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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. I think in this beta the interface in not complete so no reason to show it. In fact it looks as if they go out of their way NOT to show it.
  2. First time we see the foxholes! Kinda like "earth pimples" but I love that they are FOW!!!
  3. Bigger battle (force wise) than I usually like but I am pumped to read it!!! THANK YOU!!
  4. Reisenberg (SP?) was my favorite. Watching those 88's! The die was cast. Sniff. Time has just wizzzzzed on by.
  5. I like the idea of a delay again. The only idea I have is to go back to the original system but maybe cut the delay times down by half? I dont know. Edit: C3K has an interesting approach. Would need some deep testing though.
  6. Yeah....the BMP was just doing what the scenario designer told it to do. The AI doesnt really come up with its own plan. It only moves from spot to spot at programmed times. All too often..it fails. Human vs Human is the way to go.
  7. Well you COULD just set a few short waypoints with delays after the breach and a new area fire at each waypoint. Kinda a pain though. UNLESS they put in a linear area fire order as a gift!!!!!
  8. Sounds excellent to me. ^^^THIS^^^ De-identify...not misidentify....I like it.
  9. Sorry.....I felt attacked. "Speculation" and "irrational whining" got to me. Sorry.
  10. Removed original. Steve said there was an ID overhaul for Normandy so "speculation" and "irrational whining" is way out of place here. Please stop that.
  11. Happy New Year to you as well. WTF???!?!?!?!?
  12. Maybe MikeyD got into the New Years Eve "punch" a little early???
  13. Maybe a nice video today would perk me up. Let me see that rhino going through a hedge.
  14. Misidentification is not gamey IMHO if that is what you meant. I would take a guess that if Steve and the gang have not come out directly and said something is in there or it is not on the website list than you have to pretty much know it wont be in CM:BN. Hoping that it is included but just not mentioned yet has been a fail for me 3 times now. Still happy about the game but it does leave me wanting slightly.
  15. I enjoy the challenge of a difficult battle for sure. What I hate is when a scenario designer chooses to make a battle difficult by making enemy reenforcments appear on the map from unrealistic directions. Sometimes they do it right in your rear without any warning in the briefing. I doubt those T-72's could sneak up on you like that in this day and age. When this happens I get the feeling that the scenario designer is just running out of creativity.
  16. Crap! Two things I REALLY wanted back was fires/flammers and misidents. Bummer. Double bummer. EDIT: Well I hope at least we have nixxed the ability to ID the 3rd platoon AB HQ from across the map. I should not hope for such things though.
  17. I hate to start a new topic/question but it seems this one is being ignored elsewhere. I know that Steve has said in the past that the whole ID process was getting an overhaul for Normandy. Would you care to tell us some of the details of this overhaul? Did the overhaul happen???
  18. And dont forget that unlike any other SMG/Pioneer/Whatever squad attacking an entrenched enemy, Flammers have the unique ability to break "fanatic" squads and make them flee into the open. Priceless!
  19. Then you have THESE guys ^^^ Yup....the good old days.
  20. yup.....like you said before...with tracks and a high resistance to rolling I am sure it would come to a stop rather quickly.
  21. Keep them hidden until all obvious threats are known and contained. Stubborn enemy SMG squad in the "rear" of a building? No problem. Bring em up. Also...dont forget the residual effects of having fire back in the series.....houses burning/collapsing, fires spreading in fields, ect..
  22. Well.... The MG42 had a higher rate of fire than the MG3 so they better NOT just port it over! I will be counting rounds!!!!!!
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