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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. To change the name of a file (get rid of the A, B, C) left click on the file. Click on it again, but slowly. (Not double-click speed) OR Left click the file. Right click and select "Rename" from the pop-up menu. This should switch it to filename editing mode. Now use you text editing technique to scroll over to the A, B, or C and delete the offending letter. One note, the B set has a VERY starry night sky. You do not have to delete the files that you don't use. That is is you unzip them into their own separate folder before you transfer them into the Cmbo\bmp folder. But if you unzip them directly into the bmp folder, then yeah, you will want to delete them, otherwise the folder will start to get cluttered with erroneous files. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-19-2001).]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aikidorat: just a minor correction for the mac mod portion of the first post: winter mods are placed in Graphics 13. Mods for original textures (non-winter) are placed in Graphics 1-13 depending on their identification numbers. MCM3 includes a texture map to show the user where each mod is being placed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whoops sorry, I was not sure how the Mac system worked.
  3. After further analysis of your problem, it sounds like you don't have Winzip. Go to http://www.winzip.com and d/l it and install it. You will then be able to extract the zip files as we have already told you about.
  4. Help, I need somebody, help, not just anybody...Heeeelp! Sorry couldn't pass that up.
  5. Download the zips into a temporary folder. Unzip them into their own folder. Open up the Cmbo folder and the mod folder (the one you created when you unzipped the mod). Select all the .bmp files in the mod folder and copy them over to the Bmp folder in the Cmbo folder.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bebbetufs: I'm not trying to degrade these questions, I enjoy reading it as well. Just wondering how you people justify for yourselves ordering a squad to certain death....in the game, and actually LIKING it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If one has a firm grip on reality, then this sort of thing tends to not bother one that is playing a game on the subject. Only those that are a wee bit "sheltered", shall I say , have a problem with reality. In other words, one needs an education about everything both presently and historically and then one wouldn't get so bent out of shape about the world and its problems. Granted war is a terrible thing, but it is sometimes necessary to settle things in which all other means fail. And I'm sure, if I were a soldier in a war, I'd be scared ****less. I think it was Sun Tzu that said that "War is the continuation of policy when all other policy has failed." or something like that. Actually the war movies and documentaries that I actually shake my head about in disgust are ones prior to the Spanish American War, ie, American Civil War, America's Revolutionary War, Napoleonic Era, where men would line up across from one another and fire volleys of musket fire at one another. I ask myself, "Why don't they just duck as the enemy line starts to take aim?" I know I just wouldn't stand there. NOTE: This post was not directed at anyone in particular, I just answered the question in general terms. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: > So why not use hi-res mods to make it super-silky? Because your ability to see the mods depends on your screen resolution. Sure, even at 640x480, if you zoom in, the mods look great. But I spend most of my time, yes, in view 4. I do zoom in on complex action, but I relish the ability to sit back and see what is going on across the entire battlefield.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, point taken. Yes it is beneficial to use View #4 to see the entire situation and hi-res mods aren't seen at those view levels. However, I don't understand the deal about "Because your ability to see the mods depends on your screen resolution."--Huh? Wha? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'll give you the example which sticks in my mind. Playing Last Defence in the beta demo as the Americans, sitting down at ground level (view 1 or 2) looking up the road at the advancing Germans, a halftrack would be a mass of pixels which, if moving, would swim around. Since I got my graphics card, that halftrack is now clear, and moves instead of 'swimming'. In other words, high res lets you pick out detail in the distance, which frankly is one of the most important battlefield practices.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let me get this straight, you have to set your resolution that high to clear up the images? If so, then that's your problem. What kind of video card do you have? A Voodoo 1? If not, then it sounds like you are running CM in software mode. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: The highest resolution just seems different to me – it has a silky look about it that the others lack.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OKKKKK, Now I think we have too much information. A silky look? You *do* have your priorities all screwed up. OK, let's look at it this way. If your playing a FPS game like Star Trek Voyager: Elite Forces and user mods came out that improved the look of the Borg, would you d/l them and use them? Even if it meant a slight drop in framerate? I'm sorry David Aitken, but refusing to use hi-res mods for fear of lose of framerate while running in 1600x1200 just does not bring sympathy upon you. Hypothetically, what if the stock CM textures *were* hi-res? Would you still be afraid to use them? I think you are afraid of the word hi-res no matter how big or small the texture may be. Let's go back to your quote of "the highest resolution has a silky look". So you like sharp graphics. So why not use hi-res mods to make it super-silky? I'm sorry but your argument is a bit hypocritical. "I run in the highest res, but I don't want to use hi-res mods" Doesn't make sense. Like I said in my initial post, raising the desktop resolution does nothing to improve the textural detail of the units. All it does is to reduce the jagged edges. Question. Have you even tried hi-res mods? Also, if you never get down and examine your units, you are missing the BEST part of CM. After all its a 3D game! The best part of the game is getting down on the ground and looking at the works of art on the battlefield.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Thus, the only real problem to worry about is the hi- res stuff working on a lower end machine with a slow processor.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Correct, but it has more to do with VRAM on your video card, but of course the faster the CPU/FSB/Motherboard the faster it can get the graphics to the card for processing. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).]
