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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. "Soldiers with movement orders will move before reloading their weapons." Finally!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
  2. So.... Are decals "liitle drawings" that show a division or are they damage marks like penetration holes?
  3. Progressive/spreading fires please. ...and show damage on tanks (penetrating holes and blown off equipment).
  4. No.... In an early attempt to make these beasts amphibious the Russians experimented with synthetic "gills" to allow the tank to breath under water.
  5. No bones for over 6 months. Me thinks this went the way of Duke Nukem. (J/K) but feels like it.
  6. But at LEAST give us a bone now! A 10 second clip of a MG42 ripping downrange would be the beez kneezzz.
  7. I would also like to request the ability to resupply grenades please. House to house eats em up rather fast. Seems like an easy fix? Seems realistic as well?
  8. I think the shoot and scoot the OP is talking about is in respect to RPG's. The way the game is now, the shooter always chooses to reload before ducking back into the cover of the trench. He always gets killled for this "stay and reload" mindset. Almost impossible to have a RPG guy stand, shoot, and get the hell outa there. This is what I would do. In this aspect...I agree with the OP. I have wanted this fixed......forever it seems. Great game though.
  9. Thank you thank you thank you! I dont know why I couldnt say this at the start. Thank you.
  10. That is my point. So many people are seeing these examples that maybe a tweak is in order. ...but I do see your point. Maybe it is fine the way it is. It is just hard for my mind to fill in these blanks and I pride myself on having a vivid imagination!
  11. The OP (me) made the thread because a pickup took 140 m240 rounds at 10 meters and didnt die. Just isnt going to happen under any conditions, combat or not.
  12. The "Um...whut" line? Please share for those of us who dont get it.
  13. Sorry ......this makes no sense to me. Tight infantry fire has nothing to do with it. Any redneck with a M-14 could knockout a pickup with 3 rounds. Making pickups tougher for "game balance" doesnt sound like the right way either. The Uncons use these and they are what they are. Should we make Shermans tougher because they were on the "right" side? Like I said, sorry Elmar, got to disagree here.
  14. Funny that so many people have questioned this (really isnt a question as a 10 round burst or less of 7.62 would kill any pickup 90% of the time) and BFC wont fix it. I cant figure out why.
  15. Who gets to nail that hot princess at the end? I'll be that guy.
  16. Yeah what is up with all the empty promises around here? Makes one get a little frustrated.
  17. I have to say that watching a grenade go off in a crowd in GTA4 and then thinking of arty strikes in CM:N it would be off the charts outstanding!!! We would wear out the replay button.
  18. In Real Life* then yes. Game? I dont think it has been programmed that way. Maybe in future?
  19. Visions of TOW with actual penetration holes shown on the models.
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