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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Man I CANNOT wait for flamethrowers! It really would fit the bill here.
  2. Well is it REQUIRED that you kill all these Red troops? If not, bypass and focus on goals.
  3. With the spin Hollywood likes to put into movies these days whats the bet that they make the chics all badass and kick the mens asses?
  4. Yup....I have an AMD 3200+ as well and it is same. Too jerky to play even though other titles are smooth.
  5. I think it is a combo of both Ryujin. The quicker firing of the AGL means that he can adjust for dynamic changes (wind) better. If I have to reload each shot then, even with the sights, I cannot "see" the dynamic changes like I can with a quicker stream of shots.
  6. MG's that fire long 3 or 4 second bursts. MG's with better bullet dispersion. Breach/bang/clear move. Instant 180 degree arcs. Nades that dont explode when they hit a ceiling. AT teams that will displace BEFORE they reload. AI slightly less inclined to use all AT assets at once. More later. Great game but just my input.
  7. "Police said rescuers had been able to find the lost skiers quickly because they had provided them with the coordinates of their location." LOL! Lost?
  8. I just want my Mg's to give me 5 second bursts. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
  9. Mid February now and we have not seen a bone since X-Mas? It would be nice...even if you dont have time for pics then how about a paragraph about some new features with juicy details?
  10. I avoid recon by fire as I try to play with some ROE. Also I find it interesting what you say because I never use the assault command myself. I am sure that you are aware of the whole squad getting pinned from the use of this command? I prefer to split em up so they have seperate moral and suppression. Just my thoughts. Thanks for the input!
  11. So Meade95 you prefer to send a three man team into the mix and keep the rest of the squad as 1 unit or do you seperate them into 2 units (the overwatch)?
  12. Good point about the top floor Ryujin. You are refering to the fact that once you open up from the top floor then everyone who can see that top floor (many many eyes because of height) will open up on you. Didnt think of that! I used the word "bait" but I dont really intend on them getting hurt. I hate it when that happens! It have just not had much luck with a 3 man team staying alive so why not make it a 2 man team? I sprint them across an open road or something for a few seconds and it is usually enough for the AI to reveal himself. Key word being AI!
  13. I was just wondering what everybody in doing tactics wise for squad splitting in a MOUT mission? I have been playiing around alot and I cannot choose what is the best tactic. There are several options as you know. 1. Split squad into 3 parts. SAW gunners overwatch and the 2 assault move forward each for a different house or 1 to a house and the other overwatch as well but seperate from SAW gunners? I guess there is a moral hit from splitting squads but I dont notice it too much for Blue. 2. Send 1 Assault squad forward under watch from rest of squad all in building (Nice RPG target)? 3. (The one I have been using as of late) Break off 2 man AT section from squad and use them as bait to trigger the Red. This one lowers risk of casulties or does it because many guys are left as overwatch in 1 location? I just want to talk about SOMETHING while we wait. It is obviously a balance between firepower, moral, risk of too many guys in one building (RPG), etc... What do you guys prefer and why? I am talking MOUT. Hunting for Reds.
  14. Lets hope they fix the "spent casing ejecting before the bolt is cycled" graphics bug. Small but important.
  15. It all depends on what you want. CM is more of a combat simulator and therefor has a higher realism factor. TOW games are more "fun" games with certain aspects flavoured with realism and other aspects fun and gamey. Apples and oranges.
  16. and I do hope that they change the F-16 silhouette in the air support button!
  17. I wonder if they are going to model the friendly casulties of using this system in the game? I was reading up on the Drozd and it says that it often killed friendly troops when it went off to defeat a RPG round.
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