  10. Well saying that the AK-47 is a remodelled MP-44 isn't exactly true. It's true that the AK-47 was modelled *after* the MP-44 but it wasn't a modified MP-44 by any stretch of the means. Boris Kalishnikov who developed the AK series used the MP-44 as the base idea for creating the AK series. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Okay, I have another stupid question - when doing my mods I was always freaked out about keeping the files sizes the same so as not to create a problem. Forgive my ignorance, but what you are saying is that the "high-res" bitmaps are twice the size of the combat mission .bmp files they are meant to replace - and that the computer will automatically take any size .bmp assigned to a particular file number, and "fit it in"? I will have to try that at home (still at work) Thanks for tip.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Correct, except for the interface graphics I believe, ie. the face portrait, those have to be their original size. But the textures for anything in the 3D view can be any size. For example the top of the Sherman 76 turret is currently being quadrupled in size by Marco Bergman for greater detail for his next release of the Sherman II/M4A1, & HVSS/76 turret. For example the hull top to most CM tanks is 128x256. A normal hi-res version is 256x512. This allows the author to paint in the details better because they have double the amount of pixels to work with. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).]
  12. I think this behavior was first seen in the first beta patch v1.1b16. It was later then fixed with v1.1b22. But the AI logic in doing this is that tanks will do this when they think that have a slim chance in damaging the target and when the target seems to be threatening other friendly units, such a target like a MG bunker.
  13. I think this behavior was first seen in the first beta patch v1.1b16. It was later then fixed with v1.1b22. But the AI logic in doing this is that tanks will do this when they think that have a slim chance in damaging the target and when the target seems to be threatening other friendly units, such a target like a MG bunker.
  14. Yes Leonidis may have hit the spot on that. It sounds like maybe, just maybe that CM isn't recognizing your video card. 'Cause with a 64MB video card and a 1 Ghz machine, CM should be flying.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Scurlock: Maximus, just how does one do this down sizing you mention in your last paragraph?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I use PhotoImpact 4.2. There is an option under 'Format' called 'Dimensions'. It allows you to rescale any picture to any dimension you want. If you've got a huge picture of like 2048x1536 you can scale it down by 50% or use a standard preset size of 1024x768 and a few seconds later the program has shrunk it down to 1024x768. I do this often to hi-res pictures I get off of the NASA site where their pictures are sometimes in the range of 3,xxx x 2,xxx and I shrink them down to 1024x768, not only does it make them smaller but it makes a 3MB .jpg into a 147K .jpg I then convert them to .bmps for desktop background use. In fact, when I run the sharpen filter over them (grass tiles), they looked more detailed than the hi-res tiles.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Maximus wrote: > Of course these larger files require more VRAM to run, but it becomes a choice over quality over quantity. IMHO, I'll take quality over quantity anyday. But I'm playing at only 2048x1536 resolution, and high res mods cut down my framerate down to around 143 FPS! This kind of degradation is unacceptable. PLEASE FIX!!!! Or do somefink!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 143 FPS, what are you kidding????? That is an awesome framerate! I hope that was meant as sarcasm, because if it wasn't you've got your priorities all screwed up.
