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Everything posted by gaffertape

  1. I could do this for you. Ony problem is I'm not a super player. I'd like the feedback though. I have several PBEMs on the go. Note that although I'd appreciate your feedback, I would insist that it come only after play is finished (to keep things fair) E-mail me, Coral. gaffertape@eudoramail.com GAFF [This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 11-09-2000).]
  2. Nice timing! Just reading about that very battle in the book VICTORY AT FALAISE. Good book BTW. GAFF
  3. Thanks for the post WITTMANN; they sound superb. Here's hoping they make it to Canada. GAFF
  4. Thanks ENGY Been a member for a long while, yet I never saw that piece of genius from BULLETHEAD. That's my new favorite. My old favorite, which was pretty recent actually, came from KINGFISH, regarding a geographic locale: "I was about to say it's where Ted Kennedy got too drunk and crashed his car, but realized that could be anywhere." GAFF
  5. I'll definitely try to find that. Thanks for the post. GAFF
  6. Good answer Ted. Based on your impressive score, I'm likely to be doing a lot of sneaking when you and I face each other in round 2 of the Superbowl. GAFF
  7. That's a terrible story about Sosabowski. Absolutely criminal that his life came to that. GAFF
  8. I think that the US kept the Jumbos to themselves, so the star will remain. GAFF
  9. Thanks for the info! And thanks for looking after the unfortunate. Your modifications are superb; please continue the great work. In regards to the M4A1 / Sherman II, I never combine armour forces, and I'd be happy with another swap file or a generic graphic. Cheers! GAFF
  10. Brilliant. I loved your other Sherman mods and the clever batch files which permitted file swapping. Any chance you could do a low-res as well for us folks with clunkers? Or could I do that modification myself in Photoshop? GAFF
  11. KINGFISH: I have never laughed louder at a post, sir. Truly brilliant. GAFF
  12. Can't ship anything to you myself, but I can see two problems with what you suggest. 1: There are a LOT of mods... And lots of those overwrite other mods. Basically you do need to pick and choose the ones you like. In addition, some mods will slow down some oldes computers. 2: You mention the second game as consisting of some new mods and a few features; BTS has said that CM2 (Russian Front) is going to be much more extensive than some patches to CM1. Whole different ballgame (wargame). This said, I do sympathize; it is a bit of a pain picking and downloading mods on slower computers. GAFF
  13. I've only played outdoor paintball twice (hated the lack of tactics indoor), and I absolutely love it. I'm not a purist, as I find the semis less prone to jamming than the pumps, and thus, prefer them. GAFF
  14. Anyone know about the potential 'speeding up' of the game if we converted the bmps to B&W? I have Photoshop, and two computers that chug a bit with COmbat Mission. - Shaun GAFFERTAPE
  15. DIMA: While I think we're all curious to know how well BTS are doing, the most important question has been answered. BTS have stated that CM2 is going to happen. No worries there. GAFF
  16. I think that 'designed by an American' is a bit strong. I may be wrong, but I think that the American in question designed the Christie tank, which the Russians borrowed from heavily when they made the T34. The suspension was pretty much his, but the sloping armour, well shaped turret and the 75mm gun were Russian. Now, if an American did indeed create the T34 itself, I apologize. GAFF (as corrected later in this message - its a 76mm gun. My mistake, eh) [This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 10-24-2000).]
  17. I thought I was waiting for your file, JADAYNE... Sorry if I goofed, mate. I'm at work so I may have just the earlier files. Okay, the latest I have here is your # 14. I'm composing a 15 and sending it. If these are too early, we'll have to wait a few hours, Sir. GAFF
  18. The Russian front holds interest for many reasons. - The brutal street fighting of Stalingrad - Massive tank battles (Kursk) which eclipsed any engagements on the Western front. - The encirclement of the German 6th Army; the massive retreat of the German forces in a cruel winter. The Ostfront has a very different tone, and the inclusion of Russian forces means more than different equipment. The purges of the 1930s had killed many of Russia's best military minds. Russian soldiers (at least in 1941) were often poorly trained and led. The game units will hopefully reflect the 'green-ness' of the troops and the horrible Russian communication system.; many T34 tanks had no radios and had to wave flags to signal commands to each other. Yet the massive numbers of troops, hardy equipment, and courage allowed the Russians to beat the 'unstoppable' wehrmacht. GAFF
  19. I like the 'El Camino' comparison, although I imagine it would be tricky to get a Ferdinand to rock up and down on its shocks. I've always liked the Ferdinand too, probably because of its sheer brute ugliness. GAFF
  20. I'm not familiar with the documentary you're referring to, but in many documentaries that I've seen, the producers often choose 'good looking' footage versus historically correct footage. One program which I saw recently was describing how Shermans were prone to burning, as the footage panned across a burning Panther tank. The other possibility is that you saw a Stug or Jagdtiger, not a Ferdinand (both the Jagdtiger and the Stug saw action in the Bulge). GAFF
  21. Note to JADAYNE, TSS and PAWBROON: I've emailed Von Shrad letting him know that releasing the current results is fine with me. GAFFERTAPE [This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 10-24-2000).]
  22. I use Eudoramail, and sometimes it doesn't permit me to attach things. Still, its better than others I've tried. It does require 'stuffed' or 'zipped' files. GAFF
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