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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. I certainly do not recall personally singling out Scipio like that (I might have, I just dont have time to get all worked up about one guy) but having a tough outer skin is a requirement if one is going to create something that is to be viewed by the general public, doubly so if that something is artwork of one sort or another. Those that know me, know that I DO NOT PULL PUNCHES (figuratively or otherwise) and say things they way they are. As I recall there was a big hooha over some mod or another of his and it being hosted or part of another mod pack. People got their ego's all bruised and the whole thing was uterly STUPID. My comments were probably made during that period of time. So I say again, to the moding world at large: You gotta put some distance between what you CREATE and who you ARE. Someone might think that the mod you spent 50 hours on is a total pile of steamy poo but that doesnt mean YOU ARE, or that they are even right. The best artist are those that can hack the critism and disconnect somewhat from their work. Validations are all fine and good, but the most important ones need to come from youself first and foremost...Or from me... Now, time to move on... Madmatt
  2. Now that you can purchase vehicles by the bundle (in platoons) you will see this happening much more in CMBB. You will often get full platoons of like vehicles since they are cheaper when bought in bulk then if bought seperately. Down the road, once we re-write the full code, we would like to expand upon this idea a great deal more. Madmatt
  3. JPEG compression has sorta smushed the fire colors together in that pic. The fire in CMBB does look better than in CMBO but everything can (and probably) will be moded at some point. Madmatt
  4. Okay, seems the whiney maggots are once again infecting the forum asking to be fed so I guess its time to do that so I can get some work done around here. Feast your eyes on the this little gem. Okay, now to the expertly trained and honed eye there is a lot more going on here then just a bounty of new winter texturized building and terrain graphics. First of all, have a look at the building in the background. 'Yeah so', you are saying to your smug self, 'its on fire...Big whoop, happens all the time.' True, true it does, but you see in CMBB fires now have this habit of starting rather small and innocent (similar to how Mace approaches a sheep) but after some time they grow in size to become these all consuming conflagrations (much like Rune at a dinner table!). Small fires don't force troops to run away but once they grow in size your troops will hightail outa there...Oh one other thing, fires now SPREAD! On a dry and hot day a small brush fire can easily grow to consume an entire Wheatfield. Now, in the foreground there is a plethora of twinkling little snowflakes, happily dancing and frolicking as they tumble and spiral from above, being blown by the wind. Hmm, seems like an awful lot of them doesn't it though? Well that is due to two things which I know that you do not. Okay, moving on..You will notice...Hmmm what's that? Oh, you want to KNOW what those two things are? Well, I don't know...I really shouldn't be telling you all of this...Oh alright. #1 What you see there is a new weather type called Blizzard. For those of you in the tropics, that means LOTS OF SNOW! #2 Is that I have enabled a new display setting called EXTREME. Basically in CMBO you have none, medium and full levels of trees, and weather effects right? Well in CMBB you now have an EXTREME level and it just gives you MORE. There are separate settings for weather effects (snow and rain), Trees and finally doodads. If you got the video muscle, then go ahead and play with the EXTREME settings! #3 oh, did I say there were only two things? Well I lied, the third thing (and its hard to see in this pic) but you may notice that both the smoke in the background and the snowflakes seem to be arching away from the camera. Well, that is becuase the wind is blowing in the that direction and as mentioned before it does affect stuff like this. It also makes the trees sway, but that you will have to see for yourselves... Now then that about wraps up my overview on what CAN be seen in this picture. How about what CAN'T be seen? Well, for starters Dan is kicking my face in during this nightime December 1944 Quick Battle and I even have intimate knowledge of the map too...Yup, in fact I created this map myself..Yup, sure did, some time ago in fact..Way before me and Dan played this QB last night... Now some of you are probably smiling and the other 99.8% are wishing I would get on with it...So, why are those select few so happy? Well because the only way I could have seen this map before I played a QB is if we have allowed custom made maps to be loaded into Quick Battles...Guess what? WE HAVE ALLOWED CUSTOM MADE MAPS TO BE LOADED INTO QUICK BATTLES. Yup! You can build your own map in the editor, save it and then next time you want to play a QB with your friends and neighbors you can load IT instead of having the computer make one for you. Right now, the computer will create new setup zones and victory flag locations and I am not sure if we will be able to be carried over or not from the pre-created map but I think Charles is going to try to make that work. Even so, just the ability to finally play a QB on a pre-created map is really cool. Well, that about wraps it up, chew slowly, I wouldn't want you to choke on this bone... Enjoy! Madmatt
  5. I could answer this question with a recent exploit from my life but you really have to ask yourself "Is this the sort of information I really want from Madmatt???". :confused: Madmatt
  6. I will be experimenting with this setting more in the future but in its current state it seems to: * Require to much overhead * Not be very intuitive * Not customizable enough * Be somewhat broken Apparently Infopop will have a patch soon which will address *some* of those issues above. When that comes out I will give it another go. Madmatt
  7. Don't know, its blank for me as well. I *think* its something to do with Private Messaging which I have turned off as its too CPU intensive. Madmatt
  8. Total number of users in that section :confused: </font>
  9. I moved the table down below. Its not the most intuitive thing in the world to use but its pretty cool. Good for Troll Hunting! Madmatt
  10. And I can't for the life of me find where that option is located to turn it On/Off. Oh well, now everyone knows where everyone else is. Madmatt
