OK, I just noticed this a liitle while ago while testing out Marco Bergman's new "baggaged" Sherman II. I noticed that the Sherman III costs more than the Sherman V. So I went back into the Editor's Map Preview and compared the two's stats. Sherman III is faster and has better armor thickness. The Sherman V also has only 85% armor quality. Now I looked up both of these tanks in Chamberlain's "British & American Tanks of WWII" and found that the Sherman III is the M4A2 model and the Sherman V is the M4A4 model. BTW, the A4 model came before the A3 model, hey, go figure! But anyway, how could the A2 model be a better tank than the A4 model? And yes, the Sherman is a tank. Going back to WWI standards, a MkI was a tank. Any grogs out there that can shed any light on this seemingly paradoxial anomoly? ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  6. Question. Why would you hit ALT-F4? The correct "Exit" HOTKEY is ALT-Q. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-31-2001).]
  7. Gunny Bunny, I guessed you missed the rather colorful post about you on page 6 of this thread. Unless you have some divine knowledge about software design or past wargaming experience, then I believe your "so-called" expertise is falling under deaf ears.
  8. Just take a look at what units/terrain are in the demo, and then look for mods that mod those units/terrain. For example, you can use the mods for the M4A3 Shermans, Panther G, StuGs, US '44 and '45 uniforms, and German Heer uniforms. You then could get all the terrain mods. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  9. Has anybody made a "Bridge at Remagen" scenario? I fiddled with the editor once to simulate the large "watch towers" at the ends by using large contrasts in elevations of pavement tiles to make a pointed column. I'll see if I can whip it up again and post a pic of it.
  10. MoJo, Looks like you need to get your browser pointed over to CMHQ and d/l some terrain and grass mods.
  11. To play an Operation, you must select the Operation tab in the top right hand corner of the battles list.
  12. Here's what User Mods can do. Turn this: Into this:
  13. Hmmm...interesting. Are you sure the necessary file is/has been saved into the BMP folder? It almost looks like the file maybe missing from the folder. But the question is, isn't the other wall on the other side of the house displaying correctly, or does it turn white when you pan around? ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  14. Yeah that's true. I thought about that, but the ramifications really didn't sink in until argie and Dan said it So taking that into account, are we still talking "flat" land obsticles like wheat, bushes, rocks? Or will that stuff be like CMBO trees, such as the way the Desert Rats Total Conversion Mod is doing? ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  15. Don't mind Rob's (Sherman's) lackluster eagerness to help, but CMC is Rob's "campaign", which really is more complicated than practical. He has it set up where several people are on a side and each player only controls one platoon or so and it requires several email swaps just to do one regular PBEM swap. See the practicality in that? I don't. The problem is that CM really isn't set up to do multi-multiplayer games. As you can see, his CMC1 isn't complete and he started that about two months ago. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  16. Well, whether or not a 10x10 tile makes it into CM2, I can live with whatever BTS chooses to do. I was just throwing out the suggestion to get some feedback. If it has to wait to CMII then that's fine. But by then, a 5x5 tile would probably be the norm. Because look at it this way, by the time CM4 even comes out, there will probably be 128MB video cards out and Lord knows what else. BUT whatever is feasible for CM2, I will live with it. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-29-2001).]
  17. OK, CM1 is obviously a 20m x 20m square tile. IMHO, this limits the subtleness of sloping terrain features in the game. For CM2, I suggest 10m x 10m square tile. This would allow to better simulate ditches and tank "traps". However if it would be too complicated to code in, then oh well. I can live with 20m tiles. But if it can be done without too much problem, then I'd say that that would make for more realistic landscapes. Granted the Russian Steppes are pretty flat. But you know what I mean. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  18. Speaking of following the flight path, what I like to do is to 'Lock view to target', then hit View #1. Then go to 8x Zoom. From there you can watch the projectile fly toward the target as a pretty cool effect.
  19. I'm afraid not, young grasshopper. CM does not model 3D ground elements other than walls, hedges, and boccage. Grass, wheat, bushes, and rock are all flat. This isn't the Delta Force series.
  20. You came over and I showed you the freakin' trailer dip****. Besides where has your ugly ass been for the past week or so? Why didn't you come over to the SuperBowl party? OK, Nathan or Jim, quit using my old handle. ----------------------- NOTE: I know these two jokers, so don't flip out. EDIT: Whoops! Very old thread! The unregistered 'Ol' Blood & Guts' is probably *my* old handle that is no longer active due to Forum dropping out last May. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-29-2001).]
  21. If you do that, you'd add an extra few polygons for very little use or return. Besides, if you paint them in right by using shadows. You can give them a 3D look. Besides, what do you care, low-res boy?? LOL!
  22. For the UPTEENTH time, YES! Ever load the two up in the editor? Same model, and what'd'ya know...same textures! Only the specs are different. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-29-2001).]
  23. Your still not using the stock CD uniforms are you Tiger? Get DD's man!
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