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Everything posted by gaffertape

  1. russellmz: Yep, she was good and pissed off. And as it turned out, somewhat manic. Losing the heirloom was bad, but I'm extremely pleased that my dad decided to come to Canada, meet my mom and spawn a CM fan. GAFF
  2. A distant relative of mine actually took part in the charge of the light brigade. His pocketwatch was handed down as a birthright but unfortunately my dad's ex-wife destroyed most of his belongings, including the watch. GAFF
  3. Well, getting blind drunk to the point where your eyes no longer function properly is an option. However, this has some of the same negative side effects (ie: making the wife mad, ostracizing the kids) plus the bonus of risking unemployment, liver damage and serious carpet stains. GAFF
  4. Gruppe A is moving along nicely (now that I'm sneaking in turns from work), although no endgames yet in the three matches I'm playing. As was mentioned a few posts ago, this was a terrific idea. A great learning experience with the added bonus of discovering other players of equal ability. Thanks again! GAFF
  5. Yes, CC had its time... I certainly had fun with CC2 and CC3, but the combination of the abysmal CC4 and, of course, the release of Combat Mission, the ultimate wargame, has sealed its fate. Nice to have you aboard Scary Tortoise. GAFF
  6. Hmm, sounds like the US History Channel shows some good stuff. Shame that my cable package doesn't even contain the Canadian History Channel. GAFF
  7. Scott, I can't resolve your issue but I can tell you that the Churchill Crocodile actually has a bow mounted Flame projector. It replaces the bow MG. My best flame experience so far was killing a Panther with a Wasp from behind. GAFF
  8. Sosabowski: I think what you were referring to was an early attempt at a TD, and it was a light AT weapon mounted on the Beep (slightly larger than the Willys Jeep). It didn't prove successful (no room for ammo or a crew), and yes, they later put a larger gun on a halftrack. I know several of this type were shipped to the Russians; not sure how many saw action with US forces in Europe. Now, what I would like to see is the STAGHOUND. My Canadians need an armoured car with some teeth. The BRUMMBAR is a close second. GAFF
  9. Well the long suffering members of Group A have had to put up with my e-mail server nightmares only to find that my PC is now acting up. However, I am risking my employment by playing CM at work... A sacrifice needed to keep the Superbowl going. GAFF
  10. Had no idea you were such a gifted writer Jadayne... Brilliant. And yes, I am PBEM slacking too, but I'll have your turn sent to you in a few hous once I get home. GAFF
  11. Same experience as Kiwi here. I use the great beast quite a bit and have yet to see a gun hit. I do tend to get a fair number of immobilizations, but that's probably because they attract a high volume of enemy fire. GAFF
  12. I like the Canadians and the British. Partly its due to personal heritage but I also like the variey of AFVs. Love that Churchill. GAFF
  13. I thought that was a photograph at first, Fernando. Those are splendid! GAFF
  14. I cannot play (too many other games on the go), but I thought I'd let you all know that Corel PhotoPaint 9 will read a Photoshop (.psd) file and preserve the layers. In Corel, layers are called 'objects' but they act just the same way. I don't like its interface nearly as much as Photoshop but it is another option. GAFF
  15. Excellent comments, SNAPDRAGON. Being the owner of a lower-end system, I am extremely gratified that BTS made many of the visual goodies optional. Cheers! GAFF
  16. I had some e-mail problems, but we seem to be moving along again in group A. GAFF
  17. I remember that the TC's name was J.E.B. Stuart, but wasn't the tank a Sherman (at least in later comics)? I still remember when Slim the driver died and one page in the comic was filled with letters of fans who were upset that they'd killed him off. GAFF
  18. Hey DEADLINE! Actually my 'CM at work' project is only to bypass my e-mail server shutdown. It was the only way I could return my PBEMs to my long suffering opponents. I compiled my turns before anyone got in this morning. I'll have to delete CM soon, unfortunately, or Higher Powers will crucify me. I'll let you know when I'm available for another game. - Shaun GAFFERTAPE
  19. Hi sir! Could I get you to re-send your last turn to me? I'm set up at work. shaun.sayer@ifl.bmo.ca Cheers! Shaun GAFFERTAPE
  20. Thanks for the almost instantaneous reply, Holdit! Man. I love this community. Cheers! GAFF
  21. Due to some frustrating e-mail issues at home, I'm making an attempt to send some PBEMs back from work. I brought the game in, and I have the 1.05 patch, but I still need 1.03 for one of the games. Anybody still have a copy of that they could e-mail to me? If so, plese send it here: shaun.sayer@ifl.bmo.ca Thanks, all! GAFF
  22. Pawbroon: Sent you an e-mail an hour ago regarding problems with my e-mail service. I apologize... I just recovered the last turn you sent, but I can't reply to it at work (no CM here). GAFF
  23. How the heck are people creating all of these amazing smilies? I like Ash's particularly. GAFF
  24. patboivin: WOW, I'd forgotten about OGRE and GEV... Another cool game that I loved yet sucked at. That would make a pretty good game, 'CM Style' or otherwise. I'd always thought 'Car Wars' had potential too... The real drag about it was you never got a sense of speed, what with it being broken down to tenths of a second. A PC would allow you to see the action once it was over - replayable from any angle. However, the gameplay might be tricky. Sorry for the O/T ramble. GAFF
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