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Everything posted by gaffertape

  1. Cool! My first accidental double-post! [This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 08-15-2000).]
  2. The rules sound good to me. I'm fairly certain that I'll be eliminated in round one, but I'm looking forward to the arse kicking. Even dying is fun in CM. Cheers GAFF
  3. M Hofbauer: In regards to your two damaged but not destroyed Tigers which weren't recovered after the battle, I think that nationality may have played a part. The Allies were notorious for their ability to get machines back in running order - plus there's the fact that few recovery vehicles were available that could cope with the Tiger's weight. I think I've read that this is modelled in the game: German vehicles can be recovered / repaired, but not with the frequency of Allied equipment. GAFF
  4. Raising a glass to the creators of CM! Its so nice to see the good guys win. GAFF
  5. I like the look of that, but have never seen a photograph of one before. Probably had a very limited production run. GAFF
  6. You, my friend, will love the game. Say goodbye to friends and family. GAFF
  7. "The complete Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II" is my nightly bedtime read. Good thing I don't have kids, eh? It was discovered (as mentioned) in the Chapters' bargain bin for about thirty bucks Canadian. GAFF
  8. I just choose to play people who keep things relatively realistic... Often I've wanted to buy a load of Fireflies, but historically they were grouped with three or four standard Shermans, so that's what I do. Its more enjoyable if you keep it real. GAFF
  9. Anyone for a game of beer hunter? My girlfriend lives in the heart of Toronto, and I live in Scarborough which is more like the spleen of Toronto. GAFF
  10. I haven't modelled in awhile, but I have fond memories of it. I have an unbuilt Firefly and Nashorn that are waiting for me to find the time. Babra, I have no specific plans to go to Worthington, but its a possibility in late summer. GAFF
  11. Like my fellow Canadian Babra, I will not be using the TCP/IP. I just can't foresee having the kind of time available to play out a match. PBEM is a godsend, as it allows me to participate in human versus human matches at my convenience. GAFF Oh, I'm an idiot... Just read the topic starter again and it asked us to post only if interested. My bad. Send a schrek my way. BAD GAFF [This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 07-27-2000).]
  12. Played the original Squad Leader. Never moved up to ASL. Probably started playing in 1982 and stopped in 1986 when my friend (and only viable opponent) moved. May have been for the best as I don't think I won a single engagement against him. As soon as he can get past his PC issues we'll be playing war again. This time using Combat Mission! GAFF
  13. Despite the difference in shell size, I think the MG42 (and the MG34) were essentially the German equivalent - usage wise - of the US 50 cal. Their shells had less destructive power, but were far more portable. Just a trade-off. GAFF
  14. What you're seeing is normal. At least in Canada during late fall and early spring you can have light snowfall that will not accumulate, but simply melt soon after hitting the ground. GAFF
  15. "CC4. The Best land based wargame ever." Okay, Snipescope, you almost made ME puke on that one. Made me laugh, though. GAFF
  16. Count me as a Churchill VIII fan. I'm also quite partial to the Wasp, but as I like to keep my games realistic I do not purchase flocks of them. I also had a game where a lowly 20mm Flak cannon had racked up more kills than my tanks. It was very lucky to stay alive. The Firefly, which has been my favorite tank since I was 14 or so, is proving to be hard to use in CM. Once spotted, the Germans really focus on killing them (as they did historically). GAFF
  17. A lot of us tend to get hot-under-the-collar when somebody even hints at criticizing CM, but your comments were intelligent and polite. I particularly liked your AAR suggestions. Besides, it seems that you're impressed with the game for the most part. I can't help you with most of your questions, but I may have an answer for number 7: Yes, in operations it's wise to 'brew up' enemy tanks so they don't reappear when you move to the next turn. They WILL however, remain on the field as wrecks in the next and following turns. Brewing them up prevents the possibility of the enemy repairing that unit between turns, when it could reappear as a fully functioning threat. GAFF
  18. The 12th SS are definitely in the game, but as mentioned in the 'Hamsters' thread, SS troops aren't unfallable. Its any squad's experience status (Veteran , Green, Elite, etc) that makes the real difference. The Canadian vs 12th SS battles do exist in CM, although at the moment I don't remember if any actually came with the CD... It may have been a user-made one. GAFF
  19. Yes, I had heard that Peiper was not directly responsible for the massacre, but my issues were with the recreation of such a scene at all. GAFF
  20. You want to re-create a scene where surrendered GIs were gunned down by machine guns? Gee, while you're at it, how 'bout recreating the firebombing of Dresden from a civilian's perspective? Wheee! Seriously, I understand that the Bulge and the actions of Peiper are well worth recreating, but not the 'massacre' in my opinion. Even if one could disregard the tastelessness of it, it would be a turkey shoot. GAFF [This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 07-26-2000).]
  21. Even knowing they were mock-ups I was thoroughly impressed with the effort on the SPR T34 Tigers. GAFF
  22. Thanks for the tip! This Canadian will be dropping 8 bucks on that for sure. Their wargaming guy seems to have a lot on the ball - I've been waiting for him to notice Combat Mission. I guess he finally did. GAFF
  23. Show a great deal of interest in things that interest her (a good idea regardless), and she may choose to respond in kind. Or you may just get a bit more sex, which is a plus too. GAFF
  24. Next time keep the Sextons closer to the back of your line. Even with the 50 cal, the Priest, too, will succumb easily to close assaulting infantry. Armour without infantry support is vulnerable. Open topped armour triply so. GAFF
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