  11. Actually my guess is that you toggled the Horizon distance setting from "unlimited" to a lower setting (maybe 1000 or 2000 meters) andf then recently back again while in the game. That would cause the map "cutoff" that you witnessed. I belive that setting is activated with umm shift-h maybe? Eitherway, its listed in the keyboard shortcuts menu. Madmatt [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  12. You should always install DirectX FIRST and then load up any new video drivers. I have seen reports similar to yours with regards to these new drivers. You need to ensure that the old drivers were TOTALLY unistalled prior to installing the 27.10's. That seems to fix the problem. The best way to do this is to change your video adaptor in device manager to Standard SVGA Adaptor. That should clear out the old drivers properly. Reboot and then install the 27.10's. This is pretty much the best course of action to take when installing any video driver. Some people have also needed to manually go in to various directories and delete old nvidia related files before they installed the new beta drivers. Details on how to do that can be found in this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=8&t=002208 One last step is to remember to delete the Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs file prior to running CM in order to clear all the graphic presets. Madmatt
  13. No issues unless you have a Nvidia based video card then you may encounter some graphic corruption. If you DO have a Nvidia video card you can grab the newest beta video drivers (v27.10) for XP and 2000 which take care of all those issues. Here, have a read: https://www.combatmission2.com/Cm_WinXp.html Madmatt
  14. Wow, they actually BURNED it just for that movie? Thats unbelievable!And the movie wasn't even all that great, although the scene in which that tank was used was the best part and good in it's own right. I just can't believe it would have been so difficult to mount some flash and fire pots inside to make it look like it was on fire. Shoddy filemaking at best. Madmatt
  15. Okay, this thread has almost NOTHING to do with regards to CM anymore so I will move it to the General Forum but from past experiences I really doubt that: A) Any new info is going to come out on this topic and Anyones already formed opinoin is going to be swayed one way or the other.. Madmatt
  16. Okay, I am not quite sure what is being asked here but if you want a list of current doodads off the top of my head they are: Headstones in cemetaries Wheat Bushes (used in brush and in treebases) Tufts of grass (also used in Marsh IIRC) Rubble Crates in factory buildings Rocks Steepe (big clumps of grass and brush) ummm, there might be more but thats all I can think of at the moment. All of those types of terrain can have doodads placed pretty much anywhere within the tiles 20x20 meter area. In order to do telephone poles properly would require precission placement akeen to how buildings are placed and that would require too much coding at this late stage in the game. Madmatt [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  17. One of the advantages to doodads is that they are RANDOMLY placed within a specific tile of terrain. That keeps the overhead down. In order to do telephone pools correctly would require them to be PLACED specifically along side roads and that would in turn mean addional code to handle their placement and orientation and all sorts of little things that go into putting graphics on the screen. They also serve NO tactical use what so ever and as such that is not worth the overhead, coding time or effort to put these items in. In order for us to add anything (and at this point we arent adding ANYTHING else to the code, but since we havent told you a whole lot about what IS in it will all seem new when you hear about it) there has to be a significant NEED for it to be included which outwieghs the cost in time and effort. Poles dont even register on the "Need-o-meter". Madmatt
  18. Indeed. As we have always said, the game will be available when we are finished with it, we aren't finished with it. When we get a better handle on a release date we will let EVERYONE know. Madmatt
  19. I have full or nearly complete sound sets for all included nations other than Romanian and Hungarian. If anyone can natively (we ONLY use native speakers) speak either language please contact me AT ONCE! The list of all voice talent will be in the manual. Madmatt
  20. Okay, shows over. Moon may be the new El Presidenti but I hold the keys to the White House and as his personal body guard and aide I tell him what and where to go and do, and its time to GET BACK TO WORK!!! Welcome aboard Martin, feel free to pop in to my office whenever and we can discuss the "issue" of how to expedite the outgoing administrations "things"... BWHAHAHAHA...one step closer to the top... Madmatt
  21. We would prefer such discussions on making copies, even by legitimate owners, NOT be carried on here. Thanks! Madmatt
  22. Specter I think you are gravely mistaken. People that disagree with us are welcome to contribute and have in the past helped to make changes to the game in a positive manner. If however, someone comes into a thread with an obvious chip on their shoulder and wish only to cast unfounded aquisations about either us, the game or other forum members well then I will glady invite them to have a nice warm glass of "Shut The Hell Up" and go somewhere else. This forum has been around for a long time and as such many subjects have been beaten to death by now. If you have something new to add then do it, but you need to go in armed with more than sweeping statements about how you preceive the way things play out both in reality and in the game. Now, everyone please try to conduct themselves with a little more consideration to others and lets carry on. Madmatt
  23. Mitch, we are more than willing to listen to your comments but you had better have some pretty substantial evidence to support your opinion otherwise you will be taken to task very rapidly. Posts like yours are often identified as Troll Bait so please follow up your initial views with some examples of why you think the modeling is off. I would suggest that you also do a search through our forums for such issues as "Realistic Modeling, Ubertanks" etc... as you will see literally hundreds of topics where this very issue was brought up (and where the opinion was proven to be unsubstantiated or just plain flawed)in the past. Madmatt [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Madmatt ]</p>
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Priest: ROFL I had this funny ass vision of Matt lugging an MG42 through a cone obstacle course with Steve watching with a stopwatch. Of course Charles is there with a laptop coding as he watches (no rest programmer man we want CMBB like yesterday! ). Then of course you have to have Kwazy having attached Matt with diodes and wires monitoring the motion of Matt to get the correct animation and and and and and..... Okay well it was funny in my head!<hr></blockquote> You have no idea how close to the mark you really are about how we do stuff at Battlefront. Madmatt
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