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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Steve, If you are back, I was wondering if you got this file I sent?
  2. I like to shoot them in undeployed mode as the bullet dispersion is better. I just wish they would do longer bursts.
  3. In beta screenshot #35 you see PPSh's. I didnt know they used those in 79. I do not know too much about this conflict. Lots to learn.
  4. Comments? Well I think it is just a limitation we have to live with until BF finds a better way to pathfind. Not a game killer but not idea either.
  5. I have NEVER seen anyone throw a grenade into a house from anywhere but the action spot adjacent to the house itself. I believe I tested this in the past but I will mess around with it again today. I think it is to simulate the small hole of a window. You have to be right up against it in order to get a nade in there.
  6. I always want my guys to pause outside the door so you have to put a waypoint there. This is the only way to get them to use a grenade before going in that I know of using target light.
  7. I think what you are talking about works when you are OUTSIDE going through a wall but when I am INSIDE a house and want to blast into another adjacent INSIDE room through a solid wall this doesnt work. You have to put the blast command into the room on the othere side of the solid wall.
  8. We can already Blast tanks with demo. I do it all the time to practice for CM:N.
  9. The photo is wrong because that it is not an American soccer mom. (Plates). The SUV's we have here are about twice that size.
  10. Funny though.... A smart car doesnt look so smart when it is between a Yukon, Navigator, and Escalade on the D.C. beltway all doing 85 mph! LOL!
  11. I have seen, and cringed, at this same thing. I think it probably has to do with action spots for infantry. I am guessing but maybe they have to "tag" the spot in order to leave the action spot. Maybe a sort of common element for all the different terrain types? I would love to see a stacked wall hug as well. While we are at it, how about a wall-hug/breach/bang/clear in one simple command?
  12. I think what Chops is talking about are the overabundant "soccer moms" that populate our American roads driving Hummers/Navigators/Escalades in an overkill safety statment to keep their "little darlings" from harm. Never being in accidents themselves but causing many. Come to think about it, it doesnt have to be a mom at all. I see plenty of "suit and tie" commuters in these as well with a false sense of adventure. "Oh look! An inch of snow! I better get out the Hummer!"
  13. But to stay exhausted for 3 hours is a bit off wouldnt you say?
  14. Okay Steve, I caught it in a save game. I will send the file to you in a PM. Ummm...make that an email for the attachment. Lanzfeld I sent it to "steve@battlefront.com" <----is this okay?
  15. I know this thread is old but I did not want to start a new one. Steve, I ran into this same problem again tonight. I was playing RT so I have no save. The situation was that a crack sniper team had LOS on a BMP and had a RPDA and a green line up to Company. Company (on the same map) had a RPDA as well. Neither team was under fire or any supression at all and the info was never passed. Then I noticed that in the same company the first squad of first platoon saw some bad guys in a building and would not pass the info to the squads HQ unit (again, everyone had comms and green dots all the way up). I waited 10 minutes and it wouldnt happen. BTW...this was in "Iron" mode. I am telling you I have seen this too much for it not to be a smaller, hidden bug. When I build units on a map I will often delete whole companies but I doubt that has anything to do with it. Could you please try a few scenarios and test this as I am sure something is wrong here and I dont want it passed into CM:N. In fact it would be great if eveyone could keep on eye on Blue C2 because I think there is a little roadblock in there somewhere. Thanks EDIT: I will start playing WEGO and save the turns when I see this.
  16. Thanks for the great link. I think it shows that we need thicker, longer lasting smoke and dust from explosions in CM:SF/CM:N.
  17. Thanks for the info! I will check out the 9800 GT. Like I said, this is a stopgap. Eniced73, PM me a price for 1 or both. Thanks again!
  18. I have a good friend at Langley that flys the F-22. In "Red Flag" against F-15's, F-16's, and F-18's he says it isnt even fair unless its 8 to 1 against the F-22. I am not too worried about this new Russian plane. Avionics & stealth have never been their strong point. That is the name of the game brother.
  19. You can NEVER top the Alpha Battle AAR. "Going To Town". Never.
  20. This is why I prefer the BMP-1 (early) with the AT-3. This way with the 500 meter min range of the missle the gunner uses cannon more. I do not fight tanks with this BMP though.
  21. Yeah my point was that I only have an athelon 64 3200 so I am a little short on processing power I think. I dont really know too much about this stuff. I dont want my graphics card to be held up too much by my CPU.
  22. I felt the same way MeatEtr until I used my brothers 23 inch LCD! I still have 3 or 4 19 inch CRT's! I am sticking to the native 1920x1080 as it really does look best. The wide angle allows so much more of the battlefield to be seen I love it. Anyway...what is a "1G" card?
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