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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Hi All, My current system is a little dated but it still was giving me really good framerates up until recently when I added a 23 inch LCD monitor and now it needs to push around 1920X1080 pixels so I notice that it has become a little jerky in CMSF at times on "balanced/balanced". At present I have a 6600 GT 128 MB PCI-E card with a Athelon 64 3200 CPU and 2MB RAM. I know, its older. I WAS planning on getting a new system but the wife and I just spent a TON of $$$ on new furnature and TV's. So what I need to do is, until I get a new system, put a stop-gap video card in so I can get better frames but not high end enough that makes my CPU the chokepoint. Can anyone recommend some good middle ground here for less then $200.00 USD? Like I said, better frames then what I have but not high end enough to be a waste with my CPU. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the input guys. It just looks so darn devistating IRL that I wish it would translate into the game better. I did beef up the sound with a mod so that helps for sure. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!
  3. I just saw on Lock&Load (History Channel) a .50 cal vs. ciderblock wall. You know the results... a few rounds and ciderblock wall is buy buy. Completely. I have to ask: why isnt this modeled in the game? I doubt the block homes in Syria have rebar but even if they do the Ma Deuce bloes huge chunks away rather quickly.
  4. Well....one of the great things about CMSF is the "Oh Crap" moments. Unfortunatly, sometimes there seems to be some strange outcomes now and again. In your first example I agree: a MG spraying lead downrange at a ATGM team would dominate the situation rather quickly ALMOST everytime. I have always felt that there is a small problem with MG's in the game. They dont shoot long enough bursts and the need more bullet dispersion. In your second example I have to say that RPG's are a real indoor team killer. Try to fight them with more distance between you and the enemy. This is where the US shines. Rooftops....I stay away from them as well. I usually waste the enemy on rooftops so I will say that you ran into a quirk minus the RPG. They are deadly.
  5. How about a NEW bone? It has been a month you know.
  6. Is this guide downloadable somwhere? I did not see it in the repository.
  7. Joch I cant get to my CMSF computer right now but are you sure you are playing "iron" mode? I cannot ever recall seeing a "?" icon over anything but a spotted unit that has gone out of LOS. I have never seen a spotted unit remain in sight with a "?" icon over it. (ie.. spotted but not identified.) Maybe I am wrong as I look forward to investigating this.
  8. Exactly Joch, ...and I really miss the misidentification as my OP indicated. What I thought was a Panzer 2 was really a flammpanzer 2. Also, "not clicking on it" is not a solution IMHO.
  9. 2 things I have to point out here. First is that the instant you see an enemy even in iron mode you can immediatly ID him as, say, a "2nd Battalion HQ" and that is not realistic. Second, and this is a bit of a cheat, there is the old "Icon Bug" that puts the icon over the "average" location of all individuals in that squad so that if you see 1 guy with an icon over his head you know he is alone but if you see 1 guy with his icon way off to the side then you know that he is part of a larger group. This way you can more easily ID a 2 man RPG squad for instance. I guess you could just turn icons off but a better fix would be to put icons over only spotted men.
  10. Good point MikeyD. I am not at my gaming computer right now and I cannot recall...in CM:SF do we instantly know the quality of troops as well? This at least should be hidden.
  11. Yeah the "instant" ID of the enemy ala CM:SF was a little bit of a buzzkill. Have we had any word on if this has been added to CM:N?
  12. I just played a quick battle in CMBB to satisfy a WWII thirst I have had. I played extreme FOW and I have to tell you I really hope this gets put back into CM:N. I was defending as the Russians against a German attack and I had this German "light tank" creating a headache for me most of the game. Not too bad but he would always pop up out of the light woods always when I didnt want him to. Anyways, near the end of the game, I noticed that he had crept up next to a long stretch of woods near a flag that some of my troops occupied. I had two squads in there in command and both had a bunch of molotovs so I decided to go for it and attack him. Not the best AT weapon but what the heck. Anyway....lots of smoke and confusion later and the game ends as my troops get next to the tank (ceasefire). I review the battlefield to see the heros and imagine my shock to discover that the "light tank" was a Flammpanzer II!!! Good thing the game ended as I did not want my squads near that bad boy when he spat!!! This REALLY made me miss these kind of surprises. Please tell me they are back in!
  13. Yeah, Just the title to the thread fired me up for a few! New Bones!!!
  14. A Syrian truck would render the base game fundementally flawed.
  15. I really doubt, from my reading, that those battalions were anywhere near full strength. I am betting that they were, at most, 2/3rds.
  16. Ha! More testing (Steve, listening???) and I found out that yes, engineers will use demo readily on tanks but MOUT troops that have demo charges are VERY hesitant to use them under the same circumstances. This is why I initially had an issue and created this thread. Maybe MOUT troops can be adjusted to act the same as the engineers in this aspect? or..... Maybe the MOUT troops want to save their demo for walls. Maybe it is an entirly different type of demo.
  17. Ahhhh... So it is more like 2 minutes, not 5. My bad.
  18. I think it is to simulate clearing the area inside the building for the said MG. Anyway, yes, it takes about that long to setup inside a building in this sim.
  19. Remember it can take about 5 minutes to setup (deploy) a MG inside a building. Are you sure the other guys were not still deploying?
  20. See the link in the OP. I have not yet tested this myself but I intend to as soon as I get home from work. A BRDM-2 with AT missles should not back away from a tank 3000 meters away that is not facing the BRDM-2.
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