  17. I don't know guys, I seemed to have a problem with this with my last PBEM game using v1.05 where my StuG refused to engage a Churchill in about the same manner Loki described with his Sherman. Again, I don't really see this as a problem, it may just be chalked up as smart AI or really scared TCs or just bad luck.
  18. OK, this is just a little guide for those people--newbies, veterans, and the like, in regards to applying mods to the game. First rule: Make sure you copy the files into the BMP folder (PC) or use the Mac Mod Converter to convert them to Graphic 13 format. CM only pulls graphic files from the Bmp folder, nothing else. Some people say that the game will display older images if they run out of VRAM. Not true. It can't! The game may sample down the resolution of the graphic but it won't change it. In other words, if you have a Hi-Res Tiger installed, the game will only display those textures. It won't go back and display the original stock textures. Why? because you have overwritten them when you installed the mod. Secondly, some people seem to confuse the difference between hi-res mods and running the game in a high desk-top resolution. The desk-top resolution is set via Windows or MacOS. The only benefit in running CM in higher desktop resolutions is that the images are sharper. They have less jagged edges in them. Running the game in one of these extremely hi-reses does *nothing* to improve the detail in the textures. This only improves the images edges. Hi-res mods improve the details within the textures because they are twice the size of the original texture. This allows the mod author to paint in a higher level of detail because he has twice the pixels to work with. Such as Marco Bergman's Shermans and Stuarts. (BTW, the Chaffee and the Cromwells are on the way soon.) Of course these larger files require more VRAM to run, but it becomes a choice over quality over quantity. IMHO, I'll take quality over quantity anyday. Besides with all the critism that CM takes because its graphics aren't up to par with games such as QuakeIII, Half-Life, etc, I would imagine that anybody in their right mind would want to improve the look of the game if there was anyway possible. But if you have at least a 32MB video card, you should have no problem running hi-res mods. A trick to improve performance with things like hi-res grass is to shrink the grass tiles back down to their low-res counterparts. What I do is to download the hi-res sets and then down-size them by 50%. Run the sharpen filter over them a bit which brings back the detail a little better. So take a 512x512 grass tile which weighs in at like 769K, shrink them down to 256x256 and the file becomes 193K and then run the sharpen filter over it and you can't tell the difference. EDIT NOTE: I've shrank them down to 128x128 and you lose too much detail. I've tried to bring it back, but it looks bad in-game. But at 256x256, they maintain the detail. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-18-2001).]
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Hehe, hey, theres my JagdTiger I was wondering if anyone was using it just the other day.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well since it's the ONLY hi-res JgTiger available, why wouldn't people use it? That is those people who aren't afraid of hi-res mods.
  20. Any word when TGN is going to get new servers for the Depot, Matt?
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BlackVoid: And yes, I also buy heavies most of the time. Otherwise how would I kill those Churchills or King Tigers?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Panthers work well against Churchills, even those Churchill VIIIs.
  22. Do you have at least a 300 Watt powersupply inside the case? Anything less than that with these fast processors and you'll get slow-downs and lock-ups.
  23. In fact, the game doesn't even need the CD in the drive after it does its copy-protection check at game start-up. Because that is how you can run LAN games. My guess is that you aren't installing the mods in the proper location. Make sure that they are in their correct folders within the Cmbo directory on your harddrive. And double check your Shortcut path. That may be the problem also. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  24. I can assure you, that having mods installed does not *make* the game access the CD-drive. The game has no idea if the graphics you have installed are the originals or not. So it could not make a call to the CD-drive. IIRC, there was a thread or so on this issue a while back, but I can't recall what the solution was. You can email Steve or Madmatt and I think they have the solution to the problem.
  25. Just make it to where the computer picks the forces for you (and your opponent). Then you won't get these kinds of battles.
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