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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Well I hope they address the BRDM-2 issue.
  2. Must be nice. I wish I could test CM:N. I spend so much of my free time testing these little things anyway...
  3. I am thinking more of a WWII setting where I am sure we will be doing many more infantry assaults on tanks with nothing but grenades then we currently do in the modern setting (RPG's, LAWS, AT-4's, ect...).
  4. Your user name (login) IS your e-mail address. Your whole e-mail address. It through me for a loop as well. I hope this helps.
  5. When the grenades do hit the roof do they still cause suppression inside the building?
  6. Universal in that all tanks are subject to the restriction. Not all weapons on tank. I should have made that clear. Severly limits options in MOUT? Yes, that is why having tanks in MOUT is not a good idea. Also remember I have said if a tank DETECTS a bad guy in the 10 meter ring then it triggers tac ai. When these tanks back up they seem to go quite a long ways away before they stop so I doubt they would end up in another group of bad guys. If they do, A) they have to detect them again and B)So what...war is hell. If the close in weapon works then the tank will no longer detect a bad guy and not have to back away or go ahead and back away ANYWAY because there may be more bad guys. Not a perfect solution but way better then what we have now and maybe not too ddifficult to program?
  7. Basic Map Generator is not going to happen. The maps in CMSF are much more complex then the ones in CMBB/AK. The program needed to create a map would not be feasible to make. I am sure there will be plenty of user created maps to download.
  8. A min range (10 meters) would not have anything to do with a close in weapons system. It also would not effect the use of canister. I do not see a problem with a min range. To use canister you still have to point the main gun at a target and that isnt going to happen within a 5 to 10 meter ring around the tank. Use the canister when you have squishies 20-50 meters away. The close in weapons system can be linked to self preservation Tac AI. Like I said before, once the tank detects a threat in the min range it can trigger the close in weapons system (if it has one) and then back away. This would really be a good work around for tanks killing troops at 2 meters in a trench with almost no down side. I have no solution to max gun angle but I agree with Steve in that is doesnt happen often enough to justify the time to fix. Min range is another story. Happens quite a bit.
  9. More testing... Seems the nades tend to hit the ceiling of the house being assaulted and explode there. Probably still causes supression but not sure. Seems to happen more often with the perfectly "square" buildings and not so much with rectangles. Whatever. If the end result is supressed and wounded bad guys inside the house from ceiling explosions then it is fine. I was just worried that every nade which exploded on the ceiling when being thrown in was wasted and had no effect. If I make a movie of this who do I send it to for official review as to whether or not it is a small bug?
  10. Very strange. I just ran some tests and the nades worked much better. I wonder if it depends on the type of house you attack.
  11. Gunnersman I agree but just do ANY house assault (no bad guys) and see what I am talking about. Throwing nades INTO the house from outside results in most of the nades hitting the outside top of the wall and exploding on contact there.
  12. Thanks for the input. I will try a 10 second pause. I am just wondering if a small code tweak would fix this "problem"? You DO see what I am talking about then?
  13. Wow... Nobody else has seen this grenade hits the upper wall thingy?
  14. How about a "universal" min range for tanks of, say, 10 meters where they cannot shoot a target due to very limited LOS and angles (thinking CM:N here). Maybe if a target is detected in this range then the tac AI self preservation takes over and the tank backs away from the area ASAP?
  15. I have been seeing a trend with respect to grenades and house clearing and I wanted to know what you guys think about it and if maybe it should be addressed for CM:N. When I send a squad to clear a house after supressing a known enemy inside I like to send them to a wall outside the house with no windows or doors to demo charge their way in. When there are windows (most cases/dont know why as there should be at least one wall with no widows) then I send them "quick" to the outside of the door with a target order into the house. I put a 5 second pause here and then send them into the house with a covered 360 arc at the end of the waypoint so they dont waste all the nades on empty floor. The troops do well with this as they stop just outside and then try to throw a few nades into the house before rushing in and kill the supressed bad guys. The problem I notice is that MOST of the grenades when thrown from just ouside a door end up hitting at the TOP of the outside wall and have no effect. Very few do, indeed, go into the house or explode off of the roof but it seems most hit the top outside corner and are wasted. I think this has to do with the nades exploding on what they hit first? I am picturing in my mind that the troops would be throwing the grenades through the windows at very close range so why would they hit the outside top roof line and explode? Has anyone else noticed this and brought it up? I couldnt find anything with search and when CM:N comes I feel we will be doing a bit more grenade house clearing then we are now. Is a small tweek needed?
  16. To balance this out: I like the WWII setting much more then modern. The battles seem much more exciting in the WWII arena then modern.
  17. My 2 pennies: More dirt/less flame/even more smoke Also...showing hit decals on armour would be just perfect. For some reason I love to check out the battlefield after it is over and there is something about a dead tank with a turned turret that I spend most of my time on. Holes in said WWII tank would be +10,000
  18. Sergei, Does this have something to do with action spots associated with area fire? FWIW: I would like something/anything added to restrict ALL tank guns from shooting troops above them in high buildings (the MOUT issue) and also prevent them from blasting troops 2 meters wawy in a trench. I just dont know how to program it.
  19. That is interesting Michael. I wonder if they (BFC) reduce the amount of smoke the nades produce (less dense) then the players wont rely on them so much.
  20. Rubbish. Show us a new screenie. ...and stop being a buzzkill.
  21. 4 Hours is plenty of time. I just really dislike the 14 minute scenarios. It is not realistic to have 14 minutes to attack something. Min length for any scenario should be 45 minutes. Just my thoughts.
  22. I love to play this battle over and over. Real challenge as Red. Loser is, indeed, the one who gets caught in the streets. First rule of street fighting: Avoid the streets! Also...avoid prolonged firefights building to building with US. They will own you. One of my favorites. So simple. Lessons to be learned.
  23. link here. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90515 mod should lock this thread.
  24. I find the Abrams to truly be the first real "Uber" tank. Gangbang it from multiple units and multiple sides...just not the front.
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