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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. at least it is time for another small Normandy bone would'nt you say? please?
  2. LOL. I remember that Sergei! In fact, the first time I was ever able to take out a panther with a flame thrower was because of those hills. Great hiding places. No place for a tank.
  3. Elevations would be a problem at the edges as well......I think.
  4. John Kettler where do you get the time????
  5. I am! I really miss the spreading fire of CMBB/CMAK.
  6. Yeah....I was loading it up to take the owner and his family to Colorado the next day, if memory serves. Grand Junction to be exact.
  7. Yeah that is me. I flew that BE-65-90 all over the Carribean and the northeast US. I didnt even know it was in the D.C. Smithsonian until one day, a friend and I were visiting (I used to live in Reston, VA near Dulles and the Hazy center) and I look up and see it hanging from the roof (in DC)! A guard overheard my friend and I talking about it and called the curator of the Smithsonian. I believe her name was Cohen (I have seen her on the History channel a few times). She came down and interviewed me for about half an hour. She had very little info on the aircraft and wanted to know everything I knew about it. I felt like a million bucks! Chuck Yeagers X-1, the mighty X-15 and MY King Air all hanging together. Anyway it hardly gets noticed now at the Hazy Center next to the SST and Shuttle but I know its there. LOL.
  8. Here it is... Like I said, I like this older paint job better.
  9. It is my one claim to fame. I have about 600 hours in that plane. It used to hang in the DC branch near the X-1 and X-15 until they moved it. I guess it was one of the oldest King Airs they could find in a flyable condition. Funny thing is it had a much better paint job when I flew it. Nice red, white and blue stripes. Not sure who painted it brown.
  10. John Kettler, Did you happen to see a King Air in the Udvar-Hazy Center when you were there? N275DP?
  11. The only mods I am using are the sound mods. LOVE the new grenade sounds!!!!!
  12. Steve has not been answering me either... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=89833 Don't know what we did wrong...
  13. Schrullenhaft, May I ask what you think of this combo for not only CMSF, CM:N but also some flight sims like Rise Of Flight. i7 920 6 GB DDR3 GTX 260 MSI X58 Pro-E Motherboard 700 Watts Any bottlenecks or suggestions I really value what you may have to say. Thanks
  14. Steve, Could you please take the time to maybe answer this question even if the answer is I cant tell you yet?
  15. Steve, You talk about having an idea on how to fix this. Any chance that you can shed some light on the idea at this time? I only ask because I had a disaster with an RPG guy and I am projecting this problem to my zook teams in Normandy. Thanks
  16. Not to start a debate but we already have over 20,000 gun laws here. More regulation is NOT the answer. Punishing those who commit the crimes IS the answer. Period.
  17. This is really not true. I can think of no better example of this then the "FOW trenches" thread. Look it up. The initial answer was no. We all brought up points and discussed the topic and now we have a great little stocking stuffer: FOW trenches is a yes. We gave "open criticism where it was due". They listened to us "questioning aspects" of the game. Now we all win.
  18. Something is wrong with the closest beta testers lower stomach area. Me thinks this may be not be what it appears.
  19. This is, to me, the most usefull part of arcs. To point that gun in the correct direction and get the jump on bad guys. This is also why we need the "instant" 180 degree arc command from CMBB back! Making a 180 degree arc with current interface is clunky and frustrating.
  20. If it is a sherman then how is it they are not turning to fight it!? LOS bug. Game is broken.
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