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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. I think your unit was "disbanded" or something like that. You were sent to the rear to be reshuffeled and reinserted where needed. Just a guess.
  2. Yeah... It has been too long. Last october I would have bet the house that the game would be out by now.
  3. I still think the closest ones lower stomach is suspect.
  4. Not really. X/365=Years until release.
  5. Maybe. But it is also possible that the center point and radius point are visible but the area between is not in LOS so that might be the "dead ground". Just a guess.
  6. Pic 36. I never knew that a P-47 crashed landed on the beaches on D-Day. Never heard that story.
  7. Guys guys guys... it was a joke. The cancelled thing. geeezzzz. ...and my sig? It is a poke at all those who put "look I was right" quotes in own sigs. and CMC was cancelled but I guess you said "actually made" which seems like a catch 22 sorta. If it was MADE...then yes, it was not cancelled but if it was cancelled then it was never made....wait....yeah.
  8. Yeah yeah yeah right. I love you. The check is in the mail. I wont c*m on your face. Take that crap elsewhere my friend!
  9. I am telling you: lack of bones = CANCELLED.
  10. Ahhh... the limitations and compromises of todays gaming technology.
  11. Back again after a week or two and looking...... forward..... to...... the..... new..... bone.................................. Oh.
  12. I am a patient man but I have to say that I am a little shocked that we dont have a title for CM:N. (Is it CM:N???) I mean the last I heard they were test playing scenarios (I think) so wouldnt that mean we are semi-close here??? Also...same same for dedicated forum. No??? Yes??? Maybe???
  13. This is so great Steve. Thank you. I like how you try to keep realism as one of the prime directives as well as "gameplayability". Like you said, how one squad would know that another squad across the map needs a zook rocket would, maybe, take all day for the info to reach across the map. We, as the gods, can see it obvioulsy but IRL the troopers would not know this info so easily.
  14. What about game inner workings like "breach, bang & clear" or maybe any code for close assault tank different from CM:SF???
  15. Ahh to dream. BTW.....as an international airline pilot I have been almost everywhere but the place I like best is Amsterdam. I cant enjoy the local cannibus but the people are really cool (even to Americans which is rare nowadays) and the girls on bikes are a real treat!
  16. This may be a dealbreaker for me. I mean, the game is fundamentally flawed and unplayable like this. EPIC FAIL! Seriously, you guys are the best. Life is kinda tough right now but one thing I am looking forward to is this release. Thank you for your hard work. I will buy multiple copies. BTW Edit: The thread title is scary. Double Edit: The thread title is even more scary with the word "Sticky" in front of it. Also the Bullethead post (number 16) had me laughing so hard Guinness came out my nose.
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